Josiah Make Good Da Deal One Mo Time
(2 Records 34:3-7, 29-33; 35:1, 18–36:1)
Den King Josiah sen peopo fo tell all da older leadas inside Judah an Jerusalem, fo come togedda by him. He go da Temple Fo Da One In Charge wit all da Judah guys, da Jerusalem peopo, da pries guys, da guys dat talk fo God—erybody. Get da peopo dat stay real importan, an get odda ones dat not so importan. In front dem he read eryting dat get inside da Book dat dey wen find inside da Temple, da one dat talk bout da Deal Wit God. Da king stan by da big bronze pos by da Temple door. He make one new promise in front Da One In Charge fo him an da peopo. He promise dat dey goin follow Da One In Charge. He tell dat dey goin do wat Da One In Charge tell um fo do. He tell dat dey goin lissen wen God tell um bad kine stuff goin happen, an do wateva Da One In Charge tell um dey suppose to do. Dey goin go all out fo do dis, an no hold back. Az how da king make one strong promise fo make happen all da stuff dey wen find inside da Book. Den all da peopo make one promise fo stick wit da deal too.
King Josiah tell Hilkiah da Main Pries, da pries guys dat work wit him, an da security guards fo da Temple doors, wat fo do. He tell um fo take outa da Temple Fo Da One In Charge all da stuff da peopo wen make fo Baal, an Asherah, an all da star kine gods inside da sky. He tell um burn da stuff outside Jerusalem town, inside da Kidron Valley, an take da ash Bethel side. Josiah throw out da fake pries guys dat work fo da odda gods, da ones dat da odda Judah kings wen give da job fo burn incense on top da sacrifice places on top da hills nea da Judah towns, an da ones nea Jerusalem. Dose pries guys, dey da ones dat burn da incense fo Baal, fo da sun an da moon gods, fo da gods dey see in da stars inside da sky, an fo all da odda star kine gods. He take da tiki pos fo da wahine god Asherah outa da Temple Fo Da One In Charge, an take um by da Kidron Stream outside Jerusalem, an burn um ova dea. He smash da res fo come jalike powda, an throw da ashes all ova da town cemetery. An he broke down da houses inside da open lanai aroun da Temple Fo Da One In Charge. Get guys dat live dea an work fo da idol kine gods, an da wahines pay fo fool aroun wit dem. Az da same houses wea get wahines dat weave stuff fo da wahine god Asherah, all a dem inside da open lanai fo da Temple.
Den Josiah bring all da pries guys dat work fo Da One In Charge from da Judah towns. Dey make all da sacrifice places on top da hills from Geba to Beer-Sheba so nobody can use um. Dass wea dose odda fake pries guys wen go fo burn incense befo time, but Josiah dem make um fo nobody use um no moa. He broke down da sacrifice places fo da idol kine gods, dat stay by da gate fo go inside da palace wea Joshua live. (He da Jerusalem mayor guy. His palace stay da lef side wen you go inside da town gate.) Da pries guys dat come from Aaron dat wen use da sacrifice places fo da idol kine gods on top da hills befo time, King Josiah no let dem make sacrifice on top da altar fo Da One In Charge inside Jerusalem. But he let um eat bread dat no mo yeast wit dea braddahs da odda pries guys.
10 Josiah make da place dey call Tofet, dat stay inside da Ben Hinnom Valley, so nobody can use um fo kill dea boy o girl dea, fo make one sacrifice wit fire fo da idol god Molek. 11 He take da horse kine statues away from da door wea you go inside da Temple Fo Da One In Charge. Az da horse kine statues dat da Judah kings wen give fo da sun god. Dey stay inside da open lanai nea da room fo one palace guy name Natan-Melek. Den Josiah burn da war wagons too dat da king guys wen give befo time fo da sun god.
12 He broke down da sacrifice altars dat da Judah kings wen put up on top da flat roof ova da upstairs room wea King Ahaz wen stay, an da altars dat King Manasseh wen build inside da two open lanais fo da Temple Fo Da One In Charge. He take all of um outa dea, an smash um in small kine pieces, an throw all dat stuff inside da Kidron Valley. 13 An da king make um fo nobody use da sacrifice places on top da hills across Jerusalem, da south side a da Olive Ridge. Solomon, da king fo da Israel peopo, wen build dose places fo Ashtoret, da pilau wahine god fo da Sidon peopo, fo Kemosh, da pilau god fo da Moab peopo, an fo Molek, da god dat erybody hate, da pilau god fo da Ammon peopo. 14 Josiah smash all da kapu stones, an cut down da tiki poses fo da wahine god Asherah, an cova dea place wit mahke peopo bones so no mo nobody can make sacrifice dea.
15 Josiah even broke down da altar dat stay Bethel side. Dass da sacrifice place dat King Jeroboam, Nebat boy, wen make ova dea. He da one wen make da Israel peopo do bad kine stuff. But Josiah broke down da altar an da sacrifice place, an burn up da sacrifice place an poun um till come ashes. Josiah burn da tiki pos fo da wahine god Asherah too. 16 Den Josiah look aroun. He see some graves stay ova dea on top da Bethel hill, an he tell his guys fo go take da bones outa dem an burn um up on top da altar fo make um so no can use da altar fo make one sacrifice dea. Az was wat Da One In Charge wen tell goin happen, da time one guy dat stay tight wit God wen tell erybody dat dis stuff goin happen.
