Context: God makes covenant promise to David [Beloved] to establish his house forever and that Messiah will be established on David’s throne. David [Beloved] is humble in his reply. (1 Chr 17:7-27)
* Why do the nations rage,
and the peoples plot a vain thing?
§ The kings of the earth * take a stand,
and the rulers take counsel together,
against Adonai , and against his Anointed, saying,
“Let’s break their bonds apart,
and cast their cords from us.”
He who sits in the heavens will laugh.
The Lord will have them in derision.
Then he will speak to them in his anger,
and terrify them in his wrath:
§ * “Yet I have set my King on my holy hill of Zion [Mountain ridge, Marking].”
I will tell of the statute.
Adonai said to me, § “You are my son.
Today I have become your father. *
Ask of me, and I will give the nations for your inheritance,
the uttermost parts of the earth for your possession.
You shall break them with a rod of iron.
You shall dash them in pieces like pottery.” §
10 Now therefore be wise, you kings.
Be instructed, you judges of the earth.
11 Abad ·Serve· Adonai with fear,
and rejoice with trembling. *
12  Kiss the Son, § lest he be angry, and you perish on the way,
for his wrath will soon be kindled.
Blessed are all those who take refuge in him.
* 2:1 MP: Messiah rejected by the Gentiles. (Acts 2:23, 4:25-28) 2:1 Quoted in Rev 11:18 2:2 MPr: Messiah is slain by Robbers (Satan) but this becomes his downfall and Messiah overcomes (Ps 2). Also commented; in the last days Gog and Magog will fight against the Messiah and be defeated. (Ps 2:1 in Talmud Berach. 7B, Talmud Abhod. Zarah 3B, and Midrash Psalms 2). (Mark 3:4-6, 14:41-42; John 12:30-32; Luke 6:7-11, 22:1-7, 24:7; Acts 2:23-24; 2 Cor 5:15; Rev 12:10-11) § 2:2 MPr: “Against God, and His Messiah,” (Ps 2:2) is likened to a robber (Satan) who stands defiantly behind the palace of the king, and says, If I shall find the son of the king, I shall lay hold on him, and crucify him, and kill him with a cruel death. But the Holy Spirit mocks at him, “He that sits in the heavens shall laugh” (Ps 2:4, 37:13). (Ps 92:11 Midrash Pirke de-Rabbi Eliezer c.28, Midrash Pirke de-Rabbi Eliezer c. 28, and Yalkut vol. ii. par. 620, p. 90A). (Mark 12:6-11; Luke 20:13-18; 1 Cor 15:20-26) * 2:2 Quoted in Rev 19:19 2:2 MP: To possess the title of “Anointed One,” literally Mashiach - “Messiah”. (Acts 2:27-28) 2:2 Quoted in Acts 4:25-26 § 2:6 MP: King Messiah rules from mount Zion. (Heb 12:22, 12:28) * 2:6 Combined with (Ps 2:6-7 and 2:12), this Son is the King whom God installs in Zion and who has a special unique relationship to God. His wrath is not something to be desired. (See also Prov 30:4). (John 3:36, 5:43 (context John 5:14-47)) 2:6 MP: Messiah is a King. (Matt 2:2; John 18:37) 2:6 Quoted in Rev 14:1 § 2:7 Quoted in John 10:36; Acts 13:33; Heb 1:5, 5:5 * 2:7 MP: Messiah is the Ben-Elohim ·Son of Elohim God·. (See also 2 Sam 7:12-14; 1 Chr 17:13-15). (Luke 1:35; John 10:36; Acts 13:30-33) 2:8 MP: Messiah will ask God for His inheritance, the nations of the world. (John 17:4-10 (Context 17:4-24); Acts 13:46-49) 2:8 MP: Messiah is given authority over all nations. (Matt 28:18) § 2:9 Quoted in Rev 2:26-27, 12:5, 19:11 * 2:11 Quoted in Phil 2:12 2:12 MP: “Kiss the Son” shows God has a Son deserving honor. (Matt 17:5; John 3:36) 2:12 Alternative Phrasing: Give sincere homage to the Son § 2:12 MP: Combined verses (Ps 2:6-7 and 2:12), this Son is the King whom God installs in Zion and who has a special unique relationship to God. His wrath is not something to be desired. (See also Prov 30:4). (John 3:36, 5:43 (context John 5:14-47))