Raa saim mawe mfot Yesus tna mame yajat
Ti ewok naut tna raa ro Yahudi makyõ korat ro Paskah*. Tna kbe ana makyõ korat 'Roti ro Ragi Marak' to ye. Imam manes wana msya guru agama wana to, ana saim wai mawe mamo mfot Yesus tna mame Ait yajat. Menohe ana mawe kʼanya mawe, “Bo reto anu bno mam ati ro korat Paskah refo ma, be kbe bo reto mno raa makin mafa.”
Ati sau to, Yesus hre yait boit mam amah ro Simon mam remo ro Betania. (Bi Simon tait, tiwya yafa kusta.) Yesus hre yait bo kri-kri fo, tna fai sau twok mama. Mama mbo minyak wangi kusia sau. Minyak wangi to mabyoh maut toni. Au mama mihabah kusia reto tna mtu abyõ mam Yesus yana. Raa taro hre mam weto ye. Ana baro mmat feto, tibyo mrok kmo mawe kʼanya mawe, “Au mno bawya meto ee? Fyi re minyak reto sikowah sai a? Rau ro moof to, au masim kʼraa tna moo mabyoh rau 300 dinar. Tna mabyoh ro mase reto kbe raa msan kʼraa kinyah ro mse bo fee.” Tna ana bhah fai au reto wa. Menohe Yesus yawe, “Bhah au ma! Nno wa au to ma. Fai au mno bo ro moof kʼJõ. Raa kinyah to, ja mhau su msya anu yoyo. Meen ti tija sai to, nno bo moof kʼana. Menohe Jõ fo, kbe thau tsya anu yoyo fee. Fai au mtu minyakwangi kʼJõ tetsu refo fo, siwyan hai aJõ wia oh meto. Kebet baro naut kbe raa mame Jõ tajat tna sama hai aJõ to. Au mno bo ro moof kʼJõ oh meto. Nri kaket wia: Bokyas Moof ro mbam kʼAllah to, meen raa wosa mamo snok mam arin aso beta. Woyõ-woya raa mkyas to, bo ro fai au reto mno fo, kbe raa mnaut tna mkyas ye.”
Yudas hren ksuk Yesus
10 Tna Yudas Iskariot yasen yamo yo kʼimam manes ro Yahudi. Yudas tait, kuber ro Yesus wAit mabo 12 weto sait ye. Yamo saso iso ro kbe ait ysan Yesus kʼana. 11 Yudas yama yo kʼana to, ana weto nksoh toni. Tna ana mawe kʼYudas mawe kbe maren pitis kʼait. Tibyo ait yasen yamo. Tna ywof ati ro moof re kbe besruf Yesus.
Yesus ysya kuber wAit sohmaam korat
12 Ti ro tinyi korat Roti ro Ragi Marak to, ja raa ktan domba sau, ro kbe mabo mam bokyõ ro Paskah. Ti reto kuber ro Yesus wAit mama mtu bo kʼAit mawe, “Nyõ ksoh nawe amu siwyan bo sohmaam mam woyõ?” 13 Tna Yesus ybis raa mabo ewok mbam kʼana weto yawe, “Nmoʼt kota. Tna kbe anu fri raa sme ro yasom baah mkah aya sait. Kro ait nmoʼt 14 amah ro ait twok to. Tna nmo ntu kʼbi ro amah rait retait nwe, ‘Guru ranu ytu bo yawe, “Yuk ro kuber woJõ msya Jõ kbe nkyõ bokyõ ro Paskah mam woyõ?” ’ 15 Kbe ait yerif amah hawar ro uu sau kʼanu. Amah hawar reto mase. Tna ambar bo mhau wea oh. Siwyan bombra mam beto.”
16 Tna ana masen mamo. Ana mmat he bo beta huwya mfi bo bawya ro Yesus riwai yawe kʼana. Tna ana siwyan bo sohmaam mkah makyõ bokyõ ro Paskah reto.