17 Den da king aks somebody, “Wat dat odda big grave stone I see ova dea?”
Da Bethel guys tell um, “Az da place wea dey bury one guy dat stay tight wit God. He wen come hea from Judah side. Long time befo time, he tell erybody bout dese tings dat you jus wen do to da Bethel altar.”
18 Da king tell, “No touch his grave! Leave um go! No let nobody move his bones.” So dey leave his bones, an da bones a da odda guy dat talk fo God, dat wen come dea from Samaria.
19 Den Josiah make jalike he wen do Bethel side, all ova da Israel land too. All da buildings fo da sacrifice places on top da hills, dat da Israel kings wen build inside da towns aroun Samaria, an dey know Da One In Charge no like dat, an make um mad, Josiah get rid a dem an make um so no can use da place fo make sacrifice no moa. 20 Josiah kill all da prieses fo da sacrifice places on top da hills. He kill dem on top dea altars, jalike he stay make one sacrifice wit dem. Den he burn peopo bones on top da altars fo make um come so no can use um. Den he go back Jerusalem side.
Da Judah Peopo Make
Da Passova Religious Time
21 Da king tell all da peopo wat dey gotta do: “Make da Passova Religious Time fo yoa God, Da One In Charge, jalike Moses wen write bout um inside dis Book dat tell bout da Deal Wit God.” 22 From long time befo time wen da local leada guys lead da Israel peopo, an from da time da Israel an Judah kings stay, neva get Passova religious kine ceremony jalike da one dey make dat time. 23 Ony wen Josiah stay king ova Israel fo eighteen year, dey make da Passova fo Da One In Charge fo real kine, inside Jerusalem.
24 Josiah do odda tings too. He throw out from Judah an Jerusalem, all da guys dat know how fo talk to da mahke guys an da bad kine spirits, da amakua idols inside da peopo houses fo dea ohanas, da odda idol kine gods, an all da odda kine tings dat God hate. He make lidat cuz he like make shua da peopo do eryting da Rules tell, dat stay inside da book dat Hilkiah wen find inside da Temple Fo Da One In Charge. 25 From all da kings dat come befo Josiah, an all da kings dat come afta him, neva get even anodda king jalike Josiah. Az cuz he tell “Laytas” to wat da king guys befo him stay do, he go all out fo come tight wit Da One In Charge wit all his powa an eryting inside him. He do eryting jalike all da Rules from Moses tell.
26 Still yet, Da One In Charge stay huhu wit da Judah peopo cuz a all dat King Manasseh wen do fo make Da One In Charge come huhu. 27 Az why Da One In Charge tell, “I goin take away da Judah peopo from in front me, jalike I take away da Israel peopo awready. I goin throw out dis Jerusalem peopo. No matta I wen pick dis town an dis Temple. No matta I wen tell, ‘Dis Temple goin be da place wea peopo can find out who me!’ ”
28 Had odda stuff Josiah wen do. All dat stay inside da Record Book Fo Da Israel Kings.
29 Anodda ting happen wen Josiah stay da king. Pharaoh Neko da Egypt king take his army guys by da Eufrates Riva fo help da Assyria king. So King Josiah an his army guys go out fo fight him. But wen Pharaoh Neko an Josiah fight Megiddo side, he kill Josiah. 30 Den Josiah worka guys bring his body back inside one war wagon from Megiddo to Jerusalem, an dey bury him inside da tomb dey make fo him. Da peopo inside da land take Jehoahaz, Josiah boy, an put oil on top his head fo show he goin come da nex king, afta his faddah.
Jehoahaz Da Judah King
(2 Records 36:2-4)
31 Jehoahaz was twenny-three year ol wen he come king, an he stay king inside Jerusalem three month. His muddah name Hamutal. She Jeremiah girl from Libnah. 32 Da way Da One In Charge see Jehoahaz, he do bad kine stuff, jalike eryting his ancesta guys wen do. 33 Pharaoh Neko make Jehoahaz one prisona Riblah town, inside da Hamat land, an tie him up wit one chain, fo him no stay king inside Jerusalem no moa. An Pharaoh Neko make da Judah peopo pay one big fine, 7,500 poun silva an 75 poun gold. 34 Den Pharaoh Neko pick anodda one a Josiah boys, Eliakim, fo come da nex king afta his faddah Josiah. He change Eliakim name to Jehoiakim. But he take Jehoahaz Egypt side, an dass wea Jehoahaz mahke. 35 Jehoiakim pay da Pharaoh guy da silva an gold fo da fine. But da ony way he can pay wat da Pharaoh tell um, he figga how much da land worth. Den he make da peopo pay one property tax wit silva an gold fo how much land dey own, fo him pay Pharaoh Neko.
Jehoiakim Da Judah King
(2 Records 36:5-8)
36 Jehoiakim was twenny-five year ol wen he come king, an he stay king inside Jerusalem town fo eleven year. His muddah name Zebidah, Pedaiah girl from Rumah. 37 Jehoiakim do bad kine stuff, da way Da One In Charge see um, jalike eryting his ancesta guys wen do.
23:4 23:4: 2Kings 21:3; 2Rec 33:3 23:10 23:10 a: Jer 7:31; 19:1-6; 32:35; Pries 18:21 23:12 23:12: 2Kings 21:5; 2Rec 33:5 23:13 23:13: 1Kings 11:7 23:15 23:15: 1Kings 12:33 23:16 23:16: 1Kings 13:2 23:17 23:17: 1Kings 13:30-32 23:34 23:34: Jer 22:11-12 23:36 23:36: Jer 22:18-19; 26:1-6; 35:1-19