God Pick King Cyrus
(Rome 9:20; 14:11; Philippi 2:10-11)
Dis one spesho message from Da One In Charge
Fo one guy he pick awready:
“Dis fo King Cyrus!
I take his right hand fo help him,
Cuz I goin make him win
Wen he go afta da peopo inside odda countries.
I goin take away da sword an sword belt
From da odda kings, so dey no can fight.
Az how I goin open doors fo Cyrus go inside.
Even da big town gates no goin stay shut in front him!
Goin be me dat go in front you,
Jalike I goin make da mountains come flat
Fo come easy fo you go.
I goin broke down da bronze town gates.
I goin cut thru da iron bars.
I goin give you all da rich kine stuffs
Dat dose nations keep inside dark secret places.
Da rich kine stuffs dat peopo hide
Inside one place wea nobody know.
Den you goin know dat me Da One In Charge,
Da God fo da Israel peopo.
I call you by yoa name fo come by me.
An I get respeck fo my worka guy Jacob,
Da one I wen pick, an da Israel ohana.
So King Cyrus, az why I give you one big name
Cuz erybody goin know you,
No matta you donno who me.
Me, Da One In Charge! No mo anodda One.
No mo anodda God, ony me.
I goin make you come strong, Cyrus,
Ready fo fight,
No matta you donno who me.
An how come I stay do all dat?!
I do um fo da peopo all ova da world,
From wea da sun come up
To wea da sun go down,
Know dat no mo anodda god.
Me, Da One In Charge. I da ony One.
I make da light an da dark.
I make good kine stuff happen,
An I make bad kine stuff happen.
Me, Da One In Charge, da One dat stay do all dis kine stuff.
“I like eryting come right,
All ova da place,
Jalike da rain come down from da sky
All ova da place.
I like get peopo outa trouble
An same time, do plenny right kine tings,
Jalike da clouds sen down da rain,
An da earth suck um up,
Fo plenny plants grow all ova da place.
Me, Da One In Charge,
An I make all dis happen!
“Bummahs! fo anybody dat make argue
Wit da One dat wen make dem!
Dey notting.
Dey jalike one piece from one broke pot,
An anodda piece from broke pots
Dat get all ova da groun.
You tink da clay aks da guy dat make pots,
‘Wat you stay making, aah?!
Da stuff you make
Look jalike you no mo hands!’
10 Bummahs! fo da bebe dat aks his faddah guy,
‘Wat kine bebe you stay making?!’
Bummahs! fo da bebe dat aks da muddah,
‘Wat kine bebe you goin born?!’ ”
11 Dis one message from Da One In Charge,
Da Good An Spesho One fo da Israel peopo,
Da One wen make dem.
Dis wat he tell:
“Bout tings dat goin happen bumbye,
You tink you can aks me bout my kids?!
No way!
You tink you goin tell me how fo make
Da stuff I make?!
Not even!
12 I da One wen make da world.
I wen make da peopo an put um on top dea.
Was me, wen stretch out da sky
Wit my hands.
I tell eryting inside da sky wat fo do.
13 Wen I make Cyrus do stuff,
Az da right ting fo me do.
I goin make um easy fo him do um.
He goin build my big town Jerusalem one mo time.
He goin let my peopo dat was prisonas
Go back home.
But wen Cyrus go do all dat,
He no do um cuz I goin pay um fo dat,
Cuz I no goin pay um.
He no goin do um fo unda da table kine money,
Cuz I no goin give um dat.”
Dass wat Da One In Charge tell,
Da God Ova All Da Armies.
14 Dis, anodda message from Da One In Charge:
“Da stuff dey make inside Egypt an Sudan,
An da tall Yemen peopo,
Dey goin come ova yoa side,
An goin come yoa guys.
Dey goin walk behind you
An come by you wit chains on top dea legs.
Dey goin go down in front you.
Dey goin beg you an tell,
‘Fo shua God stay wit you.
No mo anodda one dass God.’
15 “Fo shua, you one god dat go hide.
You da God fo us Israel peopo.
Da One dat stay get us outa trouble.
16 All da guys dat make idol kine gods,
Dey goin get plenny shame.
Dey goin all go way togedda,
An nobody goin get respeck fo dem.
17 But you Israel peopo, you goin get outa trouble
Cuz you stay tight wit Da One In Charge.
An da way he get you outa trouble, goin be foeva!
You no goin get shame,
An nobody goin make you come shame no moa, foeva!”
18 Az cuz Da One In Charge get dis spesho message,
Da One dat wen make da sky,
Da One dass God fo real kine!
He da One wen plan an make da world.
He make um solid.
He neva make um so no mo notting dea.
He make um fo peopo live dea.
Dis wat Da One In Charge tell:
“Me, Da One In Charge. No mo anodda one like me!
19 I no make secret kine wen I talk,
Jalike I stay some place
Inside one land wea no mo light.
I neva tell da peopo dat come from Jacob ohana,
‘No matta you guys try fo find me,
Dat no goin mean notting fo you guys.’
Me, Da One In Charge! Wat I tell,
I tell um fo real kine.
20 “Go come togedda, an come nea me,
All you prisona guys
From all da diffren countries.
Da peopo dat carry dea idol kine gods hea an dea wit dem,
Dat somebody wen make from wood,
Dey donno notting!
Dey pray to da kine gods
Dat no can get dem outa trouble.
21 Eh, you guys dat pray to da wood kine gods!
Tell me how come you do dat.
Go come ova hea by me
Fo us figga out wat you like tell me.
So! Who wen let peopo hear all dis
From befo time, long time befo time?
Az was me, Da One In Charge, I da One wen tell all dis.
Cuz no mo anodda god dat stay fo real,
I da ony One!
I da God dat do da right ting erytime,
An get peopo outa trouble.
No mo anodda one can do dat, ony me.
22 “All you peopo from da mos far places all ova da world,
Turn aroun an come by me
Fo me get you guys outa trouble,
Cuz I God. No mo anodda god, ony me.
23 I wen make one strong promise,
An I goin make shua da ting happen.
Me, I make dat promise
Cuz I do da right ting erytime,
An wat I stay promise, nobody can change um.
Erybody goin go down on top dea knees
Fo show dey get respeck fo me.
Erybody goin make one strong promise
An aks me fo make shua dey do um.
24 Dey goin tell dis bout me,
‘Fo shua, ony one way fo do da right kine stuff,
Ony one way fo stay strong:
Gotta stay tight wit Da One In Charge!’
But erybody dat come huhu wit Da One In Charge
Dey gotta go in front him,
An dey goin come plenny shame.
25 But wen all da peopo
Dat come from oua ancesta Israel
Stay tight wit Da One In Charge,
Den dey goin get um right wit him.
An dey goin tell good stuff bout him.”
45:9 45:9: Isa 29:16; Rome 9:20 45:23 45:23: Rome 14:11; Php 2:10-11