Angelus Kowe Mo Hartael Hagerger We Fusuw
Iwe ngo isa wiri wol sew hagil le ye palleng ngo ye hammeseg mo lal laeng. Ye mel fismol angelus le re hasi fusuw matmetael hagerger le ikla mekla hartal, bo fael mala rebe kawraloh ssong la yael Deus.
Iwe isla wiri sew formel le ye wochog taed, ngo ye wochog pipiy yal chalgos ngo ye ddolol yaef. Ngo iwol wiri rechokwe ir mele resa kel tang malfefedeg we mo molwe liyosal mo yeramtawe sew namba molwe ye mel bo idal. Re su lengchel taed we ye wochog pipiy le yor harp le re holu le Deus ye fang ngalir, ngo re totona ton kowe yael Moses we iy yael Deus re hagloy, iwe mo ton we yael Fadiyel Saaf we le re sor bo:
“Samol Deus le pangal ngo ma yoh irem,
tusurem irel kamdidiyel wegdeg kala yam!
Gel mele Kingel pangal lam,
le ye fel ngo ye katos pangal yam wegdeg!Ex 15:1
Itey le yebe te fadloh irem ho Samol?
Ngo itey le be te hassaro mala Idem le ye tagiyet?
Bo gel chog mele ho hartael santus.
Panger chol sew mo sew lam ngo rebe budoh hasrowug,
bo panger ngo re wiri yam wegdeg le ye fel.”Jr 10:7; Ps 86:9
Wol miril mele ngo isa wiri templum la woal laeng le yesa sugeg loh le ye mel Tentol Bogtag we ilal.Ex 38:21 Resa buyoy angelus we fismol we re hasi hagerger kowe fusuw mo lal templum we le re mengag irel mengag kowe ye bbech ngo ye tefoy, ngo ye mel kasseyal bando hoal le ye ffordah lal mekla wuber. Iwe ngo semal mo irer angelus kowe famal yesa fang ngalir angelus kowe fismol fusuw tohoh kowe hoal le ye ssogol ssong kala yael Deus la ye molow le tor siyal. Templum we ila sa ssogol burahol falmay la yael Deus mo mala kelal. Iwe ngo tayor semal le yebe chil bulong lal templum we yee, la hola yodla be moll hagerger we fusuw iyang we hasiyerdoh angelus kowe fismol.Ex 40:34; 1 K 8:10–11; 2 Ch 5:13–14; Is 6:4

15:3 Ex 15:1

15:4 Jr 10:7; Ps 86:9

15:5 Ex 38:21

15:8 Ex 40:34; 1 K 8:10–11; 2 Ch 5:13–14; Is 6:4