Bofret bokyõ ro raa moo fnya
Tna Yesus fret bo u kʼana yawe, “Allah yamo Raja ybo raa mana rAit. Reto mfi bawya? Raja sait yakyõ bokyõ ro ku sme rait ymen fnya tna to. Raja retait ybis sryan wait mbo taah mamo mmen raa mama makyõ bokyõ rait. Menohe raa weto hawe. Ana mama fee. Feto tna raja retait ybis sryan wait roto taro yawe, ‘Nmo nwe kʼana nwe, “Bo sohmaam ro bokyõ refo jõ siwyan wea oh. Jõ ktan sapi maboh wojõ ro moof sor. Tna msya bo sohmaam roto taro to, jõ siwyan bo ye oh. Ku sme ajõ yoo fnya, feto nma anu bkyõ bokyõ tna sohmaam bo su.” ’ Menohe raa ro ait yoo taah yee sor to, ana mama fee ye. Sait yamoʼt armato rait. Tna ana taro msui mno bo wana sai. Tna ana taro mfot sryan ro raja wait weto, sikowah tna mame ana majat ye. Raja refi yari sryan wait bo raa mame feto, tibyo ait yrok kmo toni. Tna ait ybis raa ro sbe wait mamo mame raa ro taa mame sryan wait. Tna mbis ana mkah kota rana mait ye. Ana mno bo weto mkak oh, tna raja retait ytu sryan wait mama. Tna yawe, ‘Bo sohmaam ro bokyõ reto amu siwyan oh, menohe raa ro taa jõ too taah tee to, mama fee. Ana weto mkair tibyo kbe ana sohmaam bo su msya jõ fee ye. Feto to, nsen frok nmoʼt iso krewe makin-akan sor. Tna awya sai ro anu nkai to, nmen ana beta mama sohmaam bo ro bokyõ refo.’ 10 Tibyo sryan weto mamo tna mmen raa makin-akan ro ana fri mam iso sor to mama beta. Raa ro ana mmen mama to, taro raa ro moof tna taro raa ro mkair ye. Raa msis-sas weto mama tna sohmaam bo su. 11 Tna raja retait yama ymat sas raa ro hre sohmaam bo su mam bokyõ reto. Ait ymat he raa sait yyum ratan rait ro mkair. Ait yyum ratan ro bokyõ fee. 12 Raja ymat feto tna ytu bo kʼait retait yawe, ‘Nyõ namaʼt bokyõ ajõ menohe nyum ratan ro bokyõ to fee! Nno fyi meto?’ Ait retait yari feto menohe shait bait sai. 13 Tna fo raja ybis sryan wait yawe, ‘Nmo nfot ait retait nke yaa msya yatem tna nkah beak fari mne mam wore wo mamur hto toni to. Meen raa mkai bo ro mkair-kar tibyo mawia kanasyah bo ye mam beto.’ ”
14 Tna Yesus yawe, “Allah Ait ytu raa msis-sas mama. Menohe Ait ysok raa mabo kebet baro sai mamo raa wAit.”
Raa ro Farisi mtu bo kʼYesus re sanet Ait
15 Raa ro Farisi frok mbam yuk reto tna mamo siret su. Tna saim bo mawe kbe ana mtu bo kʼYesus tna sanet Ait feto. 16 Tibyo ana mbis kuber wana msya raa ro raja Herodes wait baro mamo mtu bo kʼYesus. Ana masen mamo mtu mawe, “Bi Guru; amu nhar nwe Nyõ ja sioh fee. Tna Nyõ waa raa ro manes fee ye. Nyõ beroh nkyas bokyas ro Allah kʼawya sai. Tna iso ro Allah to, ja Nyõ nerif abyõ kʼraa to, nmyõt bo fee ye. 17 Feto to amu ntu bo kʼNyõ nwe: Allah ksoh yawe anu mbero namabyoh (pajak)kʼKaisar fe mfe a?” 18 Menohe Yesus yhar yawe ana mhaf mkair. Tna yawe, “Anu nmo wan-wan tibyo sioh ntu bo sne mate kʼJõ to, nno fyi meto? 19 Noo pitis mauf ro ja raa moo mee mkah namabyoh reto. Nee kʼJõ tmat wia.” Tna ana moo pitis dinar mauf sau mama mee kʼAit ymat. 20 Tna Ait yawe, “Nmat gambar refo: Raa mkom awya yasom rait mefo?” 21 Ana mawe, “Kaisar msya bokom rait meto.” Tna Yesus yawe, “Soh feto, bo bawya ro Kaisar rait to, noo nee Kaisar. Tna bo bawya ro Allah rait to, noo nee kʼAllah ye.” 22 Ana mari bo ro Ait yawe feto, tibyo mrok ktak sai, tna masen sikba Ait mamo ye.
Raa ro mhai meen mrok masen fe mfe a?
