Allah yerif bo ro msai kʼPaulus
Soh raa mesait bibi ana ai to, mafer aro fee. Ja tno feto fee; menohe tako hawe sai, tkyas bo wefo kʼanu renti ⌞afo re anu nhar nwe jõ fi raabis ro Allah tu oh.⌟ Mfo refo jõ tkyas ati ro Tuhan ybo jõ. Ybo tna yno re tari bo ro msai, tna yerif bo kʼjõ ye. Yerif bo ro Ait ja ymyõt. Jõ thar raa ro kro Kristus sait.* Anu bmat far-far ro 7 to, bhar bwe Paulus ykyas ait yesait. Menohe ait hawe bo teta ait yesait. Tibyo ykyas yfi raa roto ymat bo refo.Tahun 14 ro wia to, ait yaut yamoʼt sawro ro Allah. Allah yakah ait yamoʼt sawro rAit ro mhau abyõ mam u reto. (Sawro rAit ro tuuf reto. Allah ybo yetsu rait yaut yamo, soh mfe yakah yamos rait sai yaut to, jõ wase ye. Reto to Allah yesait aran yhar bait.) Thar tawe raa retait Allah yakah yaut yamoʼt sawro ro moof reto. (Allah yakah ait yetsu rait yaut yamo, soh mfe yakah yamos rait sai yamo to, jõ wase ye. Allah yesait aran yhar sai bait.) Yaut yamoʼt sawro tna yari bo ro msai. Yari bo ro ja raa mhar fee. Bo weto to msai toni. Allah ja ymyõt bo reto. Tna Ait yawe wa yawe raa aro me mkyas bo weto ma. Jõ safuk raa retait, bo ro ymat saah. Menohe soh tkyas jõ tesait to, tkyas bo weto fee. Tkyas bo roto taro sai. Tkyas tawe jõ ja ssafo fee sai. Jõ ksoh raa mhar mawe jõ tesait tatak fee. Menohe soh jõ ksoh raa bibi jõ to, kbe tkyas bo naut u. Tna soh jõ ksoh tawe tkyas bo weto renti to, bo weto beta to bo mabo ye. (Raa ro mkyas bo miwer maja rau to, raa ro wase bo oh meto.) Menohe jõ hawe tkyas bo moof ro jõ tno. Ro moof to, raa mesait mmat bo ro ja tno, tna mesait mari bo ro ja tawe. Feto tna soh ana mesait mawe bibi jõ to, saah.
Allah ybis re bo sau mama sikowah jõ. Yno afo re jõ tnaut tawe jõ fi raa ro taku sai. Tii Allah yerif bo ro msai kʼjõ, menohe Ait hawe bo reto mno jõ bibi jõ. Ait hawe jõ tnaut tawe jõ fi raa ro tase tiwer raa taro. Feto to Ait yitsre kabes yabi (Iblis) ybis kabes roto sau mno jõ, sanet jõ. Bo yno reto sanet jõ yoyo mnan fi bo abumun mami jõ. Tna jõ skabuk Allah muhrin tuuf oh. Jõ soh-soh Ait tawe, “Mnan oh! Natmof jõ. Nno re bo reto sikowah jõ u fee.” Menohe Ait yawe si kʼjõ yawe, “Mfe, bo reto kbe mno nyõ renti. Menohe nnaut nawe Jõ tatmof nyõ yoyo. Boatmof aJõ reto to, aro mabut fee. Ati ro nyõ natak fee, ati ro nyõ ntai marak to, kbe nyõ nnaut nawe tak aJõ mnan si oh.” Yawe feto tna thar tawe soh jõ safuk bo samyoh sor ro mno re jõ sne-sna to, kbe raa mhar mawe Kristus yatak rAit ja matam jõ yoyo oh meto. Feto oh mi jõ simaut fo. Feto oh mi jõ safuk tkyas wore wo jõ tatak ajõ to mabut. 10 Ae; ebokmi bo ro mkair mama mai kʼjõ to, tna jõ tatak fee, tna raa mamus jõ, tna jõ tasom bo ro fanes to, tna raa mno bo ro mkair mai kʼjõ, tna bo ro msai mama mai bo to, menohe ja jõ tnaut yyi fee. Jõ waa fee. Jõ thaf mnem fares. Thar tawe ati ro jõ tatak fee, kbe Kristus ysan tak rAit kʼjõ. Yno afo re kbe raa mmat tna smot Kristus.
