An Jesus tell um, “Dass right! An I like tell you dis too: Get peopo dat stay stan hea now, dey no goin mahke befo dey see God da King come wit powa.”
Jesus Come Real Diffren
On Top Da Mountain
(Matthew 17:1-13; Luke 9:28-36)
Afta six days, Jesus take Peter, James, an John wit him up on top one big mountain wea no mo nobody. Den, da same time dey stay look at him, Jesus start fo look diffren in front dem.
His clotheses come shiny white—mo white den anybody in da world can clean um. An you know wat? Right den an dea Elijah an Moses from long time befo time show up, an dey talk wit Jesus. Den Peter tell Jesus, “You know wat, Boss? Good we stay ova hea! If you like, I make shacks ova hea, one fo you, one fo Moses, one fo Elijah.” He neva know wat fo tell, cuz dey was real sked.
Den had one cloud cova dem, an one voice from inside da cloud tell, “Dis my boy. I get plenny love an aloha fo him. Eh, lissen him!” Right den an dea dey look up, but dey see ony Jesus.
Afta dat, Jesus guys go down da mountain, an Jesus tell um, “No tell nobody wat you guys wen see. I da Fo Real Kine Guy. I goin mahke, an I goin come back alive afta I mahke. Den you guys can tell peopo wat you guys wen see.”
10 So dey neva tell nobody, but dey stay aks each odda wat he mean wen he tell, “I goin mahke, den I goin come back alive.” 11 Dey tell, “Eh, da teacha guys dat teach da Rules from God, how come dey tell Elijah gotta come back firs befo God Spesho Guy goin show up?”
12 Jesus tell, “Dass right. Elijah gotta come back firs an make eryting ready fo God Spesho Guy. So how come da Bible tell dat da Fo Real Kine Guy gotta suffa plenny, an da peopo goin make to him jalike he notting? 13 But I stay tell you guys, one guy jalike Elijah wen come awready, an da peopo wen make to him any kine, jalike da Bible tell bout him.”
Jesus Throw Out Da Bad Kine Spirit
From One Boy
(Matthew 17:14-20; Luke 9:37-43a)
14 Jesus an his three guys come by his odda guys, an dey see plenny peopo dea. Some teacha guys dat teach da Rules From God stay make argue wit Jesus guys. 15 Right den an dea da peopo spock Jesus, an dea jaws drop. Dey run by him. Dey stay good inside cuz he come. 16 He tell um, “Eh, wat you guys stay make argue bout?”
17 One guy tell, “Teacha, I wen bring my boy to you. He get one bad spirit dat no let um talk. 18 Erytime da spirit take ova da boy, he throw um to da groun. Den da foam come outa his mout, an he grind his teet, an come stiff jalike one board. I wen bring him ova hea by da guys you stay teach fo dem make da bad spirit let go da boy, but dey no can.”
19 Jesus tell, “You guys! Nowdays nobody trus God! How long moa, I gotta be wit you guys an take how you guys ack? Bring da boy ova hea!”
20 So dey bring um. Wen da spirit spock Jesus, right den an dea he make da boy start fo shake plenny, an he fall down on top da groun, an roll all ova, an da foam come outa his mout. 21 Jesus tell da faddah, “How long he make lidat?”
He tell, “From small kid time. 22 Plenny times da spirit throw da boy inside da fire o da watta fo try kill him. If you can do someting, try pity us! Try help us!”
23 Jesus tell “Wat you mean, ‘If can’? Jus gotta trus me, den you can do all kine stuff.”
24 Real fas da faddah tell, “Eh, I trus you! But try help me trus you mo betta!”
25 Den plenny peopo come running. Jesus spock um, an he scold da bad kine spirit. He tell, “Eh, you bad spirit, you! You no let da boy talk o hear notting. I tell you, beat it! Let go him an no come back no moa!”
26 Den da spirit yell an throw da boy all ova da place, den he let um go. Da boy look jalike he mahke. Plenny peopo tell, “Bummahs! He mahke!” 27 But Jesus take da boy hand, an pull um up. An da boy stan up.
