

Sveta Biblija

Serbian Bible

Language: [srp]srpski jezikSerbian
Title:Sveta BiblijaSerbian Bible
Abbreviation:ID: SRP865 or srp1865
public domain
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The Holy Bible in Serbian (Latin alphabet), translated by Vuk Karadžić and Đura Daničić

Jer Bogu tako omilje svijet da je i sina svojega jedinorodnoga dao, da nijedan koji ga vjeruje ne pogine, nego da ima život vjeèni.

—John 3:16

Sveta Biblija

The Holy Bible in Serbian (Latin alphabet), translated by Vuk Karadžić and Đura Daničić

Public Domain
Language: srpski jezik (Serbian)
Translation by: Vuk Karadžić, Đura Daničić

Vuk Karadžić translated the New Testament of the Bible in Serbian, publishing it in Vienna in 1847. Đura Daničić assisted Karadžić in that work, and later added an Old Testament translation, published in Belgrade in 1865. This copy was brought to you by eBible.org.
