Isaac Born
Laytas, Da One In Charge take kea Sarah, jalike he wen promise fo do. Sarah come hapai. Az jalike God, Da One In Charge, wen tell Abraham befo time, dat he goin give um one boy. She born da boy fo Abraham wen Abraham real ol awready. Abraham give da name Isaac to da new bebe, da boy dat Sarah wen born fo him. (Dat name mean “Laugh.”) An wen Isaac eight day ol, Abraham cut skin, jalike God tell um he suppose to do. Da time Isaac born, Abraham hundred year ol awready.
Sarah, she tell,
“God make me feel good inside.
An I can laugh now,
Cuz I get one bebe!
Erybody dat find out bout dis goin feel good an laugh jalike me!
Cuz you know, befo time nobody tink I can born one bebe.
Dey no tink dey goin tell Abraham,
‘Eh! Sarah get yoa bebe fo breas feed!’
But now, I stay born one boy fo Abraham wen he ol awready!”
Hagar An Ishmael Gotta Go Way
Da boy Isaac come mo big, an his muddah pau breas feed him. Abraham make one big bebe luau fo Isaac, da time his muddah pau breas feed him.
Dat time, Sarah see Ishmael, da boy dat da wahine from Egypt, Hagar, wen born fo Abraham. Ishmael make fun a Isaac. 10 Sarah tell Abraham, “You gotta throw out dat slave wahine an her boy! No way dat slave wahine boy goin get some a yoa stuffs afta you mahke! My boy Isaac, he goin get um all!”
11 Dat wen bodda Abraham plenny, da ting Sarah wen tell. Cuz Ishmael his boy too. 12 But God tell Abraham, “No need stay sad inside cuz a da boy an yoa slave wahine. Wateva Sarah tell you fo do, lissen wat she tell. Cuz bumbye, wen dey talk bout da peopo dat come from you, dey mean da peopo dat goin come from Isaac, not da ones from Ishmael. 13 An you know, fo da slave wahine boy, I goin make one peopo come from him too, cuz he come from you.”
14 Abraham wake up early da nex morning fo get food an one goat skin all sew up fo carry watta. He give um to Hagar, an help her put da food an da watta on top her back an da boy back. Den, he make her an da boy go way from dea.
Hagar an da boy go to da boonies Beer-Sheba side, an dey go hea an dea but dey neva know wea dey goin go. 15 Wen no mo watta inside da goat skin, she leave da boy unda da shade a one a da bushes dea.
16 Den Hagar go mo down, bout hundred yard. She sit down ova dea da odda side, cuz she tink, “I no can handle fo see my boy die!” An she bus out crying.
17 Same time, da boy pray to God, an God lissen him. One angel messenja guy from God call out to Hagar from da air. He tell her, “Hui! Hagar! Wassup wit you? No sked! Cuz da boy wen pray ova dea, an God lissen awready. 18 Stan up! Go by Ishmael an put yoa arms aroun him! You gotta take good kea him so notting bad happen to him. Cuz da peopo dat goin come from him, I goin make dem come one importan peopo!”
19 Den God show Hagar one puka wit watta inside. She go dea an put da goat skin down inside da puka an fill um up. Den she pull um up an give um to da boy fo drink. 20 From dat time, an wen Ishmael come big, God help him plenny. Laytas, he live inside da boonies, an come good fo use da bow an arrow fo hunt. 21 Da time Ishmael stay live inside da boonies Paran side, his muddah go Egypt side, an she bring back one wahine from dea fo come Ishmael wife.
Abraham An Abimelek Make One Deal
22 Had one time, King Abimelek an his main army guy Pikol come fo talk wit Abraham. Abimelek tell Abraham, “Eryting you do, God stay wit you an he help you. 23 Az why now I like you make one strong promise to me an swea to God right hea an now fo erybody know dat you goin do um. Promise dat you no goin bulai me o trick me, an same ting fo all my ohana peopo an erybody dat goin come from me bumbye. Promise dat wateva you do wit me an wit da land wea you stay make house, you goin stay tight wit me an stay my fren, jalike eryting I wen do wit you, I wen stay tight wit you an stay yoa fren.”
24 Abraham tell, “I promise an swea to God I goin do dis.”
25 But layta, Abraham gotta go talk wit Abimelek, cuz had guys dat work fo Abimelek dat wen take ova one puka fo da watta dat Abraham guys wen dig befo time. 26 Abimelek tell, “Eh, I donno wat guy wen do dis. An you neva say notting befo time. Az why I neva hear notting till today.” 27 Abraham take sheeps, goats, an cows an give um to Abimelek, fo da two guys make one deal fo share da watta.
28 Same time, Abraham put seven girl kine bebe sheeps, one side. 29 Abimelek tell um, “Eh, how come you put da seven girl kine bebe sheeps ova dea?”
30 Abraham tell um, “I like fo you take dese seven sheeps from me, fo show proof fo me in front erybody dat you know was me dat wen tell my guys fo dig da puka. Dass how bumbye no goin get mo pilikia fo us use da watta.” 31 So da two guys make one strong kine promise to each odda. Dass how come dey call dat place Beer-Sheba, dat mean “Da Seven Sheep Puka,” an same time, “Da Puka Wit Da Promise.”
32 Afta dey make da Beer-Sheba promise, Abimelek an his main army guy Pikol go home. (Dass da same land wea da Filisha peopo live nowdays, you know.) 33 Abraham, he go plant one ironwood tree ova dea Beer-Sheba side. Dat place, he tell Da One In Charge, “Eh! You, da God Dat Stay Foeva! I like you help me, cuz I know wat kine god you!” 34 An Abraham wen live long time, ova dea inside da land wea da Filisha peopo live nowdays.
21:2 21:2: Start 18:10, 14; Heb 11:11 21:4 21:4: Start 17:12; JGuys 7:8 21:10 21:10: Gal 4:29-30 21:12 21:12: Rome 9:7; Heb 11:18 21:22 21:22: Start 26:26