Love An Aloha Fo Da Braddahs An Sistahs
(Rules Secon Time 31:6; Songs 118:6)
Kay den, make shua all you braddahs an sistahs show love an aloha fo each odda. No foget fo show aloha to peopo from anodda place fo tell um come yoa house. Cuz some a oua braddahs an sistahs wen show aloha lidat, an dey neva know was angel guys dat wen come dea house. Tink plenny bout da prisona guys, an make jalike you wen stay dea wit dem. An tink plenny bout da peopo dat oddas make any kine to, jalike you guys suffa jalike dem.
An erybody gotta show plenny respeck fo da guy an wahine dat stay marry. Wen dey sleep togedda, dass good. Az why da husban o da wife betta not fool aroun behind each odda back. Cuz God goin punish da peopo dat fool aroun behind da odda back, an erybody dat fool aroun anybody dey no stay married to.
Try live so you no mo plenny love fo money. Stay good inside bout da stuff you get awready. Cuz God da One tell, “No way I eva goin leave you! No way I goin bag from you!” Az why us guys can come strong, jalike da Bible tell:
“Da One In Charge, he da One dat help me wen I need him.
Az why I no goin come sked.
Da peopo, dey no can do notting fo hurt me!”
Da Leada Guys
(Prieses 16:27)
Tink bout yoa leada guys. Dey da ones dat wen tell you guys wat God tell. Tink plenny bout da way dey live, an da stuff dat happen cuz a dat. An ack jalike dem, da way dey trus God. Cuz Jesus Christ, he stay da same, yestaday, today, an foeva! Get all kine diffren kine stuff dat peopo teach, you know. No let dat kine stuff throw you guys off, an no trus jus any kine stuff!
Wen we let God do good tings fo us, we come mo strong inside. But if we tink we gotta stick wit da rules bout spesho kine food, dat no goin make us come mo strong inside. Get peopo dat tink lidat. But dat no help dem, notting!
10 Befo time, had one altar place wea da pries guys wen work inside God Spesho Tent. Dey get da right fo eat da sacrifice meat from dat altar. But us guys, we get one diffren altar place. An dose pries guys no mo da right fo eat da sacrifice meat from dea. 11 You know, da Jew Main Pries guys take da blood from da sacrifice animals inside da Real, Real Spesho Place Fo God, fo make one sacrifice fo da bad kine stuff da peopo wen do. An den fo burn da animal body, dey take um outside da place wea da peopo stay. 12 Same ting wit Jesus. Was outside da Jerusalem gate dat he suffa, fo make his peopo come spesho fo God, cuz he wen bleed an mahke. 13 Eh! We go make same same jalike Jesus. We let da peopo make any kine to us, jalike dey wen make any kine to Jesus fo make him come shame. 14 Cuz ova hea, us guys no mo town dat goin stay foeva. But we like wait fo see da big town dat goin come bumbye.
15 Us guys, oua ancesta guys wen make sacrifice fo show dey like tell plenny good tings bout God. Az why same ting, us guys goin tell erybody dat us God guys cuz we know who him! Dass why us guys can tell plenny good tings all da time bout how God stay. An we can do all dat cuz a Jesus. 16 No foget fo do good tings fo odda peopo. Give dem wat dey need from yoa stuffs. Cuz dass jalike you stay make one sacrifice dat make God stay good inside.
17 Wen yoa leada guys tell you guys fo do someting, lissen dem, an do wat dey tell you fo do. Dey erytime try fo take kea you guys, day time an nite time, cuz dey know dat dey gotta show God dat dey stay do one good job lidat. Lissen dem, fo dem stay good inside, an no come bum out. Cuz if dey stay bum out, dat no goin help you guys notting.
He Pray Fo Dem
18 Pray plenny fo us guys. We stay shua dat inside us stay good an we no mo shame. An erytime we like live da right way. 19 Az why I stay tell you guys dis, serious kine: Try tell God fo let me go back by you guys real quick.
20 God, he da One dat make um so notting bodda us guys. An he da One dat wen bring back from mahke Da One In Charge a us guys, Jesus. Jesus wen bleed an mahke fo us guys, an dass how God wen make one New Deal fo us dat stay foeva. Jesus, he jalike da main sheep guy dat take kea his sheeps. 21 So, I like God make you guys ready fo do eryting good dat he like you guys fo do. I like him fo do stuff inside us guys dat make him stay good inside. He do dat cuz Jesus Christ give us da powa dat we need. An I like fo erybody tell how awesome Jesus stay, foeva an eva! Dass it!
22 Eh, my braddahs an sistahs, I like fo you guys hang in dea an lissen da good kine words I stay sen you guys, cuz I ony write you guys dis short kine letta.
23 I like you guys fo know dis: oua braddah Timoty, he outa jail awready! If he come hea quick, den he goin go wit me fo see you guys.
24 Give my aloha to all yoa leada guys an all God peopo. My braddahs an sistahs from Italy side give you guys dea aloha too.
25 I like God do plenny good stuff fo all you guys.
13:2 13:2: Start 18:1-8; 19:1-3 13:5 13:5: Rules2 31:6, 8; Josh 1:5 13:6 13:6: Songs 118:6 13:11 13:11: Pries 16:27