And it was done in the days of Ahaz, the son of Jotham, the son of Uzziah, king of Judah, (that) Rezin, the king of Syria, and Pekah, the son of Remaliah, the king of Israel, ascended to Jerusalem, for to fight against it; and they might not overcome it. (And it was done in the days of Ahaz, the son of Jotham, the son of Uzziah, the king of Judah, that Rezin, the king of Syria, and Pekah, the son of Remaliah, the king of Israel, came to Jerusalem, to fight against it; but they could not overcome it.)
And they told to the house of David, and said, Syria hath rested on Ephraim, that is, the king of Syria and the king of Israel be confederated, to come together against the realm of Judah, and the heart of him and of his people was moved together, as the trees of woods be moved of the face of the wind, (or and his heart and those of his people were altogether moved, or shaken, like the trees in the woods by the wind).
And the Lord said to Isaiah, Go thou out, and Jashub, thy son, which is left, into the meeting of Ahaz, at the last end of the water conduit of the higher cistern, in the way of the field of the fuller. (And the Lord said to Isaiah, Thou, and thy son Shearjashub, go out to meet with Ahaz, at the far end of the water conduit of the Upper Pool, on the way to the Fuller’s Field.)
And thou shalt say to him, See thou, that thou be still; do not thou dread, and thine heart be not afeared of the two tails of these brands smoking, in the wrath of the strong vengeance of Rezin, king of Syria, and of the son of Remaliah. (And thou shalt say to him, See thou, that thou stay calm; do not thou fear, and do not let thy heart be afraid of the two tails of these smoking firebrands, that is, of the anger of the strong vengeance of Rezin, the king of Syria, and that of the son of Remaliah.)
For Syria, and Ephraim, and the son of Remaliah, have begun evil counsel against thee, and say,
Go we up to Judah, and raise we him, and draw we him out to us; and set we a king in the midst thereof, the son of Tabeal.
The Lord God saith these things, This shall not be, and it shall not stand;
but Damascus shall be the head of Syria, and Rezin shall be the head of Damascus; and yet sixty years and five, and Ephraim shall fail to be a people, (or and yet within sixty-five years, Ephraim shall cease to be a nation);
and Samaria shall fail to be the head of Ephraim, and the son of Remaliah to be[the] head of Samaria. Forsooth if ye shall not believe, ye shall not (still) dwell, (or But if ye do not believe this, ye shall not endure).
10 And the Lord added to speak to Ahaz, and said,
11 Ask thou to thee a sign of thy Lord God, into the depth of hell, either into [the] height above. (Ask thou for a sign from the Lord thy God for thee, yea, from the depths of hell or from the lowest part of Sheol, or from the heights above.)
12 And Ahaz said, I shall not ask, and I shall not tempt the Lord.
13 And Isaiah said, Therefore the house of David, hear ye; whether it is (too) little to you to be dis-easeful to men, for ye be dis-easeful also to my God? (And Isaiah said, And so, hear ye, the house of David; is it not enough for you to make men weary? must ye also make my God weary as well?)
14 For this thing the Lord himself shall give a sign to you. Lo! a virgin shall conceive, and shall bear a son; and his name shall be called Immanuel. [For that he the Lord shall give to you a token. Behold! a maid(en) shall conceive, and bare a son; and thou shalt call his name Immanuel.]
15 He shall eat butter and honey, that he know how to reprove evil, and choose good. (He shall eat butter and honey, and he shall know how to rebuke, or to reject, evil, and to choose good.)
16 For why before the child know how to reprove evil, and choose good, the land, which thou loathest, shall be forsaken of the face of their two kings. (And before that the child know how to rebuke, or to reject, evil, and to choose good, the lands of these two kings, whom thou fearest, shall be deserted.)
17 The Lord shall bring on thee, and on thy people, and on the house of thy father, days that came not from the days of [the] departing of Ephraim from Judah, with the king of Assyrians. (The Lord shall bring upon thee, and upon thy people, and upon the house of thy father, such days that came not since the days of the separating of Ephraim from Judah, yea, by the hand, or by the power, of the king of Assyria.)
18 And it shall be, in that day the Lord shall hiss to a fly, which is in the last part of the floods of Egypt; and to a bee, which is in the land of Assur; (And it shall be, on that day the Lord shall whistle for the fly, which is at the ends of the rivers of Egypt; and for the bee, which is in the land of Assyria;)
19 and all those shall come, and shall rest in the strands of valleys, and in the caves of stones, and in all [the] places of bushes, and in all holes. (and they all shall come, and shall rest by the streams in the valleys, and in the caves of stone, and in all the places of bushes, and in all the holes.)
20 And in that day the Lord shall shave with a sharp razor in these men, that be beyond the flood, of the king of Assyrians, the head, and the hairs of the feet, and all the beard. (And on that day the Lord shall shave with a sharp razor the hair on the heads, and on the feet, and all the beards, of your young men, by the hand, or by the power, of the king of Assyria, who is beyond the river.)
21 And it shall be, in that day, (or And it shall be, on that day), a man shall nourish a cow of oxes, and two sheep,
22 and for the plenty of milk he shall eat butter; for why each man that shall be left in the midst of the land, shall eat butter and honey.
23 And it shall be, in that day each place where a thousand vineries shall be worth a thousand pieces of silver, and shall be into thorns and briars, (And it shall be, on that day each place where there were a thousand vines worth a thousand pieces of silver, shall be given over to thorns and briars,)
24 (and)men shall enter thither with bows and arrows; for why briars and thorns shall be in all the land.
25 And all hills that shall be purged with a briar hook, the dread of thorns and of briars shall not come thither; and it shall be into pasture of oxen, and into the treading of sheep. (And on all the hills that were once planted, now for fear of thorns and briars, no one shall go there; and they shall only be used for the pasture of oxen, and for the treading of sheep.)