A psalm written by one of the descendants of Korah for the choir director
God is the one who protects us and causes us to be strong;
he is always ready to help us when we have troubles.
So, even if the earth shakes,
we will not be afraid.
Even if the mountains fall into the middle of the sea,
and if the water in the sea roars and foams,
and the hills shake violently,
we will not be afraid!
(Think about that!)
Blessings that come from God are like a river that makes everyone in the city where we worship God joyful.
It is the city where the temple of God, who is greater than any other god, exists.
God is in this city, and it will never be destroyed;
he will come to help the people in that city at dawn every day.
Sometimes the people of many nations are terrified;
kingdoms ◄are overthrown/cease to exist►;
God speaks loudly like thunder,
and the earth melts (OR, people everywhere become terrified) [MET].
But Yahweh, the commander of the armies of heaven, is with us;
the God whom Jacob worshiped (OR, we Israeli people worship) is our refuge.
(Think about that!)
Come and ◄see/think about► the amazing things that Yahweh has done [DOU]!
He stops wars all over the world;
he breaks bows and arrows;
he destroys spears;
he burns up shields.
10 God says, “Be quiet, and remember that I am God!
I will be honored by the people of all nations.
I will be honored all over the earth.”
11 So never forget that Yahweh, the commander of the armies of heaven, is with us;
the God whom Jacob worshiped (OR, we Israeli people worship) is our refuge.
(Think about that!)