How Come Da One In Charge
Help Da Israel Peopo
(Rome 10:6-8; Hebrews 12:21)
“Lissen, you Israel peopo, you guys almos ready fo go da odda side a da Jordan Riva, fo go inside da land an take um ova, no matta da odda peopos dea stay mo big an mo strong den you guys. Dey get big towns an strong wall dat go up inside da sky. Da peopo dea stay strong an tall. Dey come from da Anak peopo. You guys know bout dem. You guys wen hear, ‘No mo nobody can stan up agains da Anak peopo!’ But you guys can stay shua dat oua God, dass Da One In Charge a us, he da One goin go da odda side a da Jordan Riva in front you guys now, jalike one big fire dat burn up eryting! He goin make dem come notting an wipe dem out wen you guys attack dem. An you guys goin take ova dea land an wipe dem out real fas, jalike Da One In Charge wen make one promise to you guys.
“But afta oua God, Da One In Charge, throw dem out wen you guys attack dem, no go tink lidis: ‘Az cuz I stay do wass right erytime, dat Da One In Charge bring me ova hea fo take ova dis land!’ Nah! Az not why! Az cuz dese peopos stay do plenny real bad kine stuff. Az why Da One In Charge goin take ova dea land wen you guys attack dem. Az not cuz you guys do wass right erytime, o cuz you tink da right way. You guys goin take ova dea land, cuz dese odda peopos stay do real bad kine stuff. Az why oua God, Da One In Charge, goin take ova dea land wen you attack, fo him do wat he wen make one strong promise to yoa ancesta guys fo do, to Abraham, Isaac, an Jacob. You guys gotta undastan, dat oua God, Da One In Charge, stay give you guys dis good land fo come yoa property. But he give um cuz he like, not cuz you guys stay do wass right erytime. Cuz you guys hard head!
Da Gold Bebe Cow Idol
“Rememba an no foget, how you guys wen make God come real huhu inside da boonies, no matta he oua God, dass Da One In Charge a us. From da time you guys come outa Egypt till you guys come ova hea, you guys stay make Da One In Charge come huhu cuz you no like do wat he tell you fo do. Mount Sinai side, you guys wen make him come real plenny huhu an he wen stay ready fo wipe out you guys. Da time I go up da mountain fo get da flat stones dat show da deal Da One In Charge wen make wit you guys I wen stay on top da mountain forty day an forty nite. I no eat food an no drink watta all dat time. 10 Oua God Da One In Charge give me two flat stones wea he write wit his finga. On top dem, get all da stuff he tell you guys fo do, da time he talk wit you guys from inside da fire on top da mountain. Az was da day all you guys come togedda dea.
11 “Afta I pau stay up dea forty days an forty nites, Da One In Charge give me da two flat stones wea he write da deal he make wit you guys. 12 Den Da One In Charge tell me, ‘Go down dea real fas, cuz yoa peopo dat you wen bring outa Egypt wen come no good an do pilau kine stuff awready! Dey turn away fas from da way I wen tell um fo live. Dey wen make one idol kine god from metal fo dem pray to!’ 13 Da One In Charge tell me, ‘I see awready, an you know wat?! Dese peopo hard head fo shua! 14 No try fo stop me! I goin wipe dem out, fo nobody in da world foget who dem. Den I goin make you, Moses, come one peopo mo strong an mo plenny den dem!’
15 “So I turn aroun an go down da mountain wen still yet stay burning all ova da mountain. Da two flat stones dat get da deal Da One In Charge wen write on top um, I get um inside my two hand. 16 Wen I look, I see you guys stay do real bad kine stuff agains oua God, dass Da One In Charge a us. You guys wen melt metal fo make one idol kine god dat look jalike one bebe cow. You guys wen turn away quick from da way Da One In Charge tell you guys fo live. 17 So I wen take da two flat stones in my hands an throw um down an broke um in front you guys.
18 “Den jalike da firs time, I wen go down in front da Tent Fo Me Wit Da One In Charge fo forty days an forty nites. I no eat food an no drink watta all dat time, cuz a all da stuff you guys stay do dass real bad kine da way Da One In Charge see um, an dat make him come real mad wit you guys. 19 I come real sked, cuz Da One In Charge stay real plenny huhu wit you guys an he like wipe you out den an dea. But dat time too, I pray an he lissen me. 20 Same time, Da One In Charge stay real plenny huhu wit Aaron, an he like wipe him out. But dat time I pray fo Aaron too. 21 An dat bebe cow statue, you guys wen do one bad ting fo make um. I take um an burn um up inside da fire. I smash um an grind um up an make um come jalike dus. Den I throw um inside da stream dat come down da mountain.
22 “Odda times, you guys wen make Da One In Charge come huhu too—Taberah side, Massah side, an Kibrot-Hattaavah side.
23 “An laytas, wen Da One In Charge wen sen you guys fo go out from Kadesh-Barnea, he tell, ‘Go! Take ova da land I wen give you guys awready!’ But you guys, you no like do wat oua God, Da One In Charge, wen tell you fo do. You no trus him o lissen wat he tell. 24 You guys no like do wat Da One In Charge tell you fo do, from da firs time I know you guys.
25 “I wen go down in front Da One In Charge dat time fo forty days an forty nites, cuz he wen tell me he goin wipe out you guys. 26 But I pray to Da One In Charge, an I tell, ‘You da One In Charge! You da Boss! Try no wipe out yoa peopo! You own dem, an you wen do wat you gotta do fo get dem outa trouble cuz you big an awesome! You wen use yoa strong powa fo bring um outa Egypt. 27 No foget da guys dat wen work fo you, Abraham, Isaac, an Jacob. No leave us guys, jus cuz dis peopo hard head, an stay do real bad kine stuff.’ 28 Cuz no good da Egypt peopo inside da country wea you wen bring us guys out from, tell, ‘Da One In Charge no can bring dem inside da land he wen promise fo give dem, an he hate dem! Az why he bring dem inside da boonies fo him kill um dea!’ 29 But da Israel peopo, dey yoa peopo. You own dem. You wen use yoa awesome powa fo bring dem outa dea cuz you strong!
9:9 9:9: Outa 24:18 9:19 9:19: Heb 12:21 9:22 9:22 a: Census 11:3; Outa 17:7; Census 11:34 9:23 9:23 a: Census 13:17; Rules2 1:21; Census 13:31; Rules2 1:26; Heb 3:16