*“Don’t let your heart be troubled. Believe in God. Believe also in me. In 'Avi ·my Father·’s house are many homes. § If it was not so, I would have told you. I am going to prepare a place for you. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and will receive you to myself; that where I am, you may be there also. Where I go, you know, and you know the way.”
Thomas [Seeker of truth] said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going. How can we know the way?”
*Yeshua [Salvation] said to him, “ Ena Na [I AM (the Living God)] the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to haAbba ·the Father·, except through me. If you had known me, you would have known 'Avi ·my Father· also. From now on, you know him, and have seen him.”
Philip [Loves horses] said to him, “Lord, show us haAbba ·the Father·, and that will be enough for us.”
Yeshua [Salvation] said to him, “Have I been with you such a long time, and do you not know me, Philip [Loves horses]? He who has seen me has seen haAbba ·the Father·. How do you say, ‘Show us haAbba ·the Father·?’ 10 Don’t you believe that I am in haAbba ·the Father·, and haAbba ·the Father· in me? The words that I tell you, I speak not from myself; but haAbba ·the Father· who lives in me does his works. 11 Believe me that I am in haAbba ·the Father·, and haAbba ·the Father· in me; or else believe me for the very works’ sake. 12 Most certainly I tell you, he who believes in me, the works that I do, he will do also; and he will do greater works than these, because I am going to 'Avi ·my Father·. 13 Whatever you will ask in my name, that will I do, that haAbba ·the Father· may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you will ask anything in my name, I will do it. 15 If you have agapao ·totally devoted love· for me, keep my commandments. 16 I will pray to haAbba ·the Father·, and he will give you another Counselor, that he may be with you forever, 17 haRuach [the Spirit] of truth, whom the world can’t receive; for it does not see him, neither knows him. You know him, for he lives with you, and will be in you. 18 I will not leave you orphans. I am coming to you. 19 Yet a little while, and the world will see me no more; but you will see me. Because I live, you will live also. 20 In that day you will know that I am in 'Avi ·my Father·, and you in me, and I in you. 21 One who has my commandments, and keeps them, that person is one who has agapao ·totally devoted love· for me. One who has agapao ·total devotion love· for me will receive agapao ·total devotion love· from 'Avi ·my Father·, and I will have agapao ·totally devoted love· for him, and will reveal myself to him.”
22 Judas [Praised] (not Iscariot) said to him, “Lord, what has happened that you are about to reveal yourself to us, and not to the world?”
23 §* Yeshua [Salvation] answered him, “If a man has agapao ·total devotion love· for me, he will keep my word. 'Avi [My Father] will have agapao ·total devoted love· for him, and we will come to him, and make our home with him. 24 He who does not have agapao ·total devotion love· for me does not keep my words. The word which you hear is not mine, but from haAbba ·the Father· who sent me. 25 I have said these things to you, while still living with you. 26 But the Counselor, Ruach haKodesh [Spirit of the Holiness], whom Abba ·Father familiar, Dear Dad· will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and will remind you of all that I said to you. 27 Shalom ·Complete peace· I leave with you. I am giving you my shalom ·complete peace·; not as the world gives, give I to you. Don’t let your heart be troubled, neither let it be fearful. 28 You heard how I told you, ‘I go away, and I come to you.’ If you have agapao ·total devotion love· for me, you would have rejoiced, because I said ‘I am going to 'Avi ·my Father·;’ for Abba ·Father familiar, Dear Dad· is greater than I. 29 Now I have told you before it happens so that, when it happens, you may believe. 30 I will no more speak much with you, for the prince of the world comes, and he has nothing in me. 31 But that the world may know that I have agapao ·total devotion love· for haAbba ·the Father·, I do as haAbba ·the Father· enjoined me. Arise, let us go from here.
* 14:1 MP: Trusting in Yahweh God also means to trust in his Servant Messiah. (Is 50:10) 14:2 MP: Nobody has seen or heard the things that God has prepared for those who wait for Him. (Is 64:4) 14:2 MPr: The King Messiah will be revealed to the congregation of Israel. And the children of Israel shall say to Him, “Come and be a brother to us, and let us go up to Jerusalem. And there we will together suck the meaning of Torah, as an infant its mother’s breast.” (Targum Song of Songs 8:1). (Song of Songs 8:1) § 14:2 MP: Nobody has seen or heard the things that God has prepared for those who wait for Him. (Is 64:4) * 14:6 MPr: The King in (Psalm 21:1) is King Messiah. (Targum Ps 21:1). This same King is linked to (Is 11:10), where Rabbi Chanina explains the objective of the Messiah. King Messiah is to give specific commandments to the Gentiles. This is in parallel contrast to Israel, who receives commands directly from God himself. (Midrash Ps 21:1). (Ps 21:1 (Heb Bible 21:2)) 14:12 MP: Messiah son of David will be the Shepard Leader Ruler teaching God’s people to live holy by God’s instructions. (Eze 37:24-25) 14:13 MP: This can be interpreted two ways. 1) Messiah prays for those who he has redeemed as Intercessor and Redeemer, or those redeemed will pray for the prosperity of their Redeemer. 2) Messiah redeems from violence. Spiritually referring to sin separating humans from God. Physically referring to Messiah as military leader and political redemption. Both are reason for humans to “continually bless him”. (Consider also in association with Ps 72:10; Is 60:3, 60:6). (Ps 72:14-15) § 14:23 MP: Messiah comes to Zion as Redeemer to remove transgression by placing the Holy Spirit upon people and teach God’s Torah ·Teachings· in their inner person. (See also Jer 31:31-33). (Is 59:20-21) * 14:23 MPr: The Rabbis teach if Israel kept just one Sabbath according to the commandment, the Messiah would immediately come (Ex 19:25 in Jerusalem Targum 64). (Ex 19:25) 14:25 MP: Messiah will distribute gifts to humanity, both those under his rein and those rebellious his rule establishing a dwelling for God. (Ps 68:16) 14:27 MPr: The promise of peace in the Aaronic Blessing (Num 6:26) is referred to as the peace of the Kingdom of David. Linked to (Is 9:7), “of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end.” (Is 9:7 in Siphré on Numbers Parasha 42: Num 30:1-32:42). (Is 9:7)