Dey bring da Box Fo No Foget Da Deal Wit God, an put um inside da tent dat David wen make fo um. Da peopo bring animals fo da burn up kine sacrifice an da kine sacrifices dat show dat dem an God stay tight wit each odda. Afta David pau make da burn up kine sacrifices, an da sacrifices dat show dat dem an God stay tight wit each odda, he tell Da One In Charge dat he like um fo do plenny good tings fo da peopo. Den he give one roun bread, an one date bread, an one block press kine raisin fo ery Israel guy an wahine.
David give da kuleana to some a da Levi guys fo work in front da Box Fo No Foget Da Deal Wit Da One In Charge, an fo make shua da peopo no foget Da One In Charge, da God fo da Israel peopo. An dey gotta tell Da One In Charge “Mahalo,” an tell erybody dat Da One In Charge good. Asaf, he da main guy fo all dat, Zekariah numba two, nex Jeiel, Shemiramot, Jehiel, Mattitiah, Eliab, Benaiah, Obed-Edom, an Jeiel. Dey suppose to play da bass harp an da small harp. Dea leada guy Asaf suppose to make noise wit da cymbals, an Benaiah an Jahaziel da pries guys blow da long metal trumpets weneva dey suppose to, in front da Box Fo No Foget Da Deal Wit God.
David Sing Fo Tell God “Mahalo!”
(Songs 105:1-15; 96:1-13; 106:1, 47-48)
Dat time, David give Asaf an his helpa guys da job fo tell Da One In Charge “Mahalo!” lidis:
Make shua erybody tell Da One In Charge, “Mahalo!”
Call to him cuz you know wat kine god him!
Make shua all da diffren peopos know
Da tings he wen do!
Sing fo show respeck fo him!
Make music fo him!
Sing fo tell bout da awesome kine tings he do!
10 Talk big bout him, cuz you know how good an spesho he stay.
I like fo all da peopo dat like know Da One In Charge stay good inside.
11 Find out eryting Da One In Charge like you fo know,
Find out how strong him.
Erytime try fo know him mo betta.
12 No foget all da awesome kine stuff he wen do
Dat peopo no can do.
No foget all da unreal stuff he do,
An wat he tell wen he lead da peopo,
13 All you peopo dat come from Israel
Dat was one worka guy fo Da One In Charge,
Dass all you guys dat get Jacob fo yoa ancesta,
An Da One In Charge wen pick you guys.
14 Him, oua God, Da One In Charge.
He run da govmens all ova da world.
15 You guys, no foget eva da deal he wen make,
Da ting he tell yoa ancesta guys dey gotta do,
Fo one tousan faddahs, one afta da odda.
16 Dass da same deal he wen make wit Abraham,
Da promise he wen make to Isaac fo shua.
17 He make um solid, da tings he tell Jacob he gotta do,
Dass fo da Israel peopo, an dat deal goin stay foeva.
18 Da One In Charge tell um, “I goin give da Canaan land to you.
Az da part goin come you guys property
Cuz you my kids.”
19 Da time oua peopo no stay plenny peopo,
Fo real dey ony litto bit peopo.
An dey come from anodda place,
20 Dey go dis side an dat side,
From one country to anodda country,
From one king to anodda king.
21 Da One In Charge neva let nobody make any kine to dem.
Fo help oua peopo, he even tell kings dey wrong.
22 He tell um, “No even touch da peopo I wen pick!
No hurt da guys dat talk fo me!”
23 Erybody on top da earth,
Sing fo Da One In Charge!
Ery day, tell good kine stuff,
Bout how he get us guys outa trouble!
24 Tell all da diffren peopos da One In Charge story bout
How awesome Da One In Charge stay!
Tell all da diffren peopos
Da awesome tings he wen do
Dat peopo no can do!
25 Cuz Da One In Charge real importan.
Az good, wen peopo tell good stuff bout him!
Stay sked a him
Mo den you sked a all da odda gods.
26 Cuz all da odda gods fo da diffren peopos,
Dey ony idol statues.
But was Da One In Charge
Wen make da sky!
27 Wea Da One In Charge stay, az awesome,
An erybody dea show him respeck!
You go by him, you know he real strong
He make erybody stay good inside.
28 All you diffren peopos in yoa ohanas,
Tell az good fo show plenny respeck fo Da One In Charge!
Tell az good fo show Da One In Charge awesome an strong!
29 Tell az good fo show respeck
Cuz you know wat kine god Da One In Charge!
Bring presents an come in front him.
Go down in front Da One In Charge fo show respeck,
Cuz he stay good an real spesho.
30 Erybody on top da earth, stay sked an shaking in front him!
No matta da earth stay solid an no can move um.
31 I like erybody inside da sky stay good inside!
I like all da peopo on top da earth dance an sing.
I like dem tell all da diffren peopos,
“Da One In Charge, Him da King!”
32 Az good, da ocean make big noise!
An eryting inside um too!
Az good, da fields dance an sing!
An eryting inside um too!
33 Dat time, all da trees in da fores goin sing
Cuz dey stay good inside in front Da One In Charge!
Cuz he goin come fo judge da whole world!
34 Tell Da One In Charge, “Mahalo!”
Cuz he good!
He stay tight wit us guys foeva!
35 Call out, “God, get us outa trouble!
You da One can do dat!
Bring us togedda,
An get us outa trouble from da odda peopos!
Den us goin feel awesome wen we tell erybody we know who you,
An tell dat you stay good an spesho!
Fo us tell erybody
Dat you da greates!”
36 We like fo erybody talk good bout Da One In Charge,
Da God fo da Israel peopo, foeva an eva!
Den all da peopo tell, “Az fo shua!” an “Tell erybody dat Da One In Charge, he da greates!”
37 Den David go way from Asaf an his helpa guys dea in front da Box Fo No Foget Da Deal Wit Da One In Charge, cuz dass dea kuleana foeva, wateva need do ery day. 38 David leave Obed-Edom, Jedutun boy, wit da sixty-eight ohana guys dat work wit him. Obed-Edom an Hosah, dey da security guard guys.
39 But Zadok da pries guy an da his ohana guys da odda prieses, David leave dem Gibeon side, in front da Tent Fo Meet Wit Da One In Charge, az da sacrifice place inside Gibeon. 40 He leave dem dea fo dem make da burn up kine sacrifice fo Da One In Charge ery day, morning time an almos dark, on top da altar fo da burn up kine sacrifice. Dey make um jalike da rules tell dat Da One In Charge wen give da Israel peopo. 41 David wen make one lis wit Heman an Jedutun, some pries guys, an some odda guys he pick. Dea kuleana az fo make shua erybody tell good tings bout Da One In Charge. Az “cuz he stay tight wit his peopo foeva!” 42 Heman an Jedutun get da kuleana fo play da long metal trumpets an da cymbals, an fo play da odda music kine tings fo da songs fo God. Jedutun boys, dey da security guard guys Gibeon side.
43 Den all da peopo go back dea house. An David go back fo tell God he like God fo do good kine stuff fo David ohana.
16:16 16:16 a: Start 12:7; Start 26:3 16:17 16:17: Start 28:13 16:21 16:21: Start 20:3-7 16:34 16:34: 2Rec 5:13; 7:3; Ezra 3:11; Songs 100:5; 106:1; 107:1; 118:1; 136:1; Jer 33:11 16:43 16:43: 2Sam 6:19-20