The word of the Lord, that was made to Jeremy, of all the people of Judah, in the fourth year of Jehoiakim, the son of Josiah, the king of Judah, after that Jeconiah was translated into Babylon; that is the first year of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon;
which word Jeremy, the prophet, spake to all the people of Judah, and to all the dwellers of Jerusalem, and said,
From the thirteenth year of the realm of Josiah, the son of Amon, the king of Judah, unto this day, this is the three and twentieth year, the word of the Lord was made to me; and I spake to you, and I rose by night and spake, and ye heard not.
And the Lord sent to you all his servants prophets, and rose full early, and sent, and ye heard not, neither ye bowed [in] your ears, for to hear;
when he said, Turn ye again, each man from his evil way, and from your worst thoughts, and ye shall dwell in the land which the Lord gave to you, and to your fathers, from the world and till into the world.
And do not ye go after alien gods, that ye serve them, and worship them, neither stir ye me to wrath-fulness [or to wrath], in the works of your hands, and I shall not torment you.
And ye heard not me, saith the Lord, that ye stirred me to wrathful-ness [or to wrath] in the works of your hands, into your [own] evil.
Therefore the Lord of hosts saith these things, For that that ye heard not my words,
lo! I shall send, and take all the kindreds of the north, saith the Lord, and Nebuchadnezzar, my servant, the king of Babylon; and I shall bring them on this land, and on the dwellers thereof, and on all nations, that be in the compass thereof; and I shall slay them, and I shall set them into wondering, and into hissing, and into everlasting wildernesses.
10 And I shall lose of them the voice of joy, and the voice of gladness, the voice of spouse, and the voice of spousess, the voice of [the] quern, and the light of the lantern.
11 And all the land thereof shall be into wilderness, and into wondering; and all these folks shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years.
12 And when seventy years be [ful] filled, I shall visit on the king of Babylon, and on that folk, the wicked-ness of them, saith the Lord, and on the land of Chaldees, and I shall set [or put] it into everlasting wildernesses.
13 And I shall bring on that land all my words which I spake against it, all thing that is written in this book; whatever things Jeremy prophesied against all folks;
14 for they served to them, when they were many folks, and great kings; and I shall yield to them after the works of them, and after the deeds of their hands.
15 For the Lord of hosts, God of Israel, saith thus, Take thou the cup of wine of this strong vengeance from mine hand, and thou shall pour out drink thereof to all heathen men, to which I shall send thee.
16 And they shall drink, and shall be troubled [or disturbed], and shall be mad, of the face of sword, which I shall send among them.
17 And I took the cup from the hand of the Lord, and I poured out drink to all folks, to which the Lord sent me;
18 to Jerusalem, and to all the cities of Judah, and to the kings thereof, and to the princes thereof; that I should give them into wilderness, and into wondering, and into hissing, and into cursing, as this day is;
19 to Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, and to his servants, and to his princes, and to all his people;
20 and to all men generally, to all the kings of the land Uz, and to all the kings of the land of Philistines, and to Ashkelon, and to Azzah, and to Ekron, and to the residues of Ashdod;
21 to Idumea, and to Moab, and to the sons of Ammon;
22 and to all the kings of Tyre, and to all the kings of Sidon, and to the kings of the land of isles that be beyond the sea;
23 and to Dedan, and Tema, and Buz, and to all men that be clipped on the long hair;
24 and to all the kings of Arabia, and to all the kings of the west, that dwell in desert;
25 and to all the kings of Zimri, and to all the kings of Elam, and to all the kings of Medes;
26 and to all the kings of the north, of nigh and of far, to each man against his brother; and to all the realms of earth, that be on the face thereof; and the king of Sheshach* shall drink after them.
27 And thou shalt say to them, The Lord of hosts, God of Israel, saith these things, Drink ye, and be ye drunken, and spew ye, and fall ye down, and do not ye rise from the face of [the] sword which I shall send among you.
28 And when they will not take the cup from thine hand, that they drink, thou shalt say to them, The Lord of hosts saith these things, Ye drinking shall drink;
29 for lo! in the city in which my name is called to help, I begin to torment, and shall ye as innocents be without pain? ye shall not be without pain, for I call sword on all the dwellers of earth, saith the Lord of hosts.
30 And thou shalt prophesy to them all these words, and thou shalt say to them, The Lord shall roar from on high, and from his holy dwelling place he shall give his voice; he roaring shall roar on his fairness; a merry song, as of men treading in pressers [or in wine presses], shall be sung against all [the] dwellers of earth.
31 [The] Sound is come unto the last parts of [the] earth, for why doom is to the Lord with folks, he is deemed with each flesh; the Lord saith, I have given wicked men to the sword.
32 The Lord of hosts saith these things, Lo! torment shall go out from folk into folk, and a great whirlwind shall go out from the ends of [the] earth.
33 And the slain men of the Lord shall be in that day from the end of the earth unto the end thereof; they shall not be bewailed, neither shall be gathered together, neither shall be buried; they shall lie into a dunghill on the face of [the] earth.
34 Yell, ye shepherds, and cry, and, ye principals of the flock, besprinkle you with ashes; for your days be [ful] filled, that ye be slain, and your scatterings be[ful]filled, and ye shall fall as precious vessels.
35 And fleeing shall perish from [the] shepherds, and saving shall perish from the principals of the flock.
36 The voice of the cry of shepherds, and the yelling of the principals of the flock, for the Lord hath wasted the pastures of them.
37 And the fields of peace were stilled, for the face of [the] wrath of the strong vengeance of the Lord.
38 He as a lion hath forsaken his tabernacle, for the land of them is made into desolation, of the face of wrath of the culver, and of the face of wrath of the strong vengeance of the Lord.
* CHAPTER 25:26 Sheshach is another name for Babylon.