Paul, (an) apostle of Jesus Christ, by the will of God, and Timothy, (a) brother,
to them that be at Colosse, holy and faithful brethren in Christ Jesus, grace and peace to you of God our Father and of the Lord Jesus Christ. (to those who be at Colosse, holy and faithful brothers in the Messiah Jesus, grace and peace be to you from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.)
We do thankings to God, and to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, (for)evermore praying for you, (We give thanks to God, and to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, always praying for you,)
hearing (of) your faith in Christ Jesus, and the love that ye have to all holy men, (hearing of your faith in the Messiah Jesus, and of the love that ye have for all the saints, or for all of God’s people,)
for the hope that is kept to you in heavens. Which ye heard in the word of truth of the gospel, (for the hope which is kept for you in heaven. Which ye heard in the Word of Truth, yea, the Gospel or the Good News,)
that came to you, as also it is in all the world, and maketh fruit, and waxeth (or and groweth), as [it is] in you, from that day in which ye heard and knew the grace of God in truth.
As ye learned of Epaphras, our fellow [or our even-servant], most dearworthy, which is a true minister of Jesus Christ for you; (As ye learned from Epaphras, our fellow servant, and most dearworthy, who is a true servant of Jesus Christ for you;)
which also showed to us your loving in (the) Spirit.
And therefore we from the day in which we heard, cease not to pray for you, and to ask, that ye be filled with the knowing of his will in all wisdom and ghostly (or spiritual) understanding;
10 (so) that ye walk worthily to God pleasing by all things, and make fruit in all good work, and wax in the science of God (or and grow in the knowledge of God),
11 and be comforted in all virtue, by the might of his clearness, in all patience and long abiding with joy, (and be strengthened in all power, by his glorious might, in all endurance and in long abiding with joy,)
12 that ye do thankings to God and to the Father, which made you worthy into the part of heritage of holy men in light. [+doing thankings to God the Father, the which made us worthy into the part of heritage of holy men in light.](so that ye give thanks to God the Father, who made you worthy to share in the inheritance of the saints, or of God’s people, in the light.)
13 Which delivered us from the power of darknesses, and translated [us] into the kingdom of the Son of his loving,
14 in whom we have again-buying, and remission of sins. (in whom we have redemption, and the forgiveness of sins.)
15 Which is the image of God invisible, the first begotten of each creature. (Who is the image of the invisible God, the first-born before every created thing, or he who holdeth primacy over all Creation.)
16 For in him all things be made, in heavens and in earth, visible and invisible, either thrones, either dominations, either princehoods, either powers, all things be made of nought by him, and in him, (For in him all things be made, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, yea, thrones, and dominions, and principalities, and powers, all things be made out of nothing, by him, and in him,)
17 and he is before all, and all things be in him.
18 And he is (the) head of the body of the church; which is the beginning, and the first begotten of dead men, (or who is the Source, and the first-born to be raised from the dead), (so) that he hold the first dignity, in all things. [+And he is (the) head of the body of the church; the which is the beginning, or the first of all, and the first begotten of (the) dead, that he be holding primacy, or the first dignity, in (or over) all things.]
19 For in him it pleased all plenty to inhabit,
20 and by him all things to be reconciled into him, and made peace by the blood of his cross, those things that be in earths, either that be in heavens. (and by him all things were reconciled to God, and he made peace by the blood of his cross, yea, for those things that be on earth, and those things that be in heaven.)
21 And when ye were sometime aliened [or made strangers], and enemies by wit, in evil works, (or and enemies in thought, and by evil works), now he hath reconciled you
22 in the body of his flesh by death, to have you holy, and unwemmed (or without spot), and without reproof before him.
23 If nevertheless ye dwell in the faith, founded, and stable, and unmoveable from the hope of the gospel that ye have heard, which is preached in all creature that is under heaven (or which is preached in all Creation that is under heaven). Of which I, Paul, am made a minister,
24 and now I have joy in passion(s) for you, and I [ful] fill those things that fail of the passions of Christ in my flesh, for his body, that is the church. (and now I have joy in my sufferings for you, and through them I fulfill that which fail of the sufferings of the Messiah in my flesh, for his body, that is the church.)
25 Of which I Paul am made (a) minister [or a servant] by the dispensation of God, that is given to me in you, that I [ful] fill the word of God,
26 the private [or the mystery] that was hid from worlds and generations. But now it is showed to his saints, (the secret that was hidden for countless generations. But now it is shown, or revealed, to God’s people,)
27 to whom God would make known the riches of the glory of this sacrament in heathen men, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. (to whom God would make known the riches of the glory of this secret among the Gentiles, which is the Messiah in you, the hope of glory.)
28 Whom we show, reproving each man, and teaching each man in all wisdom, that we offer each man perfect in Christ Jesus (or so that we offer each person complete in the Messiah Jesus).
29 In which thing also I travail, in striving by the working of him, that he worketh in me in virtue (or that he worketh in me in power).