17 Tna mti reto Yesus ysya kuber wAit beta mamoʼt amah reto. 18 Ana hre sohmaam bo tna Yesus yawe, “Anu wore hre niit bo su nsya Jõ wefo fo, sait kbe hren ksuk yno bo ro mkair mai kʼJõ.” 19 Kuber ro Yesus wAit mari bo ro Ait yawe reto, tibyo ana mrok sraujin tna ana wefo sait saak-saak Ait wa mawe, “Guru; jõ fee!” 20 Yesus yawe kʼana yawe, “Anu nbo 12 ro niit boit nsya Jõ su fo, sait hren ksuk kʼJõ. 21 Jõ fi 'Ait ro Yroh Yama Yfi Raa Sai'. Kbe raa mame Jõ tajat tu oh. Mame Jõ to, mnan si mkah Watum ro Allah tiwya mawe wia yum oh. Menohe ait ro hren ksuk kʼJõ to, meen safo maboh mai kʼait ye tu oh. Ro moof to, tiwya yme mabe ait fee sai.”
Ana mait roti tna mata anggur
22 Ana sohmaam bo kri-kri fo, Yesus yoo roti sau. Yoo tna skabuk yayoh asik mase kʼAllah. Tna Ait haber roti reto yee kʼana beta mait. Tna yawe, “Nmat roti refo. Tetsu aJõ oh mefo. Noo oh.” 23 Tna Ait yoo hawereh sau. Yoo tna skabuk yayoh asik mase kʼAllah. Tna yee kʼana beta mata. 24 Tna yawe, “Anggur maya refo to, mees aJõ ro kbe miyi mkah riof kʼraa mawat. Kbe raa mame Jõ tna Allah ysair bosi ro tna kʼanu oh meto. 25 Jõ tawe kʼanu tawe, Jõ kbe tata anggur maya mam tabam refo u fee. Thau meen snok mam wore wo Allah yamo Raja ybo raa wait. Wore weto kbe Jõ tata anggur maya ro tna.” 26 Ana mji howes mkak tna masen mamoʼt Faut ro Zaitun.
Petrus kbe ywaar Yesus
27 Tna Yesus yawe kʼana yawe, “Anu beta kbe nsen nsam sikba Jõ nmo. Watum ro Allah mkyas feto mawe:
‘Jõ kbe tame raa ro kmot domba sait, tibyo domba wAit to, masen msam brir-brar mamo ye.’
Zakharia 13:7
28 Menohe kbe Taja yno Jõ trok tasen. Tna kbe Jõ tatim ste anu wea mam provinsi ro Galilea.” 29 Menohe Petrus yawe, “Mfe; ana taro saah to, kbe masen msam sikba Nyõ to. Menohe Jõ kbe tasen tsam sikba Nyõ bo fee yum.” 30 Tna Yesus yawe, “Petrus, nari: Mti refo to, kook mara muhrin ewok fefares to, kbe nyõ nwaar Jõ wia muhrin tuuf oh, nawe nyõ wase Jõ.” 31 Menohe Petrus yatak yawe u yawe, “Fyi-fya sai, Jõ kbe twaar Nyõ fee! Raa mawe mame jõ tsya Nyõ bjat su to mi bewok bjat rof!” Tna kuber wAit taro mawe feto beta ye.
