The one called the Word gave life to everything
John the Baptiser told people about God’s special man
The one called the Word became a human being
John the Baptiser answered questions about himself
John the Baptiser told people about Jesus
Some men started to follow Jesus
Jesus told Philip and Nathaniel to follow him
Jesus changed water into wine at a wedding party
Jesus stopped people selling things in God’s ceremony house
Jesus knows what people are like
Nicodemus talked with Jesus
John the Baptiser told his followers about Jesus
Jesus left Judea country and went to Galilee country
Jesus talked to a woman from the country called Samaria
Jesus’s followers came back
Lots of Samaria people believed in Jesus
Jesus made a government boss’s son better
A man couldn’t walk, but Jesus made him better
Jesus fed a big mob of people
Jesus walked on top of water
Jesus is like bread that gets people to live for ever
Some of Jesus’s followers didn’t like what he said
Jesus’s brothers didn’t believe in him
JesuswenttoJerusalemand taught peoplethere
People talked with each other about Jesus
Jesus talked about the Holy Spirit
The people there argued about who Jesus is
The work-men of the Jewish leaders did not want to grab Jesus
The Jewish law teachers and the Pharisee mob caught a woman sleeping with a man that was not her husband
Jesus is a light for everybody
Jesus told the Jewish leaders, “You can’t come with me”
Jesus can make people free
Jesus made a blind man’s eyes better
The Pharisee mob argued with the man that used to be blind
The man that used to be blind believed in Jesus
The good shepherd
The Jewish leaders argued with Jesus
Jesus’s friend Lazarus died
Jesus went to Lazarus’s town
Jesus made Lazarus alive again
The Jewish leaders wanted to kill Jesus
Mary washed Jesus’s feet
The Jewish leaders wanted to kill Jesus and Lazarus
Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey
Jesus told his followers that he was going to die
Some people still didn’t believe in Jesus
Jesus washed the feet of his followers
Jesus’s followers asked him who will turn against him
Jesus told Peter that he will say he doesn’t know Jesus
Only Jesus can take us to God
Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit
Jesus is like a good grape vine
The world’s people hate Jesus’s followers
This is what the Holy Spirit does
Jesus’s followers were going to be sad for a while
Stay happy
Jesus asked God to look after his followers
Jesus prayed for the people that will believe later on
The soldiers grabbed Jesus
They took Jesus to the bosses of the Jewish ceremonies
Peter said that he was not Jesus’s follower
Annas asked Jesus a lot of questions
Peter kept on saying that he was not Jesus’s follower
They took Jesus to Pilate, the Roman boss
Pilate tried to let Jesus go free
They put Jesus on a cross to kill him
Jesus died
They put Jesus’s body into a cave
Jesus came alive again
Jesus talked to Mary Magdalene
Jesus showed himself to his followers
Jesus showed himself to Thomas
John wrote this book so that we can believe in Jesus
Jesus’s followers saw him at the lake
Jesus told Peter to look after his people
The last words of this book