Amaziah, Da Judah King
(2 Records 25:1-4, 11-12, 17–26:2)
Wen Jehoash, Jehoahaz boy, stay da Israel king fo two year, Amaziah, Joash boy, come da Judah king. Amaziah, he twenny-five year ol wen he come king. He stay king inside Jerusalem twenny-nine year. His muddah name Jehoaddin, an she come from Jerusalem. Amaziah do wat stay right da way Da One In Charge see um, but he no do jalike his ancesta David wen do. He stick wit da way his faddah Joash do bout eryting. But da sacrifice places fo da idol kine gods still stay on top da hills. Da peopo stay make sacrifice an burn incense ova dea.
Afta Amaziah make shua nobody can take ova him fo be king, he kill da palace guys dat wen kill his faddah da king. But he no kill da boys a da guys dat wen kill his faddah, cuz da Book wit da Rules dat Moses wen write tell: Da One In Charge wen make dis rule: “No kill da faddahs cuz a wat dea boys do, an no kill da boys cuz a wat dea faddahs do. Anybody do bad kine stuff, dey da ony one gotta mahke.”
Amaziah, he da one wen win ova ten tousan Edom guys inside da Salt Valley. An he take ova dea big town Sela dat time. He call da place Jokteel, an dass da name stay lidat today.
Laytas, Amaziah sen messenja guys by da Israel king Jehoash, Jehoahaz boy an Jehu grankid. He give um dis message, “Get ova hea fo us fight an see who goin win!”
But Jehoash, da Israel king, tell da messenja guys fo go back tell dis story to Amaziah, da Judah king: “You, you jalike one small thorn bush on top da Lebanon mountains, dat sen one message to one big Lebanon cedar tree, ‘Give yoa girl to my boy fo marry!’ Right den an dea, one wild animal from da Lebanon mountains come by dea, an smash down da thorn bush. 10 Fo shua, you wen win ova da Edom guys, an now you get smart wit me! Let yoa peopo respeck you cuz you wen win, but no come hea ack big! No good you make lidat an lose da war, cuz den you goin mahke, you an da Judah peopo too!”
11 But Amaziah no like lissen. So Jehoash, da Israel king, attack. Him an Amaziah, da Judah king, meet each odda Bet-Shemesh side inside Judah, an dea army guys fight. 12 Da Israel guys bus up da Judah guys, an all da Judah guys run away go home. 13 Jehoash, da Israel king, catch Amaziah, da Judah king, Joash boy an Ahaziah grankid, Bet-Shemesh side. Den Jehoash go Jerusalem an broke down da town wall from da Efraim Gate to da Corner Gate, one part bout six hundred feet long. 14 Jehoash take all da gold an silva, an all da cups an bowls an tings dat he find inside da Temple Fo Da One In Charge, an inside da king palace he take all da gold an silva too. An he even take away importan peopo from Jerusalem an tell he goin kill um if da Judah peopo make war one mo time. Den he go back Samaria side.
15 All da odda stuff dat Jehoash wen do, da awesome way he fight, an his war agains Amaziah da Judah king, all dat stay inside da Record Book Fo Da Israel Kings. 16 Jehoash mahke, an da peopo bury him by his ancesta guys inside Samaria, wit da Israel kings. An his boy, dat dey call Jeroboam Numba Two, come king afta him.
17 Da Judah king Amaziah, Joash boy, stay alive fifteen mo year afta Jehoash mahke. 18 An all da odda stuff dat Amaziah wen do, all dat stay inside da Record Book Fo Da Judah Kings.
19 Az why some guys make one plan fo kill Amaziah inside Jerusalem town. Amaziah run away Lakish town, but dey sen guys afta him Lakish side an kill um ova dea. 20 Dey bring his mahke body back on top one horse, an dey bury him inside Jerusalem wit his ancesta guys, inside David big town.
21 Den all da Judah peopo take Amaziah boy Azariah, dat was sixteen year ol, an dey make him da nex king afta Amaziah. 22 Azariah, he da one dat take Elat town back fo Judah afta Amaziah mahke, an build um one mo time.
Jeroboam 2 Da Israel King
23 Wen Amaziah, Joash boy, stay king inside Judah fo fifteen year, Jeroboam Numba Two, Jehoash boy, come da Israel king inside Samaria town. An he stay king fo forty-one year. 24 Jeroboam Numba Two do bad kine stuff da way Da One In Charge see um, an no turn away notting from da bad kine tings dat Jeroboam Numba One, Nebat boy, wen do. Jeroboam Numba One, he da one wen start fo make da Israel peopo do all kine bad stuff. 25 Jeroboam Numba Two, he da one dat take back da Israel land all da way from Lebo-Hamat north side to da Arabah Lake dat dey call da Big Salt Lake, south side, jalike was befo time. Dat happen jalike wat Jonah wen tell goin happen. He Amittai boy from Gat-Hefer, dat wen talk fo Da One In Charge, da God fo da Israel peopo, befo time. Jonah wen work fo God, an he tell dat Israel goin get back dea land.
26 Da One In Charge wen see how erybody inside Israel stay suffa plenny, no matta dey slave guys o not slave guys. No mo nobody dea fo help dem. 27 Da One In Charge wen tell awready dat he no goin wipe out da Israel peopo fo nobody unda da sky even rememba who dem. Cuz a dat, he give Jeroboam Numba Two, Jehoash boy, da powa fo get dem outa trouble.
28 All da odda stuff dat Jeroboam Numba Two wen do, da awesome way he fight, how he take back Damascus town an Hamat town fo da Israel land, dat was Judah land befo time, all dat stay inside da Record Book Fo Da Israel Kings. 29 Jeroboam Numba Two mahke, an dey bury him wit his ancesta guys, da Israel kings. An Zekariah his boy come da nex king afta him.
14:6 14:6: Rules2 24:16 14:25 14:25: Jonah 1:1