Profeta Kowe Rumal We Lol Deus
Yesa ngaleyey setab ire le ye wochog sew hapopoy ngo yesa kangaluyey bo, “Ho loh ho bela hapayu Templum la yael Deus iwe mo altar we, iwe ngo hosa pangi leper chol mepel lal Templum la.+ Iwe ngo ho towe hapayu lobola ye ketab wey le sa mel bo liliyer Gentiles, bo ikla rechokla rebe suraloh Haplom la ye Santus fael pecher irel fayeg mo ruwow meram.+ Ibele fangloh profeta ka layi le rumal le rebe mengag tutuw, ngo rebe kapta loh mala yalol Deus lal mala sangeras mo rubguy mo weleg ral.”
Chola rumal ila olive kowe rugay mo habulbul we ruwow we re su imol Samol we iy mele ye lamliy talop le.+ Iwe ngo te tugul semal le be luluwaley le yebe llir, ngo ma buyoy yaef mo lal mekla yewer sa llir loh rchokla re luluwaley le rebe fedeg ngalir; be iye sangal mala be wel ngal semal le yebe luluwaley be fedeg ngalir rechoka. Deus sa fang keler le be yoh le rebe hapolaho loh ppotog irel yodla rebe kapta loh mala yalol Deus iyang. Iwe ngo wol yor keler irel pangal chael totol le rebe wigdi yebe mel bo ccha; ngo wol yor keler le te tugul lepal ragusgusul, ngo be yoh le rebe kakdoh matmetael hafohoy woal talop le.+
Yodla bela moll yar kapta loh mala yalol Deus, ngo mael hammotog we ye mel falulol bele bidah bo rebe rol fedeg fengal. Ye bele halusur ngo ye limeserloh.+ Iwe ngo mekla porgor ila ye bele yol fedal lal yalapael haplom we, irel lobowe re krudu Samol we yar iyang. Mala idel haplom la ila Sodom, hare Egypt.+ Panger yarmetael fuluyel lal faileng le ngo rebe kalngali mekla porgor irel suluw mo setab ral ngo re towe mechael bo rebe lebar. 10 Yarmetael talop le ila ye bele momay deper irel mala resa mes profeta ka rumal. Re bele gubul ngo re fang fengal yar kefang le fael molwe profeta kowe rumal re hafohoyur yarmetael talop le. 11 Bela solral mo setab ral mo wol miril ngo Deus bele hamolowa tefalir ngo re bele sudah; ngo panger rechokla rebe wirir ngo rebe rusmes.+ 12 Iwe ngo profeta we rumal resa rongrong sew yalol yarmat le ye palleng le ye bidiy mo woal laeng le ye sor bo, “Ha bidah mo iga!” Yodwe rechokwe re hattohar ngalir, re chil kekamahor, ngo resa bidah woal laeng le re mel luwul sedep darmiy.+ 13 Irel yodla chog ngo yesa folmor le ye kel; ngo sedep mo irel mala seg madpil yar sisiyali haplom we ila ye towas loh, ngo fisngeras yarmat le re mes loh. Iwe ngo rechokla sibis le rela meldiy ila sa ccheloh ngulur, iwe resa hapingpinga Deus la ye tagiyet le ye mel wol laeng.+
14 Sa moll mala harwowel hafohoy ngo ye chil mel mala hasluwel hafohoy le towol ssulay ngo bele budoh!
Mala Hafsuwel Rappa
15 Iwe ngo molwe hafismolol angelus sa haddigiy rappa we yal, ngo sa palleng dah yalor yarmat mo wol laeng le re sor bo, “Mala kelal Samol we yach mo Kristus bo rebe lamli talop le ila tor siyal!”+ 16 Iwe ngo mal kowe re tagiyet we re riyeg mo famael we re maroro wol chiya kowe liliyer mo imol Deus resa ngarchap diy wototol resa hasrowu Deus, 17 le re sor bo:
“Samol Deus le ho hartael tagiyet, le ho mel igla ngo ho faesul mel!
Habe kangalug yam hachigchig irel yam hasi mala kelem
le ye tagiyet ho sala lamli faileng le!
18 Iwe ngo rechokla rete chepar irel Deus ila sa kel yar ssong,
bo fael mala sa hola yodla gel hobe ssong iyang,
mo yodla hobe hatugulu kofer chomes iyang.
Ngo sa hola yodla hobe fang paliyer profeta kala yam
re hagloy mo pangerloh mekla lom, le pangerloh ngo ho ssor mo irer,
le rechokla re tagiyet mo ikla re totol.
Iwe ngo sa hola yodla hobe llir loh rechokla re kkateyikofa talop le!”+
19 Iwe ngo sa sugeg templum we yael Deus wol laeng, ngo yesa llah loh Kaholol Bogtag we le ye mel iyang. Iwe ngo ye ffis, ngo ye margog, ngo ye ngungung parr, ngo ye folmor, ngo ye ppung diy ice le ye wochog faesmah.+
+ 11:1 Ez 40:3; Zec 2:1–2 + 11:2 Lk 21:24 + 11:4 Zec 4:3, 11–14 + 11:6 1 K 17:1; Ex 7:17–19; 1 S 4:8 + 11:7 Dn 7:7; Rev 13:5–7; 17:8; Dn 7:21 + 11:8 Is 1:9–10 + 11:11 Ez 37:10 + 11:12 2 K 2:11 + 11:13 Rev 6:12; 16:18 + 11:15 Ex 15:18; Dn 2:44; 7:14, 27 + 11:18 Ps 2:5; 110:5; Ps 115:13 + 11:19 Rev 8:5; 16:18; Rev 16:21