

Verikariano Vou Na Baki

Baki NT

Language: [bki]BakiBaki
Title:Verikariano Vou Na BakiBaki NT
Abbreviation:BakiID: BKIWBT or bki
Copyright © 2016 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.
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The New Testament in the Baki language of Epi, Vanuatu

Le Nouveau Testament en Baki langue de l'île d'Épi au Vanuatu — Niutestamen long Baki lanwis, blong Epi Aelan, Vanuatu

Yesu ber jibe na bior Atua tinien jii tomu nalo na yetemeriba nei toru laka, naruei naio mijamo ka kenerinio na kirinovo laka, napano naio ga takurano be kanano, binimei m̃aro kar kito, naruei toro kei napano rimonea naio, mia maka rijikia riva kovio, mia rivokar meuliano na bo nei napano maka rijikia ribisi bogo tai.

—John 3:16

Verikariano Vou Na Baki

The New Testament in the Baki language of Epi, Vanuatu

Le Nouveau Testament en Baki langue de l'île d'Épi au Vanuatu — Niutestamen long Baki lanwis, blong Epi Aelan, Vanuatu

copyright © 2016 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.
Language: Baki

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