Throw Out Da Odda Peopos
From Da Land
“Wen yoa God, Da One In Charge, bring you guys inside da land fo take um ova, he goin throw out plenny peopos from in front you guys—da Het peopo, da Girgash peopo, da Amor peopo, da Canaan peopo, da Periz peopo, da Hiv peopo, an da Jebus peopo. Dass seven diffren kine peopos dat get mo plenny peopo an stay mo strong den you guys. Wen oua God, dass Da One In Charge a us, give you guys powa ova dem, an you win ova dem, den you guys gotta wipe um all out, jalike you make one big sacrifice fo Da One In Charge. No make one deal wit dem, an no give dem chance. No marry dem. No give yoa girls to dea boys fo marry, an no take dea girls fo marry yoa boys. Az cuz if you do dat, bumbye dose peopos goin make yoa kids no stay tight wit me, Da One In Charge, an yoa kids goin come tight wit odda gods an goin go work fo um. An if you do dat, I goin come real huhu wit you guys, an I goin wipe out you guys real fas.
“Az why dis wat you guys gotta do to dem: Broke down dea altars, smash da big kapu stones dey put up fo da Baal god, cut down da kapu poses dey put up fo da Asherah wahine god, an burn up dea idol kine gods inside da fire. You gotta do all dat cuz you guys da peopo dat stay spesho fo me, yoa God, Da One In Charge. I wen pick you guys from all da odda peopos on top da earth fo come my peopo dat worth plenny.
“Da One In Charge like you guys. Az why he pick you guys. But he neva do um cuz you guys get mo plenny peopo den da odda peopos, cuz dat time, you guys ony litto bit peopo. But he pick you guys cuz he get love an aloha fo you guys. An he keep da strong promise he wen make to yoa ancesta guys, dat he goin use his strong powa fo get you guys outa Egypt. Dass how come he wen use his powa fo get you guys outa dea. He wen do wat he gotta do fo get you outa dea, afta you guys was slaves fo da Pharaoh guy, dea king. Az why you guys gotta know dat yoa God, Da One In Charge, he da God dass fo real! He da God you can trus um fo do wat he tell he goin do. He make good da deal he wen make, an he stay tight wit da peopo dat get love an aloha fo him an do wat he tell dem fo do fo mo den tousan generation. 10 But fo da peopo dat hate him, he goin wipe dem out fo pay um back. He no goin be slow fo pay um back. 11 Az why you guys gotta make shua you do wat I tell you fo do—eryting you gotta do, da rules bout wass right an wass wrong, jalike I tell you guys today.
12 “If you guys lissen dese rules an make shua you do um, den oua God, dass Da One In Charge a us, goin make shua he do his part a da deal fo stay tight wit you guys, jalike he wen make one strong promise to oua ancesta guys fo do um. 13 He goin get love an aloha fo you guys, an do good tings fo you guys, an make you guys come plenny peopo. He goin do good tings fo yoa kids, same ting fo da food dat grow from yoa land—yoa wheat an barley, yoa new wine, yoa olive oil—da bebe cows, an da bebe sheeps an goats. Dass how goin stay inside da land dat he wen make da strong promise to yoa ancesta guys fo give you. 14 He goin do good tings fo you guys, mo den wat all da odda peopos goin get. All yoa guys an wahines goin get kids. All yoa animals goin get bebes. 15 Da One In Charge no goin let you guys come sick. He no goin let you guys get any bad kine sick, da kine you guys know bout wen you live inside Egypt. But he goin give dat kine sick to all da peopo dat hate you guys. 16 You guys gotta wipe out all da peopos dat oua God, Da One In Charge, give you guys da powa fo wipe um out. No show pity fo dem, an no do work fo dea gods, cuz all dat az jalike one trap fo catch you guys.
17 “Maybe you guys goin start fo figga lidis, ‘How us can do dis?! Dey get mo plenny peopo den us guys! Us no can take ova dea land!’ 18 No sked a dem! You guys gotta rememba, an no foget, wat oua God, dass Da One In Charge a us, wen do to Pharaoh an all da Egypt peopo. 19 You guys wen see how oua God, Da One In Charge, wen make da Egypt peopo suffa. He show how strong him, an he make happen plenny awesome tings. He use his strong powa fo take you guys outa dea. An now, oua God, Da One In Charge, goin do da same ting to all da peopos dat stay make you guys come sked now. 20 An anodda ting—Oua God Da One In Charge goin make dem lose fight, till even da peopo dat stay dea still yet an stay hide from you guys, dey goin come wipe out. 21 No come sked an shake cuz a dem! Cuz oua God, Da One In Charge, stay right hea wit you guys, an he one God dat stay big an awesome. 22 Oua God Da One In Charge goin wipe out dose peopos litto by litto wen you guys go fo attack dem. No good you guys wipe um all out one time, cuz den da wild animals goin come real plenny aroun you guys an take ova da land. 23 But oua God, Da One In Charge, goin bring dem to you guys fo take um ova. He goin make um come all jam up dey donno wat dey stay do, till dey all come wipe out. 24 He goin let you guys take dea kings an wipe um out, so nobody in da world goin even rememba dea name. Nobody goin stan up fo fight you guys cuz you goin wipe dem all out. 25 You guys goin burn up dea idol kine gods inside da fire. No make jalike you like take da silva o gold on top da idols, an no take dat fo you. Cuz all dat kine stuff no good, an can catch you guys jalike az one trap. Fo yoa God, Da One In Charge, all dat kine stuff pilau. 26 No take one idol kine god inside yoa house cuz az pilau da way Da One In Charge see dat. If you take um inside, Da One In Charge goin put kahuna on top you guys fo wipe you out jalike you one sacrifice fo him, jalike he goin wipe out da idol. You guys gotta hate dat kine pilau stuff fo real kine, an no take um, cuz Da One In Charge goin wipe um out jalike dass one sacrifice fo him.
7:1 7:1: JGuys 13:19 7:5 7:5: Rules2 12:3 7:6 7:6: Outa 19:5; Rules2 4:20; 14:2; 26:18; Tit 2:14; 1Pet 2:9 7:9 7:9: Outa 20:5-6; 34:6-7; Census 14:18; Rules2 5:9-10 7:12 7:12: Rules2 11:13-17