Ik'o nonihi b́wottsok'o
1 Daawnok'o noon gúúrts gaw jamanotsi no detstsotse no'ats kur wotts keew jamwotsi no'ats deshts morro k'a'úbayr no shinatse beyiru nohewo k'amde kup'ar woc'one.
2 Nowos'etwere no imnetiyo ned'itsonat s'eentstso Iyesus ats no ááwo gerdeniye, bíwere b́ shinatse need'wtsts geneúwatse tuutson jitatse k'irr gac'ewo eegok'oor b́ taawrawo jitatse gondbek'on k'iro k'amb́dek'i, Ik' be jooroke k'ano maants be b́wtsi.
3 Eshe taahr, maac'o it k'ut'rawok'o morretswots bín bo k'eefere k'amdek'tso Iyesusi s'ilde'ere.
4 It morronton mak'orewoke s'ats kud'efetsosh b́borfetso k'eferafa'tee.
5 Ik'o b́ nana'ikok'o woshdek't itango kup'shosh hank'o bí ettso batk'rerte,
«T naayo! doonzo sezo ketik'aye,
b́ hadoshowere maac'o k'ut'k'aye,
6 Doonzo b́ shuntsoniye b́ sezfoni,
B́ nayik'owosh dekt b́s'iliruwono b́fayefoni.»
7 Ik'o b́ nanaúwotsk'o itn b́tawtsotse b́ sezo k'amoore, b́ niho bín b́ sezraw na'o kone?
8 Nana'a wotts jamwots bo daatsiru sezo it were daatso it k'azal dik'al itna boko nana'a itnaliye.
9 Haniyere okoon, noúnetsi sezf meetsi nihwots detsfone b́teshi, bonowere mangiye nomangifoni, bere kashon beyosh kashi weeron nih wottsosh iki bogshde azazewo aawk'oneya noosh geyiwo b́k'azeti!
10 Bosh sheengo araat b́ be'etsok'on muk' gizewush noon sezrne, bímo b́ S'ayino kayitwotsi nowotish sheengosh noon sezfe.
11 Sez jamo manorish shiyanitka bako geneúshitk areratse, ilomo man dandek'ts ashuwotssh jeenon s'eentso kááw fini shwo boosh daatsituwe.
Izonat bo atso korbodek'etuwok'o
12 Mansh it kish neftswotsnat itgubr maawtswotsi kup'ide'ere.
13 Doklirwo b́ kashitwok'owa bako b́ beyoke keer b́ tisherawok'o, it tufooshowere weerindi kááwo woshde'ere.
14 S'ayn woteraniye konworu doonzo bek'osh b́ falawotse, ash jamonton jeenon bewore, S'ayinon beyoshowere kup'owere,
15 Ititsere konshoru Ik' s'aato b́ shaprawok'o it atso korde'ere, mank'owere s'aam shuu iko shuwit s'ap'o ititse boc'r iti b́ kic'irawok'o, aywotsno b́ kimshrawok'o korde'ere.
16 Gusiyetso wee iknoti móósha ett b́ took k'aabo kemtso Esawkok'o shayri ash woterawo ititsere b́ daatserawok'o it atso korde'ere.
17 Esaw il s'aato aaniy dek'osh b́ geyor s'aatman bísh baziyetsok'o danfte, b́k'altso woniyosh kup'dek't eepfetst b́geyiyalor weero daatso falratse.
18 Kishon shuu'etwok wee mis'etuo Sin gurok borafa'ate, bamplomants, shatits t'alwots, eegurahi jongokowere,
19 Ezbedi k'arokowere wee keeweyiru aap'o b́ shishetwoko borafa'ate, aap'ets keewman shishts ashuwots «Eshe bodre haniyak k'osho noosh aap'ek'aye» et bok'onfetso bodrnee.
20 «Gizo dab gurman b́ t'awiyal
Shútson togeyar k'irwee»
Etiru tzaziyo boats b́mangtsosh bín kuro falratsne.
21 Manoke bek'ets keewman eenonat shatiik b́teshtsotse dab́ Muse woor
«Taa shataat, k'ewere» bí et.
22 Itiyelee S'iyon guromants t'inwtsertee, bihe kashetso Ik'o kito wotts daritstsu Iyerusalemiye, genee'úwon kakwedek'tswotsok, ay kumon taawet mlakiwotsok t'inrte,
23 Bo shúútso darots guut'etswotsok, k'aab nana'a wotts amantsuwots ko'eetsok, kááw angshitu Izar izewerokonat s'ayin wotat daatsts shayirwotsok t'inrte.
24 Handr taareyosh dag taalotse manik wottso Iyesusnat Abeel s'atsoniyere k'antso keewiru fakets s'atsookowere t'inrte.
25 Keewirman de'atsone it erawok'o itatso korde'ere, Ekeewots Ik'o ashon datsatse boosh b́ keewre k'ewatsone ettswots b́shirotse kesho bomaawiyakon, bére noo darotse noosh keewirwo dek'onok'azal awuk'o kalrniya b́ kishotse kesho nofaliti!
26 Manoor bí aap'o datso shek'ere, «andmó datsu mec'ro b́woterawo aani dabr darono dabde'er shek'ituwe» eton keewure.
27 Han «Iknoto dabr,» etiru keewoniye b́ kitsiriyee shek'eraw keewwots kup'arr bobetuwok'o shek'eyirwots wee azeets keewwots bobeyoke botuwitok'oniye.
28 Eshe noo shek'eraw mengstu nonaatetwotse Ik'o udoonee, b́ gene'úwitwok'oon mangiyonat shatoon bísh finone.
29 No Ik'o Izar Izewer mitsit tawok'oyiye.