28 Wen Jesus go inside da house, an ony have Jesus an his guys dea, dey tell um, “How come us no can throw um out?”
29 He tell, “Ony can throw um out if you pray.”
Jesus Tell One Mo Time
He Gotta Mahke An Come Back Alive
(Matthew 17:22-23; Luke 9:43b-45)
30 Jesus dem go way from dat place an go thru Galilee. Jesus no like nobody know wea he stay, 31 cuz he stay teach his guys stuff. He tell um, “I da Fo Real Kine Guy. Da peopo goin set me up, an bus me. Dey goin kill me, an on day numba three I goin come back alive.” 32 But da guys no undastan wat he tell, an dey sked fo aks him wat dat mean.
Who Da Numba One Guy?
(Matthew 18:1-5; Luke 9:46-48)
33 Den dey go Capernaum. Wen dey inside da house, Jesus tell um, “Eh, wat you guys stay make argue bout on da road?”
34 But da guys, dey neva like tell notting, cuz dey stay make argue bout who da numba one guy. 35 Jesus sit down an call da twelve guys. He tell, “You know, whoeva like be firs, he gotta be las, an he gotta help da odda guys.” 36 Den he take one small kid an put um in front dem. He put his arms aroun da kid an tell, 37 “If get somebody dat take in one a dese kids cuz he my guy, an he make to da kid jalike da kid his ohana, you know wat?! Da guy dat take in da kid, he take me in same time. An dat mean not jus me, but he take in da One dat wen sen me too!”
Da Guy Dat Not Agains Us, He Fo Us
(Luke 9:49-50)
38 John tell, “Eh, Teacha! Us wen spock one guy dat throw out da bad kine spirits. He tell da spirits, ‘I get Jesus powa fo make you guys let go da peopo!’ We tell um fo no do dat, cuz he no come from us guys.”
39 Jesus tell um, “No try make um stop, cuz anybody dat do dat kine awesome stuff an tell, ‘I get Jesus powa fo do um,’ he no goin talk bad bout me right afta dat! 40 Cuz whoeva not agains us, dat guy fo us. 41 Dass right! An I like tell you guys dis too: Anybody give you guys watta fo drink cuz you my guys an I da Christ Guy dat God wen sen, garans God goin have plenny good kine stuff bumbye in da sky fo dem cuz dey wen do dat.”
No Good, Make Kids Do Bad Kine Stuff
(Matthew 18:6-9; Luke 17:1-2)
42 “Dese small kids hea, dey trus me! If somebody make um pau trus me an do bad kine stuff, mo betta take one big stoneg from da mill, an tie um aroun da guy neck, den throw him inside da ocean fo drown! 43-44 If yoa hand make you do bad kine stuff, cut um off! Mo betta you live to da max foeva, no matta no mo hand, den you get two hands an go Hell, wea da fire no pio, an da worm no mahke, eva! 45-46 If yoa foot make you do bad kine stuff, cut um off! Mo betta you live to da max foeva, no matta no mo foot, den you get two feets an go Hell, wea da fire no pio, an da worm no mahke, eva! 47-48 If yoa eye make you do bad kine stuff, pull um out! Mo betta you get God fo yoa king, no matta no mo eye, den you get two eyes an go Hell, wea da fire no pio, an da worm no mahke, eva!
49 “Da pries guys put da sacrifices on top da fire an sprinkle salt on top um fo make um come clean fo God. 50 Da salt good stuff. But if da salt no do wat suppose to do, how you goin make um do wat suppose to do one mo time? You guys gotta be fo real, jalike da salt! No fight no moa, an try stay good wit each odda.”
9:2 9:2: 2Pet 1:17-18 9:7 9:7: Matt 3:17; Mark 1:11; Luke 3:22 9:11 9:11: Mal 4:5; Matt 11:14 9:34 9:34: Luke 22:24 9:35 9:35: Matt 20:26-27; 23:11; Mark 10:43-44; Luke 22:26 9:37 9:37: Matt 10:40; Luke 10:16; John 13:20 9:40 9:40: Matt 12:30; Luke 11:23 9:41 9:41: Matt 10:42 9:43-44 9:43-44: Matt 5:30 9:47-48 9:47-48: Matt 5:29 9:47-48 9:47-48: Isa 66:24 9:50 9:50: Matt 5:13; Luke 14:34-35