P'awlosnat kootets woshetswotsn
Taa muk'i dog t wottsotse taash it k'amitwok'o jangirwe, oona! taash k'amde'ere. Baarna'a s'eenu ikukok'o iti kenih iko Krstossh twid'tsotse, Ik'i okooron okoorirwe. Aze. 3:1-5 Dawunzo Hewaani weeri gondon b́ sheelitsok'o daneraka it asaabiyonwere awaashwtsar Krstossh itdetsts okooronat s'ayinon wottso it amanewo k'ayk'ritute etaat shatirwe. Ik asho itok waar no nó nabtso b́woterawo k'osh Iyesusi itsh b́nabiyal wee it itdek'ts shayiro b́woteraniyere k'osh shayiro itdek'al, wee it dek'ts doo shishiyo b́ woterawo k'osh doo shishiyo it dek'al, s'k etaatni it dek'i etee.
Ernmó taa een een woshetswotsiyere jam keewon tdashtsok'o areratse. Noon keewon dantso woto tk'azaloru dab dano taash shapatse, hanowere ayoto ay weeron kishdek' itsh danirone.
Taa Ik'i doo shushiyo itsh k'awntsalon tnabonat itn dambaan tizosh t tooko dashan t detso morrok'oweya b́ taaweyiri? Itsh finosh k'osh Ik' moowwotsoke tep'o dek'at boon biik're. Filp. 4:15-18 Itnton tbeyor taash wotit keewo b shapor, Mek'odoniyon waats t eshwots taash geyits jam keewon botep'irwotse konatsoru kuro woteratse, andish b́ borfetsosh itats jam keewon kuro woteratse, shino maantsisho kuro woteratse. 10 Krstos arikeewo t gitsotse b́ beyirwtse hanatse tuutson t id'awok'o woshitwo Akayiyi datsatse konworu aaliye. 11 B́ jango eebi? Itn shuno tk'ztsosheya? Itn tshuntsok'o Ik'o danfee.
12 K'osh wosheets manots, «No bonk'o finirwone» err boit'et weero t'ut'iyosh and tk'alirwok'o shino maantsoru dab k'alituwe. 13 Hank'o ashaanots Krstossh woshetswotsi aroosh botook wonawoniru kootets woshetswotsnat ash ant'elcef finetswotsiye. 14 Hanwere adiyit keewaliye, shed'anonworu dab shááno melakiwotsi aroosh b́ tooko b́woniti. 15 Mansh eshe shed'anosh finirwots kááwosh finirwotsi aroosh bo tooko bowoniyal noon adiratse, s'uwatse bo fini k'awntso daatsitune.
P'awlos wosheetso b́wottsosh bíyats bodts kic'o
16 «Asho konwor dartso twottsok'o bísh ark'aye» err aani keewituwe. Dartsi twotiyaloru dab múk'i t it'etwok'o dartsok'o woshde'er taan taawwore. 17 Hank'o it'on tkeewor t keewirwo doonzo shunok'o b́ woterawo dartsok'o wotatniye. 18 Aywots meets keewon bo it'iruwosh taawor it'etuwe. 19 It t'iwintsirwotsi it wottsok'on dartswots jangosh gene'on k'amitute. 20 Hank'o konworu guutsok'o itn b́ woshiyal, konworu itko b́maal, iti b́finiyal, iti b́gac'iyal, it malalats b́ jabiyal k'amitute. 21 Taan jitsitka wotiyaloru dab keewanotsi finosh kup'uwotsi wotnok'azo itsh kitsitwe.
Ernmó konwor it'osh ááwo b́ shúk'ol taaworu bíkok'o ááwo shúk'twe, hanowere ti etir and dartsok'o wotatniye. 22 Bo Ibrawi ashnowa? Taawere Ibrawi ash taane, bo Israe'el ashnowa? Taawere Israe'el ash taane, bo Abraham naarnowa? Taawere Abraham naar taane. 23 Wosh. 16:23 Bo Krstos guutsnowa? Taawere boyere bogo Krstossh guuts taane, hanowere ti etor geyetsok'o wotatniye t keewiri, boyere bogo ayoto finon mawure, ayoto tipere, ayoto jot'ere, ayoto k'iri t'up'er tawats bodre, 24 Útsoti shaashe jeed'iyoto ayhudiwots k'ac'eyon jot'ere, 25 Wosh. 16:22; 14:19 Keezoto gúmbon jot'ere, iknoto shútson k'is'ere, keezoto markabotse t'up'er tawo tiyats bodre, ik t'úwonat ik aawon aats k'aratse t teshi, 26 Wosh. 9:23; 14:15 T sha'i ayon foki s'eenonat aats di'on, biik'irwotsn bik'ewo ti'ats bodre, Ayhudi jirwotsnat Ik' ash woterawotsokere t'up'er tawo tiyats bodre, Kitonat worwotse aats k'aratsnowere t'up'er tawo tiyats bodre, mank'o kootets amantsuwotsoke t'up'ertawo tiyats bodre. 27 Ayo finonat maawo detsfe b́ teshi, ayoto tokro t t'utfoni, k'ak'efe, shashwefe, ayoto mish t'ut'o tiyats bodre, ak'onat araats woto tiyats bodre. 28 K'osh jam keewo t taawoniyere Ik'i moowwotsosh aawu aawon shiyanat t kic'efoni. 29 Maawrawo kone, taawor mááwratsta? ash iko morron b́ dihor taawer nib t k'únaw aawo egore?
30 It'o b́ geyitka wotink'e taa bín ti it'etwo taa maaw ash twoto kitsit keewwotsne, 31 Dúre dúrosh údeek wottso no doonz Iyesus nihi Ik'o t koorawok'o danfee. 32 Demask'o kitotse tbeyor nugúso Aretasiyere dashe dats k'eeziruwo taan detso geeyat kitutse bín keshet weero kotirwotsn b́ kotifere b́ teshi. 33 Wosh. 9:23-25 Wotowa bako ashuwots kas'i tungushi fúri weeron ooshon taan oorsh bok'rere b́ kishotse k'az t keshi.

11:3 Aze. 3:1-5

11:9 Filp. 4:15-18

11:23 Wosh. 16:23

11:25 Wosh. 16:22; 14:19

11:26 Wosh. 9:23; 14:15

11:33 Wosh. 9:23-25