Hoshea, Da Las Israel King
(2 Kings 18:9-12)
Wen Ahaz stay da Judah king fo twelve year, Hoshea, Elah boy, come da Israel king inside Samaria town. He stay king fo nine year. Da way Da One In Charge see um, he do bad kine stuff, but not real bad kine stuff jalike da Israel kings dat stay befo him.
Shalmaneser, da Assyria king dat time, wen come wit his army guys fo attack Hoshea. Az how Hoshea come one small kine king unda Shalmaneser, an ery year, Hoshea gotta pay Shalmaneser plenny. But layta, da Assyria king find out dat Hoshea make one plan wit some odda guys fo bulai him. He know az one bulai, cuz he find out Hoshea wen sen messenja guys fo make one deal wit King So, Egypt side. Ery year befo dat, Hoshea wen pay da Assyria king. But dis year, he no pay um no moa. Cuz a dat, Shalmaneser grab Hoshea an put him in prison.
Den da Assyria king go attack da whole Israel land. He put his army guys all aroun Samaria town, an no let nobody go inside o come outside fo three year. Wen Hoshea stay king fo nine year, da Assyria king take ova Samaria town, an make da Israel peopo go Assyria side fo live. He make some a dem live Halah side, some a dem by da Habor Riva dat go by Gozan, an da res inside da towns wea da Mede peopo live.
Da Israel Peopo Come Prisonas
Cuz Dey Wen Do Bad Kine Stuff
All dat wen happen cuz da Israel peopo show mo respeck fo da odda gods, but not fo Da One In Charge. Dey wen do bad kine stuff agains dea God, Da One In Charge, no matta he da One wen bring dem outa Egypt befo time, fo da Egypt king, da Pharaoh guy, no mo powa ova dem no moa. Da One In Charge wen throw out da diffren peopos from da land befo time, fo da Israel peopo come take ova um. But still yet, dey come jalike dose odda peopos an ack jalike dem. Dey even do da kine tings dat da Israel kings do too. Da Israel peopo wen do shame kine stuff an try fo hide um, cuz az not okay wit dea God, Da One In Charge. From da small towns dat ony get one watch towa, to da big towns dat get strong wall aroun dem, da peopo build places on top da hills fo make sacrifice fo da odda gods, nea all dea towns. 10 Dey put up big kine stone fo dem pray to um. Dey put poses fo da wahine god Asherah on top ery high hill an unda ery big tree dat get plenny leaf. 11 Dey burn incense on top ery sacrifice place dey make on top da hills, jalike da peopos dat Da One In Charge wen kick out wen da Israel peopo come dea. Dey do real bad kine stuff fo make Da One In Charge come huhu. 12 Dey pray to da idol kine gods, no matta Da One In Charge wen tell dem, “You guys betta not make lidat.” 13 Da One In Charge wen tell all da guys dat talk fo him, an all da guys dat get dream an know wat goin happen, “Tell da Israel an Judah peopo, ‘No go do da bad kine stuff you stay do no moa! Do wat I wen tell you guys fo do, da tings you suppose to do, jalike all my Rules tell. Dis da Rules I wen give yoa ancesta guys, an dis wat I wen sen my guys dat talk fo me fo tell you guys.’ ”
14 But da peopo, dey make deaf ear an no like lissen. Dey hard head jalike dea ancesta guys, dat no trus dea God, Da One In Charge. 15 Dey no do wat God tell um dey suppose to do, an dey no keep da deal dat he wen make wit dea ancesta guys. Wen God tell um bad kine stuff goin happen, dey no lissen. Dey stay tight wit da idol kine gods dat ony wase time, an dey come wase time jalike dea gods too. Dey copy da odda nations aroun dem, no matta Da One In Charge tell um fo no make lidat!
16 Da peopo no lissen all da tings dea God, Da One In Charge, wen tell um fo do. Dey even make two idol kine gods from metal fo dem pray to, dat look jalike bebe cows. Dey set up poses fo da wahine god Asherah. Dey go down in front da sun an moon an all da stars inside da sky jalike dey gods, an dey let da Baal god be dea boss. 17 Dey throw dea boys an girls inside da fire fo make one sacrifice. Dey look fo one sign bout wat goin happen bumbye, an try fo find out from dea gods wat goin happen. Dey real hard head an do real bad kine stuff, da way Da One In Charge see um, fo make Da One In Charge come real huhu.
18 So Da One In Charge come real huhu wit da Israel peopo, an cut dem off from him. Ony da Judah ohana he wen keep!
19 But even da Judah ohana neva do da tings dea God, Da One In Charge, tell um fo do. Dey do da same bad kine stuff dat da Israel peopo wen show dem.
20 Az why Da One In Charge come plenny huhu an cut off da Israel peopo from him. He let da steala guys rip off dea stuffs, all da time till he kick dem outa da land wea he stay.
