P'awlos maltayi eteets aatso bin gúúrts datsuatse
K'aznofariyakon biats nobodts aats gúrdek'ts datsu Maltayi eteefu b wottsok'o dan nok'ri. Aatson gúrts datsmanatse beyiruwots adits shuno noosh bokitsi, manorowere awusho b́buye ak' b́wottsotse tawo aat'idek't noon s'eeg dek't boibii. P'awlos shooto kakudek't taawots b́gedfere, k'ees'manatse tuutson dawunz ik kesht b́kishats deshwutsat joor b́wutsi, Malta dats ashuwots dawunzo P'awlos kishats joorat b́befre bek't «Arikon ashaan kash údk ashe! aats k'aratsi jongotse jeenon b́keshalor Izar Izewer angshotse oorat kashon beyo falratse» boeti. P'awlosmó dawunzo taawots tebdek' juuk'rat eegor gondo bín b́datsrawo b́oori. Ashuwotswere «Andemo andek'úna bíatso b́gaapiti, wee danerawon k'irr b́dihiti» ettni bokotfera botesh. Ernmó ayoto bokore bíats gondo eegoru bodo b́k'aye bobek'tsotse boaasabiyo wonidek't «Hanuwo Izar Izeweriye!» boeti.
Manok noteshts beyok man ganoke aats gúrts dats mani altso puplyus datso fa'e b́tesh, ashaan b́ meyits nondek't keez aawosh sheengshdek't noon b́ ibiyi. Manoor puplyos nih atsik'es'onat ac'uwoo bín detsbde'e shoodtni b́k'eyiri b́tesh, P'awlos bíyok kindt Ik'o bísh b́k'oni, b́ kishonowere bíats geddek't kashiyib́k'ri. Man b́wotiyakon aatson gúriyets datsmanatsi k'osh shodetsuwots waat bokashi. 10 Ash ashuwotswere ime keewo noosh dek't boweyi, noon bomangitsok'onowere noosh bokitsi, markabon amoosh notuworowere noosh geyitu jamo markabats noosh bokuriyi.
P'awlos sha'o Maltayiyere Rom maants
11 Keez shashosh Maltan noteshiyakon joshman aats kaaron gúrts datsmanatse no beshitso Eskndriyaa markabats keshdek'at notuwi, merkabunu Diyosk'orosi eteetso Woteraw maat ik'wots milkito btookatse detsfe b́teshi. 12 Srakus kitamots no bodtsok'on manoke keez aawo nobeyi. 13 Mokno aats k'aaro gúúrat Regiyum kitu nobodi, manoke ik aawo nobeshiyakon muur jongo b́ jongtsosh gitl aawots putiyolus maants noami. 14 Eshumanotsnowere daatsat bonton shawat aawo nobeysh noon bok'oni, maniyere hakono Rom maants noami. 15 Romitse fa'a amantsuwots nojango boshishtsok'on Afiyos gawuyonat «Keez k'eewokuwotsi» eteefuwotsok b́borfetso noon dek'osh boweyi, P'awlos boon b́bek'tsok'on Ik'o udat kup'b́wutsi.
P'awlos Romitse
16 Romits nokindtsok'on P'awlosi kotet kes' kes'f iko imt bíyal b́ beetuewk'o wosheyi.
17 Keez aawoniyere okoon P'awlos Romitse fa'a ayhuditsi een een ashuwotsi b́ s'eegiyi, bokakuwetsok'ono hank'o bíeti, «Tieshuwotso! Israe'el ash ashonat nihwots nemats tk'altso egonuworu gond fino aaliye, wotowa bako Iyerusalemn tipeyat Rom ashuwotssh besheyat ti'imeyi. 18 Rom ashuwots taan boatiyakon k'irosh taan betsit weero datso bok'aztsotse hank'on taan fakshosh gawtniye boteshi. 19 + Ayhudiyotsmó taa hank'on tfakshewo bok'eftsotse Rom nugusoke taash s'iilewe eto geyik b́woti, b́wotiyaloru ti ashuwotsi ts'aamit keewo deshatseb́teshi. 20 And itn ts'egiye itn bek'osh geeyat manowere itsh keewoshe, taa habiliyan ttipe Isra'elsh jangit imets keewi jangoshe.»
21 Bowere hank'o ett bísh boaani, «Yhud datsatse njangosh gúút'ets wosho noosh boratse, hanok waats ashuwotsitse konuworu ngondo keewtso aaliye. 22 Namaniru haymanotiyan b́ be beyoke ash ashuwots bok'efiruwok'o danfone, mansh níasabtso eeg b́wottsok'o shisho geefone.»
23 Aawo bísh bodetsiyakon aywotdek't b́ beyiru moo maants boweyi, bíwere guurtson kooc'ish b́borfetsosh Ik'i mengsti jangosh gawon bíasabiyo boosh kish b́ kitsi, boon amaniyoshowere Muse nemonat nebiyiwots mas'aafotse kitsfetst Iyesus jangosh boosh b́daniyi. 24 Ik ikuwots b́aap'o boamani, k'oshuwotsmó amaneratsno. 25 Bowere boatsetseyo ik bowoterawon bok'aleyi. B́wotefere bok'aleyoniyere shino P'awlos b́keewo b́ ishoor hank'o ett b́keewi, «S'ayin shayiro Nebiyiwo Isayasn it nihotssh b́ keewtso arikee b́teshi! 26 B́ keewts aap'o hankowa b́wotiti,
‹Ash ashaanotsok amrniye
Shishonere shishetute, ernmó t'iwintsratste,
Bek'onere bek'etute, ernmó nibn de'atste eree boosha,
27 + Ashaanots nibo kup'wtsere,
Bowaazonuwere ipewutsere, boaawonuwere is'ewutsere,
Hnk'o wotob́k'azink'ee,
Bo aawon be'er,
Bowaazon shide'er,
Bonibonowere t'iwintsde'er
Tmaants bo aanere,
Taawere boon tkashyank'oni b́teshi.› »
28 «Eshe Ik'i kashiyi wosho Ik'i ash woterawwotssh woshetsok'owo dande'ere, boowere eekar bín dek'etune. 29 [P'awlos han b́keewiyakon ayhudiwots k'up'shdek't mooshfere manoke kesht boami.]»*
30 P'awlos b́kirayits mootse gitnati s'eeno b́beeyi, b́maants weyiru ashjamwotsno dek'fee b́teshi, 31 Ik'i mengstonowere nabfetst doonzo Iyesus Krstos jango konuwor bín b́bazirawon ááwu shuk'on b́danifoni b́teshi.
+ 28:19 28:19 Wosh. 25:11 + 28:27 28:26-27 Isa. 6:9-10 * 28:29 28:29 Ik ik bitsuwots 29 taawatstsahan dabrakne.