Yesus skabuk mam Getsemani
32 Yesus ysya kuber wAit masen mamoʼt yuk sau ro masom Getsemani. Tna Yesus yawe kʼana yawe, “Hre ste Jõ wea wefo tna Jõ tamo skabuk wia.” 33 Tna Ait yawe Petrus, Yakobus ysya Yohanes mama nkro Ait mamo. Ait ynaut yyi tna srau mham toni. 34 Ait yawe, “Jõ sraujin toni mfi bo tawe thai sai oh! Nhau mam befo tna siwyan kaket ye.” 35 Yesus serar yamo baro naut, tna yabum skabuk. Yhar yawe ayõ ro mkair toni mama. Ait yawe yayoh Yaja re Ait tru bo ro kbe mama mai kʼAit to fee. 36 Ait yawe, “Abba, Taja: Jõ thar tawe Nyõ ntai natak nno bombra beta. Feto Jõ ksoh Nyõ tubat bo ro samyoh tna nno wa re kbe bo weto mai kʼJõ ma. Menohe Jõ ksoh tno bo ro Nyõ nawe sai.” 37 Yesus skabuk mkak tna hah ye yamo ymat he kuber wAit mabo tuuf weto mjin tu. Ait yti ana ytu Petrus yawe, “Simon, nyõ njin tu sai a? Nyõ bito hre nwan nsya Jõ ayõ sau sai fee! 38 Hre nwan tna skabuk re kbe bo ro tabam refo tko anu nno iro to ma. Anu nwe nno bo ro moof. Menohe anu netsu to matak fee.” 39 Tna Yesus hah ye yamo skabuk mun sau naut yayoh bo ro riwai Ait yayoh weto u. 40 Ait skabuk mkak tna hah ye yama yo kʼana mabo tuuf reto u. Tna ymat he ana mjin maka toni, tibyo mjin tu bana sai. Ait yti ana mrok masen. Tna ana hrenaut tibyo mnaut bo ro mawe si kʼAit aro fee ye. 41 Ait yamo skabuk muhrin ro tuuf naut. Tna hah ye yama u yawe, “Anu njin fares a? Nsen oh! Jõ fi 'Ait ro Yroh Yama Yfi Raa Sai'. Ayõ ro raa sait yama besruf Jõ fo, kene oh. Kbe ait besruf Jõ tna yoo Jõ ysan kʼraa ro ja mno iro mfot. 42 Nsen nma bmo oh! Ait ro besruf Jõ yama oh mefi!”
Yesus raa mfot
43 Yesus yros ykyas bo refo tna Yudas frok yama. Yudas ybam kuber wAit mabo 12. Ait yama yatim tna raa sbe mawat nkro ait mama ye. Ana masom pedang wana msya hbat. Riwai raa manes ro agama Yahudi mbis ana msya imam manes, guru agama, msya raa mabi wana mamo mfot Yesus. 44 (Yudas ro besruf Yesus fi, riwai yawe yerif Yesus kʼana yawe, “Kbe Jõ tamo hana raa sait to. Ait oh metait. Nfot Ait tna nbo Ait kaket tna nkah nmo.”) 45 Feto tna mkah tetara Yudas yamo yo kʼYesus tna yawe, “Bi Guru; meen oh kʼNyõ!” Tna ait hana Yesus. 46 Tna raa ro kro Yudas mfot Yesus. 47 Kuber rAit sait ymat feto tibyo yayõ pedang rait. Yayõ tna ysot sryan ro imam yase rait yimara nktos. 48 Tna Yesus yawe kʼana ro mama mfot Ait yawe, “Anu nbo pedang msya hbat nma nfot Jõ mfi bo Jõ raa ro tsyõf bo sai a? 49 Rabu wawa Jõ betoo Watum ro Allah kʼanu mam Samu rAit to. Menohe anu nfot Jõ mam beto fee. Bris oh bo ro anu nno refo mabo oh mnan Bokom ro Allah oh.” 50 Tna kuber ro Yesus wAit masen msam brir-brar beta sikba Ait akus. 51 Ati reto mere sait ro yyan hawee ftah sai wamu ait wa to kro Yesus ye. Raa mawe mfot ait ye, 52 menohe mfe; raa mbo sre hawee ftah rait mhau akus kʼana matem tibyo ait ysam sro raa yamo.