Paulus ynaut yyi jemaat ro Korintus
11  Guru ro riwai tkyas weto to, ana taro mnaut mawe ana raabis (rasul) ro Allah. Tna ana miwana jõ, mawe, “Paulus tait raa ro yase fee.” Ana weto to matak miwer jõ fee. Menohe anu taro nri ana. Au oh mi, tako hawe sai, jõ tesait tkyas jõ ai tfi raa ro wase bo. Ro moof to, anu oh mi bibi jõ; jõ tesait ai fee. Ro moof to, anu teta jõ, tna nros tis nban jõ; jõ tesait ai fee. 12 Nnaut nwe tii ati ro thau tsya anu to, tno bo ro msai, tna jõ sair bo ro hnah. Raabis ro Yesus ja mno bo ro hnah mkah Allah yatak rAit (Yohanes 14:12; Ibrani 2:3-4). Kisah Para Rasul mkyas bo ro hnah baro ro Paulus yno: Ait yisoh raa ro yaa maka (Kisah 14:18), tna yisoh raa ro yhai tna yti yrok (Kisah 20:9-10), bo to (Kisah 19:10-12). Ati reto to, jõ beroh tno bo weto sor afo re anu nhar nwe, “Bo mabo. Paulus tait raabis ro Allah tu oh.” 13 Anu taro nnaut nwe Jõ tno bo moof kʼjemaat roto taro, tna bo ro mkair kʼanu sai. Anu nkyas bo reto, nno mkah fyi? Tii thau tsya anu to, tno bo mnan anya msya bo ja jõ tno wore wo thau tsya jemaat roto ye. Menohe jõ tayoh pitis kʼanu weto aro fee. 14 Tna jõ siwyan tawe tama to kʼanu u. Tama muhrin ro tuuf refo fo, tna kbe tayoh pitis kʼanu fee. Menohe jõ tayoh tawe anu noo nhaf wanu sai nee kʼjõ. Tawe noo pitis nee kʼjõ ma. Anu to nfi ku wojõ. Tna kukek ja moo pitis mee kʼmaja, mme na wana fee. Raa mabi oh mi ja moo pitis mee ku wana to. 15 Jõ ksoh too bo tee kʼanu. Jõ tawyan marak anu. Tibyo too thaf ajõ tee kʼanu tna tawe too bo wojõ ro tse beta tiryõ kʼanu ye. Anu nhar nwe Jõ tatmof anu. Reto mno re anu taro hawe bo noo nhaf wanu nee kʼjõ fe mfe a?
16 Anu nhar nwe ja tayoh pitis aro kʼanu fee. Menohe jõ ksoh tatmof anu. Fyi, anu taro nwe jõ besruf anu oh meto a? Pitis ro jõ tawe anu nsan kʼraa kinyah weto to, jõ too aro kʼjõ feto fee. 17 Raa ro jõ tbis mama mo kʼanu to, ana aro besruf anu fe mfe a? 18 Tii tbis Titus ysya nfoh ramu sait mamo mo kʼanu. Ait besruf anu fe mfe a? Mfe, ait yhaf rait moof mnan anya mfi amu mbewok nhaf wamu. Tna bo ro amu mbewok ja nno to, mnan anya ye. 19 ⌞Amu aro ja nno bo ro mkair mai kʼanu fee.⌟ Feto tna amu nkom aam refo nwe saak-saak amu fee. Feto fee. Amu nkom aam refo mkah bo betoo amu ai kʼanu to fee. Amu nkom aam refo mkah mti bonaut wanu. Amu nkom aam refo afo re nno bosmot ranu kbe matak. Allah yhar yawe amu nhaf wamu sau su nsya Kristus. Tna amu ksoh anu toni. Bo bawya ro amu nno to, amu nno afo re bo reto nban anu tis oh meto. 20 Meen ati ro jõ tamaʼt kota ro Korintus to, anu nnaut nwe kbe jõ bibi anu. Menohe jõ waa be kbe tama tna tmat he anu nhau nno bo ro mkair fares. Nno be anu ngo-ngat anya, tna naam bo raa, kmo anya, nnaut bo ro netsu wanu ai, nyi-ntoo raa, nkyas-kas raa, bibi anu ai, tna nno-na bo kbik-kbak sai. Soh jõ tama tna tmat he anu nno bo ro mkair weto to, kbe tkyas tna tno bo bawya u kʼanu? Jõ tako tama te bhah anu. 21 Tiwya jõ bibi anu. Menohe jõ waa be kbe te tama u to, tmat he anu taro nno bo ro mkair-kar fares: Tiwya anu taro nasmamo, taro nus-as bo tna taro ntak fnya mabi raa bo ye. Soh jõ tama tna tmat he anu nwat ne nashana fefares to, kbe jõ sraujin tna hrenaut. Allah ymat bo ro anu nno to, yawe, “Ja Paulus bibi raa ro Korintus fyi?”

*12:2 Anu bmat far-far ro 7 to, bhar bwe Paulus ykyas ait yesait. Menohe ait hawe bo teta ait yesait. Tibyo ykyas yfi raa roto ymat bo refo.

12:12 Raabis ro Yesus ja mno bo ro hnah mkah Allah yatak rAit (Yohanes 14:12; Ibrani 2:3-4). Kisah Para Rasul mkyas bo ro hnah baro ro Paulus yno: Ait yisoh raa ro yaa maka (Kisah 14:18), tna yisoh raa ro yhai tna yti yrok (Kisah 20:9-10), bo to (Kisah 19:10-12).