Talk Fo God
God Tell Jonah Fo Go Nineveh
(2 Kings 14:25)
Had one guy Jonah. His faddah Amittai. One time, Da One In Charge tell Jonah fo talk fo him. Dis wat Da One In Charge tell Jonah: “No wait! Go Nineveh town now, da main town Assyria side. Tell all da peopo ova dea, I know awready all da pilau kine stuff dey stay do.”
But Jonah, he no lissen. He go da odda way fo dig out from Da One In Charge fo go Tarshish side (dass Spain, you know). He go down Joppa boat harbor an find one big boat dat goin go Tarshish. He pay da money fo go, an he go on top da boat fo go Tarshish wit da saila guys. He figga he can go far away from Da One In Charge.
Da Storm
Wen dey was going, Da One In Charge make one bite hard wind come on top da ocean. Da storm come on top da watta real strong, an da boat litto mo bus up.
Da saila guys, dey plenny sked. All dem yell fo help to dea gods. Dey throw out da stuffs from da boat fo make um not so heavy, an mo easy fo handle. All dat time, Jonah stay down inside da bottom part a da boat. He lay down inside dea fo sleep an pass out.
Da captain go by Jonah an yell at him, “Eh! Wassamatta you? How come you stay sleep lidat?! Get up an tell yoa god fo help us! Den maybe yoa god goin tink fo help us guys, o us no wipe out!”
Jonah Tell Dis Storm Come Cuz A Him
Da saila guys, dey tell each odda, “Eh, good fo us guys fo find out who da guy dat wen make one god mad, fo dis bad ting come to us guys. We go pull straw fo find out who him, aah?” Dey pull straw, an Jonah, he da one lose.
Dey tell Jonah, “Kay den. You da guy wen make dis bad ting come to us guys. So tell us, who you, an wat kine work you do? Wea you come from? Wat country you come from? Wat kine peopo you?”
Jonah tell um, “Me, I one Hebrew guy. I get love an respeck fo Da One In Charge, da God Up Dea Inside Da Sky. He da One wen make da ocean an da land. 10 An I stay run away from him!”
Wen da saila guys hear dat, dey come real sked. Dey tell Jonah, “Eh, why you do dat, aah?”
11 Da waves, dey stay come mo big. So da saila guys tell Jonah, “Eh! Wat we gotta do to you, fo yoa god make da ocean come quiet aroun us guys?”
12 Jonah tell um, “Take me ova dea an throw me inside da watta. Den da ocean goin come quiet fo you guys. Cuz I know dis big storm wen come to you guys cuz a me.”
Dey Throw Jonah Inside Da Watta
13 Da saila guys try firs fo row da boat back to da land. But dey no can, cuz da storm stay come mo big all aroun dem. 14 Den dey yell fo help to da god Jonah pray to, Da One In Charge. Dey tell, “Eh God! You Da One In Charge! No let us guys come wipe out jus cuz we gotta kill dis guy! If he neva do one bad ting, an we kill um, try let us guys go! Cuz you Da One In Charge, an was you dat wen make all dis happen, not us guys! So no poin finga us!”
15 Den da saila guys pick up Jonah an throw him inside da ocean. Right den an dea, da waves come calm.
16 Da saila guys, dey real sked a Da One In Charge, cuz he fo real, an dey like show him plenny respeck. So dey kill one animal fo make one sacrifice fo him, an dey make plenny strong kine promise, wat dey goin do fo him bumbye.
One Mangus Fish Swallow Jonah
An Layta Bahf Um Up On Top Da Beach
(Matthew 12:40)
17 Da One In Charge, he wen make ready one mangus fish fo swallow Jonah. An den Jonah stay inside da fish opu, three days an three nites.
1:1 1:1: 2Kings 14:25 1:17 1:17: Matt 12:40