Inside Corint
Afta dat Paul go way from Athens an go Corint. Ova dea he come by one Jew guy name Aquila. He from Pontus, an he jus come from Italy wit Priscilla his wife. Claudius da Big King wen tell all da Jew guys fo get outa Rome az why. Paul go talk wit Aquila an Priscilla. Paul make tents an dey make um too, so he stay wit dem an work wit dem. Ery Res Day he talk plenny wit da Jew guys an da peopo dass not Jew guys inside da Jew church fo help um trus da Good Stuff Bout Jesus.
Silas an Timoty come from Macedonia. An den Paul neva make tents no moa. He tell da Good Stuff Bout Jesus, dat him da Spesho Guy God Wen Sen. But wen da Jew guys stan up agains Paul an talk harsh kine to him, he shake da dus off his clotheses fo show he had it wit dem, an tell um, “You guys da one goin get da blame wen you guys get cut off from God! I no mo da blame fo dat. From now, I goin talk wit da peopo dass not Jew guys.” Den he go way from da Jew church, an go nex door, da house wea one guy Titius Justus live. Dat guy get plenny respeck fo God. An Crispus, da leada guy fo da Jew church, him an all his ohana trus Da One In Charge, Jesus. An had plenny peopo from Corint dat hear Paul an trus Jesus too, an get baptize.
One nite Paul see someting jalike one dream. Da One In Charge, Jesus, tell him, “No come sked. Talk plenny, an no give up fo tell da Good Stuff. 10 Cuz I stay wit you, an nobody goin hurt you. Plenny peopo from dis town, dey all mines.” 11 So Paul stay ova dea an teach um wat God tell fo one year an a half.
12 Wen Gallio stay govna fo Akaia, da Jews gang up on Paul an take him in front da govna. 13 Da Jews tell da govna, “Dis guy, he stay make da peopo go down an pray to God da way dat stay agains oua Rules.”
14 Paul start fo talk, but Govna Gallio tell da Jews, “If you Jew guys squawk bout someting dat stay wrong o bout one crime, den az good fo me fo lissen you guys. 15 But you guys squawk bout wat some odda guy talk bout, an bout da names a odda peopo us guys donno, an bout yoa Jew rules too. So you guys gotta be da ones fo figga dat out. I no goin judge dat kine stuff.” 16 He tell his guys fo throw da Jew guys outa da place. 17 Den da Jew guys grab Sostenes, anodda Jew church leada guy, an bus um up in front da govna. But Gallio neva kea bout dat.
Paul Go Back Antiok Side
18 Paul stay Corint long time. Den he go way from da braddahs an sistahs ova dea an go ride boat Syria side. Priscilla an Aquila go wit him. Befo Paul ride boat, he get his hair cut off inside Kenkrea town, cuz he wen make one strong promise fo do someting, an now he pau do wat he wen promise fo do. 19 Dey come Efesus side, an Paul go way from Priscilla an Aquila. Paul go inside da Jew church, an talk to da Jew guys fo help um trus da Good Stuff Bout Jesus. 20 Dey tell him fo stay ova dea some moa, but he neva like. 21 Wen he go, he promise dem, “I goin come back if God like me come back.” Den he ride boat from Efesus.
22 Wen Paul come Cesarea, he go show face to da church guys. Den he go Antiok. 23 He stay Antiok long time. Afta, he go all ova Galatia an Frygia, an kokua da peopo dat stay tight wit Jesus.
Apollos Stay Inside Efesus An Corint
24 One Jew guy Apollos come Efesus. He from Alexandria. He one guy dat wen go school long time, an he know plenny bout wat da Bible tell from befo time. 25 Befo time odda braddahs teach him bout Da One In Charge, az Jesus. Apollos talk wit plenny powa. Da stuff he know bout Jesus, he teach um good. But he ony know bout wat John Da Baptiza Guy wen teach. 26 He start fo talk wit powa inside da Jew church. Wen Priscilla an Aquila hear him, dey tell him fo come dea house. An dey teach him way mo betta bout Jesus. 27 Apollos like go Akaia, an da braddahs kokua him. Dey write one letta fo da braddahs an sistahs ova dea, fo dem give Apollos dea aloha. Wen he go ova dea, he goin help da peopo dat trus God cuz God do plenny good tings fo dem. 28 An he talk wit plenny powa to da Jew guys in front all da peopo. He show um proof from da Bible dat Jesus, he da Spesho Guy God Wen Sen.
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