

Bibeli Gusunɔn Gari

Bariba Bible

Language: [bba]BaribaBaatonum
Title:Bibeli Gusunɔn GariBariba Bible
Abbreviation:BARID: BBASIM or bba
Copyright © 2013 SIM
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The Holy Bible in the Baatonum language of Benin, also called the Bariba language

Domi Gusunɔ u hɑnduniɑɡibun kĩru mɔ, sere u win Bii tɔn durɔ teereru bu wɛ̃, kpɑ bɑɑwure wi u nùn nɑɑnɛ doke, u ku kɑm ko, ɑdɑmɑ u n wɑ̃ɑru mɔ te tɑ ku rɑ kpe.

—John 3:16

Bibeli Gusunɔn Gari

The Holy Bible in the Baatonum language of Benin, also called the Bariba language

copyright © 2013 SIM
Language: Bariba (Baatonum)
Translation by: SIM International

Bariba, Bibeli Gusunɔn Gari

This translation, published by the UEEB/SIM au Benin, was published in 1996.

If you are interested in obtaining a printed copy, please contact the SIM at SIM, BP 15, Parakou, Benin.

This translation text is made available to you under the terms of the Creative Commons License: Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/) In addition, you have permission to port the text to different file formats, as long as you do not change any of the text or punctuation of the Bible.

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