Da One In Charge
Goin Come An Take Ova
Look! Goin get one time fo Da One In Charge do someting. Dat time, da guys dat stay agains you goin rip off you Jerusalem guys stuffs an share um wit each odda, right dea in front you guys!
Da One In Charge tell: “I goin bring all da odda peopos Jerusalem side fo fight you guys. Dey goin take ova da town, rip off stuff from da houses, an rape da wahines. Dey goin take half a da peopo, an make um prisonas fo go far away. But da res a da peopo goin stay inside da town.”
Den Da One In Charge goin go out fight dose peopos jalike he wen fight befo time. Wen dat happen Da One In Charge goin stan wit his feets on top da Olive Ridge, dat stay across Jerusalem da east side. An da Olive Ridge goin split, an make one wide valley dat go from da east side a da ridge to da west side. Cuz half da ridge goin move da north side, an half goin move da south side. You guys goin run away thru my mountain valley cuz goin go all da way to Azel town. Yeah, you guys goin run away, jalike yoa ancesta guys wen run away da time get da earthquake wen Uzziah stay king inside Judah. Den my God, Da One In Charge, goin come wit all da ones dat stay spesho fo him.
Dat time, no goin get clear sunlight. But no goin stay cold an dark. Goin be one diffren kine day. Dat time, no goin get day time o nite time. Ony Da One In Charge know how dat goin happen. Still yet, wen time fo come dark, still goin get light.
Dat time, fresh watta goin come out from Jerusalem. Da watta goin go half da Big Salt Lake on da east side, an half goin go da Mediterranean Sea on da west side, no matta summa time o winta time.
Erybody goin know Da One In Charge da ony king ova all da world. Dat time he goin be da ony God, an his name, Da One In Charge, goin be da ony name fo pray to.
10 Da whole land from Geba north from Judah to Rimmon dat stay south a Jerusalem, goin come low an flat jalike da Jordan Riva Valley. But Jerusalem goin stay high up wea suppose to stay, from da Benjamin Gate to da place wea da Firs Gate stay, an to da Corna Gate, an from da Hananel Towa to da places wea da guys dat work fo da king step da grapes fo make wine from um. 11 Goin get peopo live inside Jerusalem. No mo nobody goin wipe um out one mo time, eva! Jerusalem goin stay safe.
12 Da One In Charge goin wack all da peopos dat wen fight Jerusalem wit one real bad kine sick. Dea skin goin come rotten wen dey still yet stay stan on top dea feets. Dea eyes goin come rotten inside dea face, an dea tongue goin come rotten inside dea mout. 13 Dat time, Da One In Charge goin make dose peopo come real mix up, an dey goin go attack each odda. 14 An da Judah peopo goin fight da peopo dat come agains Jerusalem too. Dey goin take all da rich kine stuffs from da odda peopos, plenny gold, silva, an clotheses. 15 Da same kine real bad sick goin wack da horses, da mules, da camels, an da donkeys, an all da animals inside dose camps.
16 Den all da peopo dat still yet stay alive from all da peopos dat wen go agains Jerusalem, dey goin come back ery year fo go down in front da King—Da One In Charge, Da God Ova All Da Armies. Da peopos goin go Jerusalem fo make Da Spesho Religious Ceremony Fo Live In Shacks. 17 If some a da peopos on top da earth no go Jerusalem fo go down in front da King, Da One In Charge dass Da God Ova All Da Armies, dey no goin get rain. 18 If da Egypt peopo no go down in front him, dey no goin get rain. Da One In Charge goin bring da real bad kine sick on top dem too, jalike da sick dat he sen on top all da peopos dat no go Jerusalem fo make Da Spesho Religious Ceremony Fo Live In Shacks. 19 Dass how Da One In Charge goin punish da Egypt peopo an da odda peopo dat no make Da Spesho Religious Ceremony Fo Live In Shacks.
20 Dat time, dey goin write “Spesho fo Da One In Charge” on top da bells fo da horses. An da pots fo cook inside da Temple Fo Da One In Charge goin be spesho fo God jalike da bowls dat stay spesho fo Da One In Charge in front his altar. 21 Ery pot inside Jerusalem an Judah goin be spesho fo Da One In Charge, Da God Ova All Da Armies. An erybody dat come fo make sacrifice goin take some a da pots an cook da meat from da sacrifice inside um. An dat time no goin get guys dat buy an sell stuff inside da house fo Da One In Charge, Da God Ova All Da Armies.
14:8 14:8: Ezek 47:1; John 7:38; JShow 22:1 14:11 14:11: JShow 22:3 14:16 14:16: Pries 23:39-43