Paulus Yela Taldi Kofal Mo Imwol Agrippa
1 Agrippa yesa kangalu Paulus bo, “Isa hatlah bo hobe maliliy hobe sor yalom.” Paulus yesa hasdaloh molwe paol ngo yesa sor bo,
2 “King Agrippa! Isa yolbuw igla irel mele isa mel imom bo ibele taldiyey mo irel pangal meka Jews ka resa sor irey le ye tayikof. 3 Ye momay bo ho yam irel meka kkor Jews ngo ho gola meka ir re chil fefedgagili. Ila fael pechem ngo hobe talenga hamayu meka ibele sor.
4 “Panger Jews ngo re gola doh chog kofay mo irel yodwe ichil tarmal. Re gola sangsengal yai memel wol molwe faluyey, iwe mo woal Jerusalem. 5 Hare re dipli le rebe sor mala wwelel, ngo re faesul gola le ngang semal Pharisees, le reawe ye kkel yar itol deper irel hatobtob kowe.Ac 23:6; Phil 3:5 6 Iwe ngo igla ngo isa su iga bo ibe taldi kofay, le fal mala itedah depey wol molwe Deus ye hatugulu ngalir chapdoh kowe yach — 7 ila mele haleng kowe yach wol Israel we seg mo ruwow re yalyal bo yebe yoh ngalir luwul yar kekasrowu Deus lebong mo leral. Iwe ngo fael yai luglug, ho Tamol, mele re Jews ka resa sor bo itayikof iyang! 8 Meda mele hami ika ha mel iga hala te chepar chog le yebe yoh ngal Deus le yebe hamolowa tefaelir chomes?
9 “Ngang mwo ngo ihomol luluwaley le ibe tapeli lepal kkeley bo ibe hamolahoy reala rel Jesusel Nazareth.26:9–11; Ac 8:3; 22:4–5 10 Ila mele iforu mo woal Jerusalem. Tamol temarong kowe re fang kkeley ngo ye cholop yarmat ka lol Deus le ngang iyitlir long lal kalbus. Iwe ngo bela yodka rebe hatugulu bo rebe limeserloh rechoka, ngo ngang ima wol sor bo rebe limeserloh. 11 Ye cholop yodka ima hagrer mo lal imwel ttey kowe, ngo yor yodka ima dding ngalir bo rebe tagul tang tugul la yar. Hasfaluy lepal yai ssong ngalir, le woal haplomol fuluy kala ye ddaw mwo, le re mel iyang ngo ima loh bo ibela hafohoyur.
Paulus Ye Kapta Sangsengal Yal Weg
(Acts 9:1–19; 22:6–16)
12 “Ila fal le ngang iloh woal Damascus iyang, iloh le ihasi yalor tamol temarong kowe. 13 Ha dedarloh lal yalap irel yodwe yesa wwel yaal, ho Tamol, iwe ngo isa wiri sew werloh le ye kkel tang werel yaal, le ye bidiy mo wol laeng yesa werloh luwulumem mo mal kala choluway. 14 Pangmemloh ngo ha ppungdiy wototol iwe ngo isa rongrong yalol semal yarmat le ye maliliy ngalyey le ye yalol Hebrew le ye sor bo, ‘Saul, Saul! Meda mele ho kekafahoyuyey iyang? Sa gel chog yam kekafohoyug irel yam hapaliyel ngalyey, le be wochog semal karbow le yema ffalgiloh tabol ire la lol masta la yal.’ 15 Iwe ngo ngang isa kasiya bo, ‘Gel itey molwe?’ Iwe ngo Samol yesa sor bo, ‘Ngang Jesus we ho kekafohoyu. 16 Sudah. Isa lah ngalug igla bo ibe duwleh bo hobe mel bo re tipingiyey. Hobe kangalur yarmat mele hosa wiri mo irey igla iwe mo meka ibele moch kkewar ngalug lal ral kalay. 17 Ibe taldug mo irer re Israel mo re Gentiles kala ibele fangloh gel irer. 18 Hobe harepiyar bo rebe medaf. Iwe ngo ho hatagulur tang luwul ruchupung bo rebe tagul ngal teram; hobe hatagulur tang Satan bo rebe tagul ngal Deus. Ila ngo yar tugulul lal dep irey yebe hachuya yar molfid, bo ila ngo ir rebe bulong luwulur mekla lol Deus le yesa duwler.’
Paulus Ye Kapta Kofael Yal Yengang
19 “Ila sengal ho King Agrippa, ngang ite tolpagili mala iy wiri le ye bidiy mo woal laeng. 20 Ichapiy yai foloy mo woal Damascus ngo isa loh woal Jerusalem, ngo imoch loh wol pangal loh mele fuluyel Israel iwe mo luwulur Gentiles le panger ngo ifoloy ngalir bo rebe tagul tang mekla molfider ngo resa tagul ngal Deus; ngo rebe foru mekla yebe halehaloh le tos le sa rrig deper irel mekla molfider.Ac 9:20, 28–29 21 Iye fal le Jews kowe re ddorfiyey irel yodwe iy mel lal Templum we ngo resa luluwaley le rebe limeseyeyloh. 22 Iwe ngo sa hola doh igla ngo iye Deus ye chil titipingiyey. Isa su mo imomi igla hami chototol mo chotagiyet bo habe hafedegloh le habe wiri. Meka isosor ila tappel chog mokwe profeta kowe mo Moses re sor bo yebe weldoh we re sor bo: 23 Kristus ila rebe limeseloh. Iwe ngo iy mele metamol le yebe molow tefael mo irel maes bo yebe kkawraloh termal molow ngalir Jews mo Gentiles.”1 Co 15:20; Is 42:6; 49:6
24 Yodwe Paulus ye tetaldi kofal le iye sengal ngo Festus yesa ttawul le ye sor bo, “Hosa buch ho Paulus! Cholopal mekla ho gola mele yesa hakkelaloh yam buch!”
25 Paulus yesa sor bo, “Ite buch ho Tamol! Mala wwelel mele isosor. 26 King Agrippa! Be yoh le yebe wwel yai kangalug meka bo gel ho faesul gola kofal. Igula hamayu le gel hosa faesul gola pangal meka, bo te tot formel le ye llebag. 27 King Agrippa, ye tugul lal depom irer profeta kowe? Igula le ho chepar irer!”
28 King Agrippa yesa kasiya Paulus bo, “Ho chichiy le lepal yodle sugfed ngo be yoh le hobe wigdiyey ngal Kristiano?”
29 Paulus yesa sor bo, “Te tugul hare ye ssulay hare yete ssulay, ngo mepel le yai ngal Deus ila gel mo pangmiloh rechoka ha tetalengayey igla ngo habe weg bo habe wochog ngang, ngo hala chog ila ha towe rol chen!”
30 Iwe ngo king we mo tamol aam we, mo Bernice mo pangerloh ikowe sibis, ngo resa sudah, 31 iwe ngo yodwe resa rol loloh ngo resa rol sosor bo, “Tor sew formel le yeramtale ye foru le hare rebe kalbusu hare re limeseloh iyang.” 32 Iwe ngo Agrippa sa kangalu Festus bo, “Hare yeramtale yete dongor bo re bela hatugulu kofal mo woal Roma, ila ngo yesa tal igla.”