Jesus Wash His Guys Feets
Was jus befo da Passova time. Jesus know dat was time fo him fo go outa dis world, an go by his Faddah. He erytime get love an aloha fo his peopo dat stay inside da world, an he get love an aloha fo dem to da max.
Jesus dem stay eat da Passova dinna. An da Devil awready make Judas, Simon Iscariot boy, figga dat he like set up Jesus.
Jesus know dat his Faddah wen give him all da powa ova eryting. He know he come from God an now he goin go back by God. So Jesus stan up from da table, take off his robe, an put one towel aroun his wais. Den he pour watta inside one small wash tub, an start fo wash his guys feets, firs one guy, den da odda. An den he dry um wit da towel he get aroun his wais. He go by Simon Peter. An Peter tell um, “Eh, Boss! Wat you stay do? You goin wash my feets, o wat?!”
Jesus tell him, “You no undastan how come I stay do dis now, but bumbye you goin undastan um.”
Peter tell him, “No way you eva goin wash my feets!”
Jesus tell him, “If I no wash you, den you no can be my guy.”
Simon Peter tell him, “Kay den, you Da One In Charge! No wash ony my feets. Wash my hands an my head too!”
10 Jesus tell him, “Whoeva wen bafe, dey ony need wash dea feets. Dea body stay clean awready. You guys stay clean inside, but not all you guys.” 11 (Cuz Jesus know awready who goin set him up. Dass why he tell, “All you guys not clean.”)
12 Afta Jesus wash dea feets, he put on his robe an go back by da table. Den he aks um, “Eh, you guys undastan how come I wash you guys feets? 13 You guys call me ‘Teacha’ an ‘Da One In Charge.’ Dass good, cuz dass who me. 14 I Da One In Charge a you guys, an I yoa Teacha, aah? An I wen wash you guys feets. Kay den. You guys suppose to wash each odda feets too. 15 I wen show you guys wat fo do, cuz jalike I wen do fo you guys, you guys suppose to do too. 16 Dass right! An I tell you guys dis too: Da slave guy not mo importan den his boss. An da messenja guy not mo importan den da guy dat sen him. 17 You guys know all dis stuffs. So, if you guys do um, you guys goin stay good inside.
18 “I no talk bout all you guys. I know da guys I wen pick. But gotta happen jalike da Bible tell from befo time, ‘One guy dat eat wit me go agains me.’ 19 I stay tell you guys dis now, befo he do um, so wen he do um, you guys goin know fo shua dat I God Spesho Guy. 20 Dass right! An I like tell you guys dis too: Whoeva stay tight wit any guy I sen all ova da place, dey stay tight wit me too. An whoeva stay tight wit me, dey stay tight wit da One wen sen me too.”
Dey Goin Set Up Jesus Fo Mahke
(Matthew 26:20-25; Mark 14:17-21; Luke 22:21-23)
21 Afta Jesus tell dat, he come all funny kine inside. He tell da guys he teaching, “Dis fo shua wat I tell you guys: One a you guys goin set me up fo mahke.”
22 His guys look at each odda, an dey no can figga who da guy he talking bout. 23 One a Jesus guys stay sit by him at da table. Jesus get plenny love an aloha fo dat guy. 24 So Simon Peter nod da head at da guy an tell, “Eh! Try find out who he talking bout.”
25 So da guy move mo close an aks Jesus, “Eh, Boss! Who da guy?”
26 Jesus tell, “I goin take one piece bread, dip um inside da sauce, an give um to da guy.” So he take da bread, dip um inside, an give um to Judas, Simon Iscariot boy. 27 Judas take da bread, an right den an dea, Satan take ova him. Den Jesus tell, “Hurry up an go do wat you goin do!” 28 But da odda guys sitting dea neva undastan how come Jesus tell him dat. 29 Some a Jesus guys tink dat Jesus tell Judas, “Go get wat we need fo da Passova,” o “Go give someting to da peopo dat no mo notting.” Dey tink lidat cuz Judas stay in charge a da money fo all da guys.
30 So afta Judas take da bread, he go outside real fas. Was nite time.
Da New Ting Dey Gotta Do
31 Afta Judas go way, Jesus tell, “I da Fo Real Kine Guy. Now erybody goin see how awesome I stay. An from dat, dey goin find out how awesome God stay. 32 I goin show how awesome God stay, an he goin make me awesome too, cuz I stay tight wit him. An he goin do um right now. 33 Eh guys! I get plenny love an aloha fo you guys! But I goin stay wit you guys ony short time moa. Den you guys goin look fo me, but jalike I wen tell da Jew leada guys, I tell you guys now, ‘Da place wea I goin go, you guys no can go dea.’
34 “I give you guys one new ting you gotta do: Show love an aloha fo each odda! Jus like I show love an aloha fo you guys, dass how you guys gotta show love an aloha fo each odda. 35 If all you guys show love an aloha fo each odda, den erybody goin know you my guys.”
Bumbye Peter Goin Tell He Donno Jesus
(Matthew 26:31-35; Mark 14:27-31; Luke 22:31-34)
36 Simon Peter go aks him, “Eh, Boss, wea you goin go?”
Jesus tell him, “Da place I goin go, you no can go dea now, but bumbye you goin go dea.”
37 Peter tell um, “Eh, Boss, how come I no can go wit you now? I stay ready fo mahke fo you!”
38 Jesus tell him, “Fo real? You tink you stay ready fo mahke fo me? Dass right! But I tell you dis too: Befo da roosta crow early today, you goin tell three time dat you donno who me!”
13:12 13:12: Luke 22:27 13:16 13:16: Matt 10:24; Luke 6:40; John 15:20 13:18 13:18: Songs 41:9 13:20 13:20: Matt 10:40; Mark 9:37; Luke 9:48; 10:16 13:33 13:33: John 7:34 13:34 13:34: John 15:12, 17; 1John 3:23; 2John 1:5