Odda Rules
Wen da Israel peopo make argue wit each odda, dey gotta bring um to da judge. Da judge goin tell wat guy do wass right an wat guy get da blame cuz he wen do wass wrong. If dey gotta beat da guy dat get da blame, den da judge tell da guy fo lay down. Da judge helpa guys goin beat um wit one whip in front da judge, how many times da judge tell dem, fo show how bad da ting he wen do. But dey no can wack one Israel guy wit da whip mo den forty times. If dey beat him mo den dat, dey goin make him come shame in front da peopo.
No go tie up one cow mout fo him no eat da wheat o barley wen he stay work fo smash da wheat o barley fo take out da junks.
If get braddah guys dat stay live togedda, an one a dem mahke, but he no mo boy, da widow no can marry some guy from outside da mahke guy ohana. Her braddah-in-law gotta marry her, fo get one boy, an he gotta do wat he suppose to do cuz he her braddah-in-law. Da firs boy she born goin carry da mahke braddah name, fo da braddah blood line stay okay fo da Israel peopo.
But if da braddah guy no like marry his mahke braddah wife, she goin go by da older leadas by da town gate an tell dem, “My husban braddah no like marry me jalike he suppose to do, fo give me one boy fo carry his braddah name inside Israel!” Den da older leadas fo da guy town goin tell um fo come, an dey goin talk wit him. If he still yet tell, “I no like marry her,” den da braddah widow goin go by him in front da older leadas, take off one a his slippas, spit in his face, an tell, “Dis wat oua peopo do to one guy dat no do notting fo his braddah guy blood line!” 10 An da Israel peopo goin call da guy an his kids, “Da ohana from da guy dat dey wen take away his slippa.”
11 If two guys stay fight, an da wife fo one a dem come fo pull her husban outa dea so da odda guy no can wack um, an she grab da odda guy by his olos, 12 you guys gotta cut off her hand. No pity her.
13 Wen you sell stuff, no go rip off somebody wit diffren kine weight fo you make some stuff look mo heavy an some stuff mo light. 14 An no rip off somebody wit diffren kine basket fo you make some stuff look mo big an odda stuff look small. 15 You guys gotta weigh an measure stuff da right way, jalike all da odda peopo. Az how you goin live long time inside da land yoa God, Da One In Charge, stay give you. 16 Cuz yoa God, Da One In Charge, tell, az no good, wen somebody do like dat an no do da right kine ting.
17 No foget wat da Amalek peopo wen do to you guys wen you stay come outa Egypt. 18 Wen you guys was tired an wore out, da Amalek guys wen attack you guys, an wipe out da peopo dat no can walk good, da ones behind da oddas. Da Amalek peopo, dey not sked a God. 19 Wen yoa God, Da One In Charge, let you guys res from all da peopo aroun you guys dat stay agains you guys, inside da land dat he stay give you guys fo come yoa property, you guys goin wipe out da name a da Amalek peopo, so no mo nobody unda da sky goin rememba dem. No foget dat!
25:3 25:3: 2Cor 11:24 25:4 25:4: 1Cor 9:9; 1Tim 5:18 25:5 25:5: Matt 22:24; Mark 12:19; Luke 20:28 25:7 25:7: Ruth 4:7-8 25:13 25:13: Pries 19:35-36 25:17 25:17: Outa 17:8-14; 1Sam 15:2-9