21 Befo time, da Israel peopo north side get dea king guys from da David ohana. But Da One In Charge wen cut off da Israel peopo from da David ohana. So den dey make Jeroboam, Nebat boy, dea king. An Jeroboam wen make da Israel peopo no stay tight wit Da One In Charge, an make dem do plenny real bad kine stuff. 22 Da Israel peopo still stay do all da same bad kine stuff dat Jeroboam do. Dey no change how dey ack, 23 till Da One In Charge kick out da Israel peopo from wea he stay. Befo time, he tell all da talka guys dat work fo him, fo tell um dat goin happen. Dass how come da Israel peopo gotta go way from dea land an come prisonas inside da Assyria land. Dey stay ova dea still yet.
Da Assyria Guys Bring In
New Peopo Samaria Side
24 Da Assyria king wen bring in new peopo from Babylon, Kutah, Avva, Hamat, an Sefarvaim. He make all dem live inside da towns Samaria side wea da Israel peopo wen live befo time. Dey take ova Samaria town an make house dea, an dey live inside da odda Israel towns too. 25 Da time dose odda peopos start fo live dea, dem too neva show respeck fo Da One In Charge. So Da One In Charge put lions in dea wea dey stay, an da lions wen kill some a da peopo.
26 Den dey tell da Assyria king dis: “You know da peopos from all ova da place you wen bring in fo dem live inside da Samaria towns? Dey donno wat kine rules da god fo dat land ova dea tell dey gotta make shua dey do. So he stay sen lions ova dea wea dey stay. An now, da lions stay kill da peopo, cuz no mo nobody dea dat know wat da god fo dat land tell dey gotta do.”
27 Den da Assyria king tell his govmen guys fo do dis: “Go get one a da pries guys dat you wen take away from Samaria. Make him an his wife an kids go back an live ova dea. He goin show da peopo dea how fo do wat da god fo dat land tell dey gotta do.” 28 So one a da pries guys dat da Assyria guys wen take away from Samaria town wen go back an make house Bethel town. He da one stay show da peopo ova dea how fo show respeck fo Da One In Charge.
29 But same time, all da diffren peopos dat da Assyria guys bring Israel side, dey still make dea idol kine gods inside all da towns wea dey live. Dey put dea gods on top da sacrifice places dat da Samaria peopo wen make befo time on top all da hills. 30 Da guys from Babylon side make Sukkot-Benot kine idol, da guys from Kutah make Nergal kine idol, an da guys from Hamat make Ashima kine idol. 31 Da Avva peopo make Nivkaz an Tartak kine idol, an da Sefarvaim peopo kill dea kids an burn up da bodies in da fire fo make sacrifice fo Adrammelek an Anammelek, da Sefarvaim gods. 32 Da new peopo from odda places, same ting, dey show respeck fo Da One In Charge. But dey pick peopo from all ova dea land too, fo make dem da pries guys fo da sacrifice places on top da hills. 33 Da One In Charge, az ony one a da gods dey get respeck fo, but dey get respeck fo dea gods too. Dass wat all dose peopo wen do inside da land dey come from, befo da Assyria king make um move house to da Israel country.
34 Till today, dose odda peopos still do da same ting dey wen do befo time. Dey no show respeck fo Da One In Charge fo real kine. Dey no stay do wat God tell dey gotta do. Dey no do wat God Da Judge tell az right. Dey no stay stick wit da rules dat Da One In Charge wen give da Jacob ohana, an give um da name Israel. 35 Wen Da One In Charge make da deal wit da Israel peopo long time befo time, he tell dem dis: “No go show respeck fo odda kine gods! No go down in front dem! No let dem be yoa boss! No make sacrifice fo dem! 36 Me, Da One In Charge, I da one wen bring you guys ova hea, outa da Egypt land, cuz I get plenny powa, an I wen use um dat time. Me, da one you gotta show respeck fo. You gotta go down in front me, an make sacrifice fo me. 37 You guys gotta do wat I tell you gotta do. You gotta do wat I tell az right, cuz I da Judge. You gotta stick wit da rules an do wat I tell you dat you gotta do, an make shua you do eryting dat I wen write down fo you guys, an do um foeva. No go show respeck fo da odda kine gods! 38 No foget da deal I wen make wit you, an no go show respeck fo da odda kine gods! 39 But fo me, yoa God, Da One In Charge, you gotta show plenny respeck! Cuz I da One goin get you guys outa trouble from all da peopo dat go agains you guys.”
40 But da peopo still no like lissen. Dey still stay do all da kine ting dey wen do da place dey wen live befo time. 41 No matta dese peopo from odda country stay show respeck fo Da One In Charge, but da same time dey make da idol kine gods dea boss. Jalike today, dea kids an grankids still stay do jalike dea ancesta guys wen do.
17:10 17:10: 1Kings 14:23 17:16 17:16: 1Kings 12:28 17:17 17:17: Rules2 18:10 17:34 17:34: Start 32:28; 35:10 17:35 17:35: Outa 20:5; Rules2 5:9 17:36 17:36: Rules2 6:13