Warnings and Instructions
A man who hardens his neck after Amuch reproof
Will Bsuddenly be broken 1beyond remedy.
When the Arighteous 1increase, the people rejoice,
But when a wicked man rules, people groan.
A man who Aloves wisdom makes his father glad,
But he who Bkeeps company with harlots wastes his wealth.
The Aking gives stability to the land by justice,
But a man who takes bribes overthrows it.
A man who Aflatters his neighbor
Is spreading a net for his steps.
By transgression an evil man is Aensnared,
But the righteous Bsings and rejoices.
The Arighteous 1is concerned for the rights of the poor,
The wicked does not understand such 2concern.
Scorners Aset a city aflame,
But Bwise men turn away anger.
When a wise man has a controversy with a foolish man,
1The foolish man either rages or laughs, and there is no rest.
10  Men of Abloodshed hate the blameless,
But the upright 1are concerned for his life.
11 A Afool 1always loses his temper,
But a Bwise man holds it back.
12 If a Aruler pays attention to falsehood,
All his ministers become wicked.
13 The Apoor man and the oppressor 1have this in common:
The Loʀᴅ gives Blight to the eyes of both.
14 If a Aking judges the poor with truth,
His Bthrone will be established forever.
15 The Arod and reproof give wisdom,
But a child 1who gets his own way Bbrings shame to his mother.
16 When the wicked 1increase, transgression increases;
But the Arighteous will see their fall.
17  ACorrect your son, and he will give you comfort;
He will also 1Bdelight your soul.
18 Where there is Ano 1vision, the people Bare unrestrained,
But Chappy is he who keeps the law.
19 A slave will not be instructed by words alone;
For though he understands, there will be no response.
20 Do you see a man who is Ahasty in his words?
There is Bmore hope for a fool than for him.
21 He who pampers his slave from childhood
Will in the end find him to be a son.
22 An Aangry man stirs up strife,
And a hot-tempered man abounds in transgression.
23 A man’s Apride will bring him low,
But a Bhumble spirit will obtain honor.
24 He who is a partner with a thief hates his own life;
He Ahears the oath but tells nothing.
25 The Afear of man 1brings a snare,
But he who Btrusts in the Loʀᴅ will be exalted.
26  AMany seek the ruler’s 1favor,
But Bjustice for man comes from the Loʀᴅ.
27 An Aunjust man is abominable to the righteous,
And he who is Bupright in the way is abominable to the wicked.
A 29:1 1 Sam 2:25; 2 Chr 36:16; Prov 1:24-31 B 29:1 Prov 6:15 1 29:1 Lit and there is no remedy A 29:2 Esth 8:15; Prov 11:10; 28:12 1 29:2 Or become great A 29:3 Prov 10:1; 15:20; 27:11; 28:7 B 29:3 Prov 5:10; 6:26; Luke 15:30 A 29:4 2 Chr 9:8; Prov 8:15; 29:14 A 29:5 Ps 5:9 A 29:6 Prov 22:5; Eccl 9:12 B 29:6 Ex 15:1 A 29:7 Job 29:16; Ps 41:1; Prov 31:8, 9 1 29:7 Lit knows the cause 2 29:7 Lit knowledge A 29:8 Prov 11:11 B 29:8 Prov 16:14 1 29:9 Lit He A 29:10 Gen 4:5-8; 1 John 3:12 1 29:10 Lit seek his soul A 29:11 Prov 12:16; 14:33 1 29:11 Lit sends forth all his spirit B 29:11 Prov 19:11 A 29:12 1 Kin 12:14 A 29:13 Prov 22:2 1 29:13 Lit meet together B 29:13 Ezra 9:8; Ps 13:3 A 29:14 Ps 72:4; Is 11:4 B 29:14 Prov 16:12; 25:5 A 29:15 Prov 13:24; 22:15 1 29:15 Lit left to himself B 29:15 Prov 10:1; 17:25 1 29:16 Or become great A 29:16 Ps 37:34, 36; 58:10; 91:8; 92:11; Prov 21:12 A 29:17 Prov 13:24; 29:15 1 29:17 Lit give delight to B 29:17 Prov 10:1 A 29:18 1 Sam 3:1; Ps 74:9; Amos 8:11, 12 1 29:18 Or revelation B 29:18 Ex 32:25 C 29:18 Ps 1:1, 2; 106:3; 119:2; Prov 8:32; John 13:17 A 29:20 James 1:19 B 29:20 Prov 26:12 A 29:22 Prov 15:18; 26:21 A 29:23 Prov 11:2; 16:18; Dan 4:30, 31; Matt 23:12; James 4:6 B 29:23 Prov 15:33; 18:12; 22:4; Is 66:2; Luke 14:11; 18:14; James 4:10 A 29:24 Lev 5:1 A 29:25 Gen 12:12; 20:2; Luke 12:4; John 12:42, 43 1 29:25 Lit gives B 29:25 Ps 91:1-16; Prov 18:10; 28:25 A 29:26 Prov 19:6 1 29:26 Lit face B 29:26 Is 49:4; 1 Cor 4:4 A 29:27 Ps 6:8; 139:21, 22; Prov 12:8 B 29:27 Ps 69:4; Prov 29:10; Matt 10:22; 24:9; John 15:18; 17:14; 1 John 3:13