|“Christ” (Greek)|“Christ” (Greek)|3 |“Lord” is “Adonai.”|“Lord” (mixed case) is “Adonai.”|27 |“Messiah” or “Christ”|“Messiah” or “Christ”|1 |“Teacheror, Master!”|“Great Teacher!”|0 |a day of atonement|Yom Kippura day of atonement|1 |above his teacher|above his rabbi|2 |according to the law,|according to the Torah,|5 |According to the law|According to the Torah|1 |accused by the Jews|accused by the Judeans|2 |again among the Jews|again among the Judeans|1 |again to the Jews|again to the Judeans|1 |Akeldama|Hakel-Dema|1 |Alpha|Alef|4 |Alphaeus|Halfai|5 |also called Paul|also called Paul|1 |also written in your law|also written in your Torah|1 |among the Jews.|among Jews.|1 |Ananias|Hananiah|9 |and against his Christ|and against his Messiah|1 |and forget the law,|and forget the decree,|1 |and from the prophets, from|and from the Prophets, from|1 |and I obey your law|and I obey your Torah|1 |and I will keep your law|and I will keep your Torah|1 |and teach out of your law|and teach out of your Torah|1 |and the law,|and the Torah,|1 |and the prophets, wrote:|and the Prophets, wrote:|0 |Anna|Hannah|1 |Antichrist|Anti-messiah|4 |antichrists|anti-messiahs|1 |apostle to Gentiles|emissary to Gentiles|1 |Apostle|Emissary|1 |apostle|emissary|18 |Apostles|Emissaries|3 |apostles|emissaries|60 |Armies|Hosts|286 |Arphaxad|Arpachshad|1 |As it is written in the book|As it is written in the scroll|1 |as the law also says.|as the Torah also says.|0 |Babylon, the Chaldean,|Babylon, the Kasdian,|1 |back to the attendant|back to the shammash|1 |baptism,or, immersion|immersion,|0 |baptism|immersion|22 |baptisms|immersionsor, washings|1 |baptize|immerse|10 |baptizeor, immerse|immerse|0 |baptized|immersed|58 |baptizedor, immersed|immersed|0 |baptizes|immerses|2 |baptizing|immersing|7 |baptizingor, immersing|immersing|0 |Bar Jesus,|Bar-Yeshua,|1 |Barachiah|Berechiah|1 |Beautiful Gate|Yafeh Gate|1 |become my salvation.|become my salvation [yeshu`ah].|4 |been given as law|been given as Torah|1 |being interpreted, Teacher|being interpreted, Teacher|1 |Belshazzar the Chaldean|Belshazzar the Kasdian|1 |Boanerges|Benei-Regesh|1 |book of the law|scroll of the Torah|17 |Booths|Sukkot|1 |but I love your law.|but I love your Torah.|1 |but the Jews|but the Judeans|1 |Cainan|Kenan|2 |called Beautiful|called YafehBeautiful|1 |called Christ)|called Anointed One)|0 |Cephas|Kefa|7 |Chaldaeans|Kasdim|1 |Chaldea shall be a prey|The land of the Kasdim shall be a prey|0 |Chaldea|Kasdim|3 |Chaldeans|Kasdim|72 |children forsake my law|children forsake my Torah|1 |Christ (Greek)|Christ (Greek)|2 |Christ|Messiah|423 |Christian|Messianic|2 |Christians|Messianic|1 |christs|messiahs|2 |Chuzas|Kuza|1 |circumcised and keep the law|circumcised and keep the Torah|1 |Cleopas|Klofah|1 |Clopas|Klofah|1 |clothed with salvation|clothed with salvation [yeshu`ah]|1 |come, the Jews|come, the Judeans|1 |contrary to your law.|contrary to your Torah.|1 |country of the Jews|countryside of Judea|1 |custom of the Jews|custom of the Judeans|1 |custom of the law|requirement of the Torah|1 |day of the Lord Jesus|day of the Lord Yeshua|1 |deacons|shammashim|3 |delight in your law.|delight in your Torah.