eBible.org Bronze Bible License
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivatives Plus License
eBible.org Bronze Bible License, also called the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND+
This is a simple English statement of (and not a substitute for) the actual License.
You may:
- Share — copy, display, distribute and transmit the Bible text in any media or format
- Extract — display or include portions of the Bible text in other works, such as Sunday School lessons, devotionals, etc.
Under the following terms:
- Attribution — You MUST give credit for the Bible text as specified.
- Not Commercial — You may NOT use the resulting work for commercial purposes.
- No Derivatives that change the text or punctuation of the Bible — You may NOT change the Bible translation without additional permission
Additional permissions may be available if you contact the copyright owner with your request.
The terms of the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND License 4.0 apply, except that:
- Additional permission is granted to make derivative works that do not change the text or punctuation of the Holy Bible, such as changing file
formats for display in alternate formats and media or making extracts.
- Disputes must be handled by Christian mediation according to the procedures of the Association of Christian Conciliation Services.
- This license is valid as long as the Licensee abides by its terms.
- This license is granted to anyone willing to abide by its terms when applied to a specific work by the copyright owner.