Bokyas ro tinyi rau: Fyi re Lukas ykom aam refo?
Yohanes ro ja baptis raa tait, kbe fnya mabe
Malaikat sau mkyas bo Yesus kbe raa mabe
Maria msya Elisabet
Bobaut ro Maria
Elisabet mabe Yohanes ro ja baptis raa
Bobaut ro Zakharia
Yesus fnya mabe
Yesus raa mafan
Ku Yesus yamoʼt Samu ro Allah
Yohanes Pembaptis
Yohanes baptis Yesus
Yesus yatat na
Kabes yabi (Iblis) yawe sanet Yesus
Yesus yamo yur ytan provinsi ro Galilea beta ykyas bo kʼraa
Yesus yikyak kabes sau
Yesus yisoh raa mawat
Yesus ysok kuber wAit ro tinyi
Yesus yisoh raa ro yafa kusta
Yesus yisoh raa ro yaa mhai sait
Yesus ytu Lewi yasen kro Ait
Iso ro bose to hayah tna iso ro Yesus to hayah ye
Ayõ ro raa ntmoh (Sabat)
Yesus yisoh raa ro yatem mhai
Yesus ysok kuber wAit mabo trion 12
Yesus ykyas bo moof ro Allah kbe yno kʼraa
Ara mara msya make rau
Yesus yisoh sryan sait
Yesus yno mere sait yrok yasen
Yohanes Pembaptis ytu bo kʼYesus
Fai ro mno iro sau mama mo kʼYesus
Fnya baro kro Yesus
Bi sait furere bobat manaf mam armato rait
Ja raa mmyõt Pelita fee
Yesus yme msya yao na
Yesus yno figyõm mnem
Yesus yisoh raa ro yker
Yesus yno ku ano ro mhai sau mrok masen
Fai sau ro mafa mees
Yesus yoo yatak rAit yee kuber wAit mabo 12
Raja Herodes ynaut yyi
Yesus yoo boit yee kʼraa mabo 5000 mait
Yesus ytu bo kʼPetrus
Yesus yetsu rAit haberek
Yesus yisoh ku sait ro kabes mbo
Kuber ro Yesus wAit santri bo kʼanya
Soh raa kro Yesus to, bo ro mnan-nan fee
Yesus ysok raa mabo 70
Raa mabo 70 weto hah me
Raa ro Samaria ro yhaf moof
Maria msya Marta
Yesus bhah raa ro Farisi msya guru agama Yahudi
Sesa anu kaket
Bobot sait ro wase bo
Siwyan anu: Meen kbe Yesus hah yama u.
Yesus yisti raa miranya fee
Kair mai kʼraa to, bo bawya misti?
Ara mara sau ro make fee
Mam ayõ ro raa ntmoh to, Yesus yisoh fnya ro kbor maka
Raa ro Allah ybo
Mato ro mtit
Raa ro Farisi ana hawe bo Yesus yisoh raa ro kiyam mam hari Sabat
Bobot sait ymah korat ro mase sau
Raa mhaf wana mamo mhau msya awya?
Domba sau ro marak
Fai sau mmat sas pitis rau ro marak
Ku sait yamo yno bo kbik-kbak sai
Bendahara ro yhar bo
Raa sait yisoh bo wait kaket moof
Bobot ysya Lazarus
Iro msya bosmot
Yesus yisoh raa ro mafa kusta
Mesias yama yfi Raja tna ybo raa wAit
Allah yfi hakim ro yoof
Raa ro ja safuk ana tna mnaut mawe ana mesait aran mno bo ro moof
Yesus skabuk ku mkek re Allah yno bo ro moof kʼana
Raa ro mamo bobot to, ksoh mawe Allah mbo ana to, bo mnan-nan fee
Kbe raa sikowah Yesus tna mame yajat
Yesus yisoh raa ro yasu mboh
Yesus ysya Zakheus
Raja sait yawe sryan baro misoh bo wait wea
Yesus twok mam Yerusalem tna raa smar-smar mtar-tar Ait mamo
Yesus sraujin raa ro Yahudi
Yesus twok mam Samu ro Allah
Awya ro ybis Yesus yno bo ro ja Ait yno meto?
Bofret raa ro kmot armato ro anggur
Bo ro Kaisar wait
Raa ro mhai meen mrok masen fe mfe a?
Mesias tait Kube ro raja Daud ye, menohe Ait Raa ro yase yiwer Daud ye
Kaket anu be kbe guru agama miwro anu
Semit sau ro habenis fee
Samu ro Allah meen matu
Meen bo ro mkair mama mai kʼraa
Yerusalem mbtek
Yesus ykyas ati ro meen Ait yhah yama u
Fyi re kbe raa mhar mawe tabam refo kene wo haberek?
Nhau siwyan anu nwof ayõ ro Tuhan yama
Raa mabi ro Yahudi mawe mfot Yesus
Yudas yasim Yesus
Raa siwyan bo ro Paskah
Yesus sohmaam korat ro Paskah
Awya ro yase toni
Yesus skabuk mam faut ro Zaitun
Yudas hren serek Yesus
Petrus ywaar Yesus
Raa makah Yesus mamo mo kʼraa manes wana re ana mtu safo rAit.
Yesus Raa mbo mamo mo kʼPilatus
Yesus Raa mbo mamo mo kʼHerodes
Yesus raa makah hah mamo mo kʼPilatus
Yesus yamoʼt ‘Yuk ro Hamana’
Yesus raa mame yajat
Raa sama Yesus
Yesus yrok yasen
Mam iso ro mamoʼt Emaus
Yesus yerif Ait kuber wAit
Yesus yaut yamoʼt sawro ro Allah