|1 |delivered to the Jews|delivered to the Judeans|1 |did from the Jews|did from the Judeans|1 |Dispersion|Diaspora|3 |disregards Moses’ law|disregards the Torah of Moses|1 |Does our law|Does our Torah|1 |elders of the Jews|Jewish elders|6 |Elizabeth|Elisheva|9 |Enos|Enosh|1 |Ephah|Efah|5 |ephah|efah|79 |Ethiopia, a eunuch|Ethiopia, a eunuch|1 |Eve|Havah|4 |favor with the Jews|favor with the Judeans|2 |fear of the Jews|fear of the Judeans|3 |feared the Jews|feared the Judeans|1 |feast of tents|feast of booths|2 |feast of the Jews|Jewish festival|3 |For the law appoints|For the Torah appoints|1 |For the law, having|For the Torah, having|1 |for they break your law.|for they break your Torah.|1 |for your law is my delight|for your Torah is my delight|1 |forget your law|forget your Torah|3 |forsake the law praise|forsake the Torah praise|1 |fringeor, tassel|fringeor, tzitzit|0 |fringesor, tassels (Hebrew tzitzit)|fringesor, tzitziot)|0 |from hearing the law,|from hearing the Torah,|1 |Gallio said to the Jews|Gallio said to the Jews|1 |Gehenna|Gehinnom|12 |gifts according to the law|gifts according to the Torah|1 |give you the law|give you the Torah|1 |God into Chaldea|God into Kasdimah|1 |God’s law|God’s Torah|5 |Good teacher|Good Rabbi|1 |grace and apostleship|grace and the office of emissary|1 |greatest day of the feast|greatest day of the feastKnown today as Hoshana Rabbah.|1 |had sung a hymn|had sung the Hallel|2 |Hades|Sheol|12 |have received the law|have received the law|1 |He closed the book|He closed the scroll|1 |He opened the book|He opened the scroll|1 |Hebrew, Megiddo|Hebrew, Har-Megiddo|0 |Heli|Eli|1 |Her nobles|Her Nazirites|2 |him many of the Jews|him many of the Judeans|1 |him my salvation|him my salvation [yeshuah-ti]|1 |Hosanna|Hoshia'na|9 |How I love your law|How I love your Torah|1 |humble with salvation|humble with salvation [yeshu`ah]|1 |I love your law.|I love your Torah.|1 |in the book of Psalms|in the scroll of Psalms|2 |instead of “Aram”|instead of “Ram”|1 |interpreted, Christ|interpreted, Anointed One|1 |into the perfect law|into the perfect Torah|1 |James|Jacob|46 |Jeshua|Yeshua|29 |Jesus Christ|Yeshua the Messiah|167 |JESUS|YESHUA|2 |Jesus|Yeshua|789 |Jesus’|Yeshua’s|25 |Jews about purification|Judeans about purification|1 |Jews banded|Judeans banded|1 |Jews by nature|Jews by birth|1 |Jews had already|Judeans had already|1 |Jews have agreed|Judeans have agreed|1 |Jews joined him|Jewish believers joined him|1 |Jews lay|Judeans lay|1 |Jews learned|Judeans learned|1 |Jews of those|Judeans of those|1 |Jews persecuted|Judeans persecuted|1 |Jews petitioned|Judeans petitioned|1 |Jews sent priests|Judeans sent priests|1 |Jews sought|Judeans sought|2 |Jews spoke|Judeans spoke|1 |Jews that it|Judeans that it|2 |Jews therefore said|Judeans therefore said|1 |Jews weeping|Judeans weeping|1 |Jews, don’t eat|Judeans, don’t eat|0 |Jews, he proceeded|Judeans, he proceeded|1 |Jews, seized|Judeans, seized|0 |Jews, who|Judeans, who|1 |Jews’ Preparation|Judeans’ Preparation|1 |Joanan|Yochanan|1 |Joanna|Yochanah|2 |Johanan|Yochanan|25 |John the Baptizer|Yochanan the Immerser|15 |John|Yochanan|142 |Jose|Yosi|1 |Joses|Yosi|6 |Judahor, Judas|Judah|0 |Judas|Judah|31 |Judasor, Judah|Judah|0 |Jude,or, Judah|Judah,|0 |Jude|Judah|5 |keep the law contend|keep the Torah contend|1 |keeping the law.|keeping the Torah.