Da Rules Secon Time
God Tell Da Peopo Fo Go Way
From Mount Sinai
(Jesus Guys 13:18)
Dis wat Moses tell da Israel peopo. Dat time, dey all stay inside da boonies on da east side a da Jordan Riva, inside da Jordan Valley. Dass across Suf, wit Paran on one side an Tofel, Laban, Hazerot, an Dizahab on da odda side. You know, fo walk Mount Sinai to Kadesh-Barnea, take eleven days, even if you go da far away on da Mount Seir road.
But dat time, was forty year afta da Israel peopo come outa Egypt, an was winta time. Dass wen Moses tell da Israel peopo eryting Da One In Charge tell him he suppose to tell dem. Moses tell um dis afta dey win ova Sihon, da king fo da Amor peopo dat stay inside Heshbon, an afta dey win ova Og, da king fo da Bashan peopo dat stay inside Ashtarot an Edrei.
From da east side a da Jordan Riva inside Moab, Moses start fo make God rules mo easy fo da peopo undastand. He tell: “Wen us guys wen stay Mount Sinai side, oua God, Da One In Charge, tell us, ‘You guys stay ova hea by dis mountain long time awready. Take all yoa stuffs an go up inside da hills wea da Amor peopo stay. Den go wea da peopo dat live nea dem stay, inside da Jordan Riva Valley, an da small hills on da west side, an da Negev boonies south side, an da Mediterranean Sea coast. Go wea da Canaan peopo stay, den go north side to da Lebanon mountains, den go east side all da way to da big Eufrates Riva.’ ”
Da One In Charge tell, “Look, I give you guys all dis land awready. Go inside dea an use da land, cuz I wen make one strong promise to yoa ancesta guys Abraham, Isaac, an Jacob, an to dea kids an grankids an you guys.”
Dey Pick Leada Guys Fo Da Twelve Ohana
“Befo us guys leave Mount Sinai, me Moses, wen tell you guys, az too hard fo me stay in charge a all you guys an me no mo help. 10 Yoa God, Da One In Charge, make you guys come plenny peopo awready. Az why today you guys stay plenny jalike da stars inside da sky. 11 I like Da One In Charge, da God fo yoa ancesta guys, make you guys come one tousan times mo plenny, an do plenny good kine stuff fo you guys, jalike he wen make one promise fo do befo time. 12 But me, I no can take kea all you guys problems, all da stuff dat bodda you guys, an da stuff you guys squawk bout—wit nobody fo help me. 13 So pick some guys dat know wat fo do erytime, dat undastan plenny stuff, an dat peopo get plenny respeck fo. Pick some fo all da twelve ohanas. Den I goin make dem yoa leada guys.
14 “Den you guys tell me, ‘Az good, wat you tell fo do.’
15 “Den I take da leada guys from yoa ohanas, guys dat know wat fo do erytime an you guys get respeck fo dem. I make dem stay in charge a you guys. Some a dem stay in charge a one tousan peopo, some in charge a one hundred peopo, some in charge a fifty, an some in charge a ten. Dey da main guys fo all da twelve ohanas. 16 Dat time, I wen tell yoa local leada guys wat dey gotta do: Dey gotta lissen good wat da peopo tell wen dey make argue wit each odda, an do wass right fo dem, no matta dey make argue wit anodda Israel guy, o wit somebody dass not one Israel guy. 17 No make to one guy mo betta den to anodda guy. Lissen, no matta if he one importan guy o one guy dass not importan. No sked dem, cuz God da one goin help you figga wass right, an you stay do um fo him. If you donno wat fo do, den tell me, Moses, an I goin lissen. 18 Was da time us guys stay Mount Sinai. I wen tell you guys eryting you guys gotta do.
Dey Sen Guys Fo Look Da Land
19 “Den, jalike wat oua God, Da One In Charge, tell us fo do, we go from Mount Sinai to da hills inside da Amor peopo land. We go thru da big an skery boonies dat you guys wen see. Den we reach Kadesh-Barnea. 20 So I tell you guys, ‘All us guys stay come by da hills inside da Amor peopo land. Dis, da land oua God, Da One In Charge, goin give us. 21 Look! Right dea, dass da land dat God, Da One In Charge, stay give you guys awready! Go take um ova, jalike Da One In Charge, da God oua ancesta guys wen pray to, tell you guys fo do. No sked. No lose fight.’
