

American Standard Version Byzantine Text

ASV Byzantine Text

Language: [eng]EnglishEnglish
Dialect:Archaic American 
Title:American Standard Version Byzantine TextASV Byzantine Text
Abbreviation:ASVBTID: ENGABT or engasvbt
public domain
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The Holy Bible with Apocrypha, American Standard Version conformed to the Byzantine Text New Testament

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

—John 3:16

American Standard Version Byzantine Text

The Holy Bible with Apocrypha, American Standard Version conformed to the Byzantine Text New Testament

Public Domain
Language: English
Dialect: Archaic American

Changes to the ASV dedicated to the Public Domain by Adam Boyd in 2021. The ASV itself is in the Public Domain due to copyright expiration.