|1 |know the law is|know the Torah is|1 |lampstand|menorah|0 |lampstands|menorahs|0 |law and the prophets|Torah and the Prophets|5 |law appoints a Son|Torah appoints a Son|0 |law of Christ|Torah of Messiah|1 |law of Moses|Torah of Moses|9 |law of the Lord|Torah of the Lord|2 |law or the prophets|Torah or the Prophets|1 |law to fall|Torah to become void|1 |law was given through|Torah was given through|1 |law, that on|Torah, that on|0 |lawyer|Torah scholar|3 |lawyers|Torah scholars|5 |leaders of the Jews|Jewish leaders|1 |Lebbaeus|Labbai|2 |like his teacher|like his rabbi|2 |longed for your salvation|longed for your salvation [yeshuat]|1 |Mahalaleel|Mahalalel|1 |Many of the Jews|Many of the Judeans|1 |Mary|Miriam|54 |Mattatha|Mattathah|1 |Mattathias|Mattithiah|2 |matters of the law|matters of the Torah|1 |Matthias|Matthiah|2 |me your law graciously|me your Torah graciously|1 |Melea|Maleah|1 |men of the Jews|men of the Judeans|1 |Menan|Manah|1 |merchants, to Chaldea|merchants, to Kasdimah|1 |midst of the teachers|midst of the rabbis|0 |ministry and apostleship|ministry and office of emissary|1 |Moses and the prophets|Moses and the Prophets|2 |Moses in the law|Moses in the Torah|1 |Moses’ brother-in-law|Moses’ brother-in-law|2 |my apostleship|my office of emissary|1 |my salvation is near|my salvation [yeshuah-ti] is near|1 |My salvation is|My salvation [yeshuah-ti] is|1 |name of the Lord Jesus|name of the Lord Yeshua|7 |nation of the Jews|Jewish nation|1 |not from the Jews only,|not from the Jews only,|1 |Now in our law|Now in our Torah|1 |obey your law continually|obey your Torah continually|1 |observe your law.|observe your Torah.|1 |of Chaldea all their evil|of the Kasdim for all their evil|1 |of Chaldea, shall|of the Kasdim, shall|0 |of the Dedication|of Hanukkah|1 |offered according to the law|offered according to the Torah|1 |Oh that the salvation|Oh that the salvation [yeshuat]|2 |Omega|Tav|4 |On his law he meditates|On his Torah he meditates|1 |one is your teacher|one is your Rabbi|1 |openly among the Jews|openly among the Judeans|1 |or, served well as deacons|or, served well as shammashim|1 |or, tassels|or, tzitziot|3 |Passover of the Jews|Passover in Judea|2 |Pentecost|Shavu`ot|3 |Phanuel|Penuel|1 |phylacteries phylacteries (tefillin in Hebrew)|tefillin phylacteries|0 |place and the law|place and the Torah|1 |preach|proclaim|41 |preacher|proclaimer|4 |preaching|proclaiming|26 |priest, Ananias|priest, Ananias|2 |prophets and the law|Prophets and the Torah|1 |Raca|You good-for-nothing|2 |reason the Jews|reason Jews|1 |received the law|received the Torah|1 |Red Sea|Sea of Suf|28 |refused to walk in his law|refused to walk by his Torah|1 |rejoice in your salvation|rejoice in your salvation|2 |rejoicing and salvation|rejoicing and salvation [yeshu`ah]|1 |reproach of Christ|reproach of the Messiah|1 |rock and my salvation|rock and my salvation [yeshuah-ti]|1 |ruler of the Jews.|ruler of the Judeans.|1 |said to the Jews,|said to the Judeans,|2 |saint|holy one|2 |saints|holy ones|89 |Salome|Shalom|2 |salvation is from the Jews|salvation is from the Jews|1 |Sapphira|Shappirah|1 |seized by the Jews|seized by the Judeans|1 |Semein|Shimei|1 |servantor, deacon|shammashor, servant|0 |Servantsor, Deacons.|Shammashimor, Servants.