A psalm written by David
The earth and everything in it belongs to Yahweh;
all the people in the world belong to him, too,
because he caused the ground to be above the water,
above the water that was deep below the surface of the earth.
Who will be allowed to go up on Zion Hill in Jerusalem,
in order to stand and worship in Yahweh’s holy temple?
Only those whose actions [MTY] and thoughts are pure,
who have not worshiped idols,
and who do not tell lies when they have solemnly promised to tell the truth.
They will be blessed by Yahweh/Yahweh will bless them►.
When God judges them, he, who has saved them, will say that theyhave done nothing wrong/are without fault►.
They are the ones who approach God,
they are the ones who may worship God, the one we Israelis worship.
(Think about that!)
Open up [APO] the temple gates
in order that our glorious king may enter!
Do you know who the glorious king is?
He is Yahweh, the one who is very strong [DOU];
He is Yahweh, who conquers all his enemies in battles!
Open up the temple gates
in order that our glorious king may enter!
10 Do you know who the glorious king is?
He is Yahweh almighty;
he is our glorious king!
(Think about that!)