23 Rere to, raa ro Saduki baro mama mo kʼYesus. (Raa ro Saduki to raa ro agama Yahudi ye, menohe ana ja mnaut mawe raa ro mhai to, meen me mrok masen fee.) Ana mtu kʼAit mawe, 24 “Bi Guru; tiwya Musa ykom yawe, ‘Soh raa sait yhai tna ait sano. Semit reto kbe yao kro mkah yabe ku aro mkah shauk biin ait ro yhai retait.’ 25 Tna amu ntu bo kʼNyõ nwe: Mfi bo raa sme mabo ngkrema mao kʼanya mhau. Tna ro bum ymen fai sau, he ait sano tna yhai kba. Tibyo yao sait yama kro semit rana. 26 Ait kro menohe yabe ku aro fee ye. Feto ye yao ro tuuf yama kro semit rana naut menohe yabe ku aro fee ye. Feto ye mnan anya sai mamo snok ro ngkrema beta. 27 Ana ro mao na kʼanya mhai beta mkak. Tna fai au mhai mrof ye.” 28 Tna raa ro Saduki weto mamo ti te mtu Yesus mawe, “Meen ati ro hai mrok masen to, awya yfain fai reto? Tiwya ana mabo ngkrema ye mfain fai au reto ye fe mfe a?”
29 Menohe Yesus yawe, “Bonaut ranu mkair meto. Anu wase Bokom ro Allah msya Ait yatak rAit ye. 30 Meen ati ro raa mrok masen to, raa moo fnya u fee tna fnya msya raa u fee ye. Malaikat sor ja moo fnya fee. Meen raa mhau sai mfi malaikat mam sawro ro Allah. 31-32 Nnaut nwe Allah ykyas raa ro mhai tna meen mrok masen to yawe,
‘Jõ fi Allah ro Abraham, Ishak msya Yakub ja smot.’
Keluaran 3:6
Anu bhar bwe hohos wanu weto ro mhai ooh oh. Menohe Allah yawe feto tibyo anu bhar bwe ana mhai tibyo fee. Allah yawe ana mhau mam sawro rAit smot Ait fares to.” 33 Raa msis-sas weto mari feto, tibyo ana mrok ktak bokyas ro Ait ykyas reto sai.
Watum ro ati toni
34 Raa ro Farisi mari he Yesus ykyas bo kʼraa ro Saduki tna yno re ana mmai u fee. Feto to ana ro Farisi mamo mtu bo kʼYesus ye. 35 Ana sait yamo guru agama Yahudi. Ait yawe sanet ytu bo kʼYesus yawe, 36 “Guru; watum ryo oh mi mase toni mam Watum ro Musa to?” 37 Yesus yawe,
“Nhafri Tuhan Allah ranu mkah nhaf, srau wanu beta, tna mkah bohar ranu beta ye.
Ulangan 6:5
38 Watum ro tinyi msya watum ro mase ye oh meto. 39 Tna watum ro ewok mnan reto ye:
‘Nhafri raa ro mhau kene msya anu to ye. Nhafri ana mnan fi anu nhafri netsu wanu nesait ai to.’
Imamat 19:18
40 Watum ro tiwya Musa ysya nabi na mkom to, masmair rau to mbam watum ewok refo ye.”
Mesias tait, awya oh metait?
41 Raa ro Farisi mkyas bo su wea, tna Yesus yama ytu kʼana yawe, 42 “Anu nnaut Mesias* Som reto to, “Ait ro Allah ysok tna yawe yamo Raja.” Mai ro Ibrani mawe Mesias, tna mai ro Yunani raa mawe Kristus. tait nwe fyi? Ait tait Ku ro bi awya yare?” Menohe ana mawe, “Mesias tait Kube ro Daud.” 43 Yesus yawe, “Tiwya Har ro Tuhan misbyõ bi Daud ybis ait ykyas Mesias to, menohe ytu Ait yawe, ‘Tuan ajõ’. Tiwya Daud yawe,
44 Tuhan yawe kʼTuan ajõ yawe, “Nama, hre nsya Jõ mam ati ro tatem ati; hroh ro mase reto. Hre wea. Tna raa ro byoh, raa ro srau kair kʼNyõ to, meen tno ana mbtek mam mte. Kbe Nyõ naa nber ana weto. Tna Nyõ nros natak abyõ, nbo ana.” ’ ”
Mazmur 110:1
45 Yesus yawe u yawe, “Tiwya Daud ytu Mesias‘Tuan rait’ to, fyi re anu nkyas nwe Mesias tait Kube ro Daud?” 46 Feto tibyo raa sait bo yatak ykyas bo si kʼAit fee. Tna raa aro ter-ter mtu bo kʼYesus u fee.

*22:42 Som reto to, “Ait ro Allah ysok tna yawe yamo Raja.” Mai ro Ibrani mawe Mesias, tna mai ro Yunani raa mawe Kristus.