Yesus raa makah mamo mee kʼraa mabi ro Yahudi
53 Raa mfot Yesus tna makah mamoʼt samu imam agama Yahudi ro yase rait to. Tna imam manes beta, msya raa mabi ro agama Yahudi, tna guru agama wana ye, hre siret mam beto. 54 Tna Petrus ybo rof-rof ana mtis. Ait yamo snok mam bohra ro imam yase. Tna ait fuu twok hre ye yni foos su ysya raa sbe ro ja kmot samu reto ye. 55 Tna mam samu mato to, imam manes msya raa manes ro ja mtu safo raa ro Yahudi to, hre mkyas bo. Ana makin beta to, mtu kʼanya mawe “Anu buun Yesus bwe Ait yno bo bawya afo kbe anu bme Ait yajat?” Menohe ana fri safo mana aro fee. 56 Raa mawat mkyas bo mbesus kʼYesus. Menohe ana sioh sai tibyo bo ro ana mkyas to hayah-hayah sai, mnan anya fee. 57 Tna raa mabo baro masen mros mkyas bo mbesus mai kʼYesus. Ana sioh mawe, 58 “Amu nri Ait yawe, ‘Samu ro Allah to, tiwya raa sgi mkah matak rana sai. Kbe Jõ tihabah Samu reto. Tna kbe Jõ sgi Samu ro tna sau mam ti trion tuuf sai. Samu ro Allah ro tna reto, raa sgi mkah matak rana fee.’ ” 59 Menohe bo ro ana mkyas sioh reto aro ykyas rait hayah-hayah sai. 60 Tna imam ro yase yasen yros sayõ raa weto. Tna ait ytu kʼYesus yawe, “Boun ro raa mawe maun Nyõ reto to, Nyõ nasen betoo fe mfe a?” 61 Yesus yari bokyas wana menohe Ait shait si bait sai. Imam ro yase retait ytu kʼYesus naut u yawe, “Nyõ fi Mesias, Ku ro Allah yare a?” 62 Yesus yawe si yawe, “Jõ oh mefi. Jõ fi 'Ait ro Yroh Yama Yfi Raa Sai'. Meen anu nmat Jõ hre tsya Allah ro yase. Kbe Jõ hre mam ati ro yatem ati; hroh ro mase toni reto. Tna kbe anu nmat Jõ troh tama abyõ mam ayoh mboh tama ye.” 63-64 Imam ro yase yari feto, tibyo kmo ybo ratan rait yesait yhah-hah. Tna yawe, “Anu besait bri oh. Ait yawe Ait Mesias! Ait yamus Allah oh meto! Kbe anu saso raa roto mama maun Ait mkah bawya! Tna anu nnaut nwe fyi? Kbe anu bno bo bawya mai kʼAit?” Menohe ana beta mawe, “Safo makan btek mai kʼAit oh. Raa mame yajat tu oh!” 65 Tna raa baro ntfeh oot kʼYesus. Ana moo hawe make Ait yasu tna mmuk Ait. Mmuk tna mawe, “Sgi nawe awya ymuk Nyõ metait?” Tna raa sbe mama makah Ait mamo mai ye.
Petrus ywaar Yesus
66 Petrus yhau mam bohra reto tna sryan ro imam yase rait sau mama. 67 Au mama mmat Petrus bo hre yni foos mam tafoh. Au mmat kaket mhar Petrus yasu tna mtu kʼait mawe, “Nyõ ye oh ja nkro Yesus, raa ro Nasaret retait to a?” 68 Menohe Petrus ywaar yawe, “Jõ twase. Jõ thar bo ro nyõ nawe reto fee!” Tna ait yasen yamo yros mam ana mato. [Si fo kook mara.] 69 Sryan reto mmat Petrus yros mam weto tna mawe kʼraa ro mhau sor weto mawe, “Bi ait retait raa wana sait meit!” 70 Menohe Petrus ywaar naut u. Mhau baro tna raa ro mros weto sor mawe kʼPetrus mawe, “Nyõ fi raa ro Galilea ye; feto amu nhar nwe nyõ fi kuber wAit sait to! Ne nwaar ma!” 71 Tna Petrus ywaar matak tna yto bo yawe, “Ayoh mjah wa, jõ twase Raa ro anu nwe retait ye!” 72 Mam weto si fo kook mara muhrin ro ewok. Petrus yari feto tna ynaut bo ro riwai Yesus yawe kʼait yawe, “Kbe kook mara muhrin ro ewok to, nyõ nwaar Jõ muhrin tuuf oh.” Tibyo Petrus yawia sut-sut.
* 14:1 Bokyõ reto to, raa ro Yahudi me mnaut ti ro Allah yakah Musa ysya hohos wana snok mbam tabam ro Mesir. Nmat Keluaran 12:1-28. 14:62 Tiwya Daniel ykyas Mesias yawe 'Ait ro Yroh Yama Yfi Raa Sai' to. (Nmat Daniel 7:13) Tna raa ro agama Yahudi weto beta mhar bokom reto. Tibyo soh ana mari he Yesus ykyas Ait yesait feto, kbe ana mrok.