|0 |servantsor, deacons|shammashimor, servants|0 |serveor, serve as deacons|serveor, serve as shammashim|0 |shepherdsor, pastors|shepherds|0 |So the Jews|So the Judeans|2 |So will the Jews|So will the Judeans|0 |spoken in the prophets:|spoken in the Prophets:|1 |Susanna|Shoshanah|1 |swerve from your law|swerve from your Torah|1 |synagogue of the Jews|Jewish synagogue|1 |t it written in your law,|t it written in your law,|1 |Tabitha|Tavita|2 |teacher eat|rabbi eat|1 |teacher of the law|teacher of the Torah|1 |teacher pay|rabbi pay|1 |Teacher|Rabbi|36 |teachers of the law,|teachers of the law,|1 |teachers of the law|teachers of the Torah|1 |Thaddaeus|Taddai|2 |The book of the genealogy|A record of the genealogy|1 |The book of the prophet|The scroll of the prophet|1 |The Chaldeans answered|The Kasdians answered|1 |the day of atonement|Yom Kippur|1 |the fear of the Jews|the fear of the Jews|1 |the Jewess|Yehudiyah|1 |The Jews also|The Judeans also|1 |The Jews answered|The Judeans answered|2 |the Jews know|Jews know|1 |The Jews therefore|The Judeans therefore|12 |the Jews were|the Judeans were|1 |the Jews, and continues|the Judeans, and continues|1 |the Jews’ religion|Judaismor, traditional Judaism|2 |the land of Israel|Eretz-Israel|31 |the law also say|the Torah also say|1 |the law is blessed.|the Torah is blessed.|1 |the law is light|the Torah is light|1 |The law of his God is|The law of his God is|1 |The law of your mouth|The Torah you have spoken|1 |the law, until|the Torah, until|1 |the Preacher|Koheletthe Preacher (or, Assembler)|6 |the prophets and Moses|the Prophets and Moses|1 |the prophets, and the psalms|the Prophets, and the Psalms|1 |the son of Aram|the son of Ram|1 |them into Chaldea.|them into Kasdimah.|1 |Then the Jews|Then the Judeans|3 |Therefore Jews|Therefore the Judeans|0 |Therefore many of the Jews|Therefore many of the Judeans|2 |Therefore the Jews|Therefore the Judeans|4 |Theudas|Todah|1 |They are far from your law|They are far from your Torah|1 |those Jews who|those Judeans who|1 |Those who love your law|Those who love your Torah|1 |to the apostleship|to be an emissary|0 |to the eleven|to the Eleven|2 |truly the prophet|truly the Prophet|2 |Truly, teacher|Truly, Rabbi|1 |trumpet|shofar|62 |trumpets|shofarsor, trumpets|51 |trust in his salvation|trust in his salvation [yeshuat]|1 |Unless your law had|Unless your Torah had|1 |Ur of the Chaldees|Ur-Kasdim|4 |was accused by the Jews|was accused by the Judeans|1 |washing of regeneration|mikveh of rebirth|1 |wells of salvation|wells of salvation [yeshu`ah]|1 |Whoever keeps the law|Whoever keeps the Torah|1 |wicked who forsake your law|wicked who forsake your Torah|1 |with the eleven|with the Eleven|2 |wondrous things out of your law|wondrous things out of your Torah|1 |World English Bible (WEB)|World Messianic Bible (WMB)|66 |written in the law|written in the Torah|13 |written in the prophets|written in the Prophets|3 |wrong to the Jews|wrong to the Judeans|1 |you keeps the law|you keeps the Torah|1 |Your law is my delight.|Your Torah is my delight.|1 |Your law is truth.|Your Torah is truth.|1 |your law is within my|your Torah is within my|1 |your salvation among|your salvation [yeshuat] among|1 |Zachariah|Zechariah|2 |Zacharias|Zechariah|9 |zealous for the law|zealous for the Torah|1