Get Love An Aloha Fo Da One In Charge
An Lissen Him
“Get love an aloha fo yoa God, Da One In Charge, an make shua you do wat he tell you fo do—eryting he tell you guys gotta do, wat stay right an wat stay wrong, an his rules. Do all dat ery day. From today tink bout dis: Yoa kids not da ones dat God put presha on fo teach dem. Was you guys wen get dat kine presha from Da One In Charge. You guys da ones, not yoa kids, dat wen see God importan, an strong, an can use his powa. You da guys wen see all da awesome tings he do inside da Egypt land. He do um to da Pharaoh guy, dea king, an to da peopo all ova da Egypt land. He do um to da Egypt army, dea horses, an dea war wagons. Wen da Egypt army guys stay chase you guys, you guys wen see how Da One In Charge make da Red Sea watta come back ova da Egypt guys an drown um. Dass how he wipe um out, an dey stay wipe out till today. Was you, not yoa kids, dat wen see wat he do fo you guys inside da boonies, all da way till you guys come ova hea. You guys wen see how Da One In Charge punish Datan an Abiram, Eliab boys from da Reuben ohana, wen da groun open up in da middo a da Israel peopo an da hole swallow dem an all dea ohanas, dea tents, an all dea worka guys an animals an eryting dey own. But you guys da ones wen see all da awesome stuff Da One In Charge do.
“Az why you guys gotta make shua you do all da stuff I stay tell you guys fo do today fo you guys be strong fo cross ova da Jordan Riva an go inside da land an take um ova. If you do dat, you guys goin live long time inside da land dat Da One In Charge wen make one strong promise about um to yoa ancesta guys, wen he give da land to dem an dea kids. Az one land dat get plenny milk an honey all da time.
10 “Da land you goin go inside fo take ova, az not one land jalike Egypt dat you guys come from. Ova dea you guys throw yoa seed, den use da kine pump you step on top fo bring watta from da watta ditch, jalike fo one garden. 11 But da land wea you guys goin go da odda side a da Jordan Riva, fo go inside an take um ova, dat land get mountains an valleys, an get watta from da rain from da sky. 12 Az one land wea yoa God, Da One In Charge, take kea da land. He watch um erytime, from da start to da end a da year.
13 “So, if you guys fo real kine lissen da rules dat me Da One In Charge give you guys today—fo get love an aloha fo me, yoa God, an work fo me wit eryting inside, wit how you feel, an wit how you tink— 14 den I goin bring rain on top yoa land da right time, da Octoba rain an da April rain. Den you guys goin harves da wheat an da barley, an get grape fo make new wine an olive fo make olive oil. 15 I goin give grass inside da fields fo yoa animals, an you guys goin eat an come full.
16 “Make shua you no go afta notting dat turn you away from God. No work fo odda gods an go down in front dem an show dem respeck. 17 Cuz if you guys no lissen me, Da One In Charge, I goin come real huhu agains you guys, an I goin shut da sky fo stop da rain, an da groun no goin grow food. Den you guys goin mahke real quick cuz no mo food, no matta you live on top da good land dat I stay give you guys. 18 No foget dese tings I tell you guys, tink plenny bout um, an feel good bout um. Write um down an put um jalike one sign fo tie on top yoa hands, an fo put aroun yoa forehead. 19 Teach um to yoa kids. Talk bout um erytime, wen you guys stay inside yoa house, wen you walk on top da road, wen you lay down, an wen you get up. 20 Write um on top yoa door pos an on top da gates fo yoa town. 21 Den, all da time da sky stay up dea ova da earth, you guys an yoa kids goin live long time inside da land dat me Da One In Charge wen make one strong promise to yoa ancesta guys fo give dem.”
22 Moses tell: “Make shua you do wat dese rules tell dat Da One In Charge stay give you guys fo do. Dat mean, get love an aloha fo yoa God, live da way he tell you fo live, an stay tight wit him. 23 If you do dat, den Da One In Charge goin go in front you guys an make dese nations dat stay dea get outa dea. Az how you goin take ova dea land, no matta dey mo big an mo strong den you guys. 24 Ery place wea you guys put down yoa feets goin be yoa property. Yoa land goin go from da boonies south side to Lebanon north side, an from da Eufrates Riva east side to da Mediterranean Sea west side. 25 Nobody goin stan up agains you guys. Oua God Da One In Charge goin make da peopo all ova da land come real sked a you guys, wea eva you go, jalike he make one strong promise to you awready.”
26 Moses tell: “Look, I goin let you guys pick today wat you like get. You like Da One In Charge do good kine stuff fo you, o you like he put kahuna on top you fo punish you? 27 Oua God Da One In Charge goin do good kine stuff fo you guys—if you lissen wat he tell an do um, jalike I stay tell you guys today. 28 But maybe you guys no lissen wat God, Da One In Charge, tell you fo do, an you no do um. O maybe you tell ‘Laytas’ to wat I stay tell you guys today, an you bag from Da One In Charge fo go wit odda gods dat you guys donno from befo time. If you guys make lidat, den I goin make bad tings happen fo punish you. 29 Oua God, Da One In Charge, goin bring you guys inside da land wea you goin take um ova. Wen you guys come dea, you guys goin put peopo on top Mount Gerazim fo tell erybody da good kine stuff Da One In Charge goin do if dey lissen. Same time, you goin put peopo on top Mount Ebal fo tell erybody how Da One In Charge goin punish dem if dey no lissen.” 30 (You guys know dat dose mountains stay da odda side a da Jordan Riva, on da west side a da main road, da side wea da sun go down, nea da big oak trees Moreh side, an inside da land fo da Canaan peopo dat live inside da Jordan Valley nea Gilgal.)
31 “Pretty soon you guys goin go da odda side a da Jordan Riva fo take ova da land yoa God, Da One In Charge, give you guys. Afta you guys take um ova an stay live ova dea, 32 make shua you guys do eryting I stay tell you gotta do, an stick wit da rules I stay give you guys today.”
11:3 11:3: Outa 7:812:13 11:4 11:4: Outa 14:28 11:6 11:6: Census 16:31-32 11:13 11:13: Pries 26:3-5; Rules2 7:12-16; 28:1-14 11:18 11:18: Rules2 6:6-9 11:24 11:24: Josh 1:3-5 11:29 11:29: Rules2 27:11-14; Josh 8:33-35