22 “Den all you guys come by me an tell, ‘Sen some guys dea firs fo look da land, an den come back an tell us da way we goin go up dea, an da towns we goin go inside.’
23 “Dat soun good to me, so I pick twelve guys fo go, one guy from ery big ohana. 24 Da guys go up country, all da way to da Eshkol Gulch, an scope out wat stay ova dea. 25 Dey take some a da stuff dat grow ova dea, an bring um back by us. Dey tell us, ‘Az good, da land dat oua God, dass Da One In Charge a us, goin give us.’
Da Peopo Go Agains Da One In Charge
26 “But you guys, you neva like go dea. You guys wen go agains wat yoa God, Da One In Charge, tell you guys fo do. 27 You guys sit inside yoa tents an grumble. You guys tell, ‘Az cuz Da One In Charge hate us! He take us outa Egypt fo turn us ova to da Amor peopo fo dem wipe us out! 28 Wea we goin go, aah?! Oua braddahs dat wen go look da land, make us lose fight. Dey tell, “Da peopo mo big an mo tall den us. Dea towns stay big. Dey get big wall dat go up inside da sky. We even see giant guys ova dea—da ones dat come from Anak!” ’ ”
29 Den I tell you guys, “No come shock an sked a dem! 30 Oua God Da One In Charge, he da One goin go in front you guys. He da One goin fight fo you guys, jalike he wen fight fo you guys inside Egypt. You guys wen see dat awready. 31 An inside da boonies, you guys wen see God, Da One In Charge, take kea you guys, jalike one faddah carry his boy inside his arms. He bring you guys all da way to dis place.
32 “No matta oua God, dass Da One In Charge a us, do all dat, still yet you guys no trus him. 33 Da One In Charge wen go in front you guys inside one fire nite time, an inside one cloud day time. He even look fo you one place wea you guys can make camp nite time! Az how he show you guys wea fo go.
34 “But Da One In Charge hear wat you guys tell, an he come huhu, an he make one strong promise fo erybody know dat he goin do um. 35 He tell, ‘No mo nobody from dis bad peopo dat stay alive now, goin see da good land I wen promise fo give yoa ancesta guys. 36 Ony Caleb, Jefunneh boy, go all out fo stay tight wit me, Da One In Charge. Cuz a dat, he goin go inside dat land. An I goin give him an da kids dat come from him, da land wea he wen walk on top.’
37 “Cuz a you guys, Da One In Charge come huhu wit me, Moses, too. He tell me, ‘Not even you goin go inside da land. 38 But yoa helpa guy, Joshua, Nun boy, he goin go inside dea. Talk to him an give him good kine words, cuz he goin lead da Israel peopo fo take ova da land I goin give dem.’
39 “An Da One In Charge tell da peopo, ‘You guys even tell dat odda guys goin make yoa litto kids prisonas, no matta dose kids still yet donno wass good an wass bad. But dose kids, dey da ones goin go inside da land. I goin give um to dem, an dat goin come dea property. 40 But you guys wen turn aroun an go back inside da boonies on top da road fo go by da Red Sea.’
41 “Den you guys tell me, ‘Fo shua, us guys wen do someting bad agains Da One In Charge! Now we goin go up fight, jalike God, Da One In Charge, tell us fo do!’ So all you guys take yoa stuffs fo fight, an tink az not hard fo go up dea inside da hills.
42 “But Da One In Charge tell me, ‘Tell dem, no go up dea fight, cuz I no goin go wit dem. Da guys dat stay agains dem goin win ova dem.’
43 “So I tell you guys, but you guys no like lissen. You guys go agains wat Da One In Charge tell you. You guys make tantaran an you go up inside da hills. 44 But da Amor peopo dat live inside dose hills come outa dea towns fo fight you guys. Dey make you guys run away, jalike dey plenny bees. Dey bus up you guys all da way from da Seir Range to Hormah town. 45 Den you guys come back cry in front Da One In Charge. But he no lissen wen you guys cry, he ony make deaf ear to you guys. 46 Az why you guys stay dea Kadesh town long time.
1:4 1:4: Census 21:21-35 1:26 1:26: Rules2 9:23; Heb 3:16 1:31 1:31: JGuys 13:18 1:32 1:32: Heb 3:19 1:34 1:34: Heb 3:18