About Gabriel speaking to Zechariah
About Gabriel speaking to Mary
About Mary visiting Elizabeth
About the song that God gave Mary
About John the Baptist being born
About the message that God gave to Zechariah
About Jesus being born
About the angel of the Lord God telling good news to the shepherds
About Jesus' name
About the baby Jesus being taken to the temple
About Joseph, Mary and Jesus going back to Nazareth
About the boy Jesus going to the temple
About John the Baptist preaching to people
About John baptizing Jesus
About the ancestors of Jesus
About Satan tempting Jesus
About Jesus starting his work
About the people of Nazareth rejecting Jesus
About a man with an evil spirit
About Jesus healing many people
About Jesus speaking in the synagogue
About Jesus choosing his first disciples
About Jesus healing a man covered with sores
About Jesus healing a cripple
About Jesus choosing Levi
About people asking Jesus about going without food
About the Pharisees not wanting to work on the Sabbath day
About the man with a crippled hand
About Jesus choosing twelve apostles
About Jesus teaching and healing people
About happiness and sadness
About us loving people who hate us
About us being like trees that have fruit
About two men building houses
About Jesus healing a Roman officer's servant
About Jesus making a widow's son alive again
About John the Baptist sending two of his disciples to Jesus
About a woman who was a sinner and washed Jesus' feet
About some women who helped Jesus
About a man who planted some seeds
About Jesus and his brothers
About Jesus calming the water and the wind
About Jesus healing a man with evil spirits
About Jesus making a dead girl alive again and about him healing a sick woman
About Jesus sending out his twelve disciples
About Herod wanting to see Jesus
About Jesus feeding 5,000 men
Peter speaking about Jesus
Jesus speaking about his suffering and death
About Jesus becoming different
About a boy Jesus healed
Jesus speaks again about dying
We shouldn't be proud
About people using Jesus' name
About some Samaritans refusing to welcome Jesus
About following Jesus
About Jesus sending out 70 people
About people who reject God's word
About the 70 people coming back to Jesus
About Jesus rejoicing
The story about the good Samaritan
About Mary and Martha
About Jesus teaching his disciples to pray
Jesus speaking about the devil who is called Beelzebul
About evil spirits coming back to a man
About real happiness
Jesus speaking about Jonah
About only looking at what is good
About Jesus blaming the Pharisees and the teachers of Moses' law
About Jesus warning his disciples about the Pharisees
About God looking after us
We shouldn't be ashamed of Jesus
About trusting in God
About waiting patiently until Jesus comes back
About God's workers working well
About Jesus coming into the world to judge everyone
About deciding what is right
About getting rid of sin
About a sand fig tree without fruit
About Jesus healing a crippled woman on the Sabbath
About God becoming ruler
About getting into God's kingdom through a little door
About Jesus loving Jerusalem
About Jesus healing a sick man
We must not be proud
About the feast when God becomes ruler
About following Jesus closely
About being like salt that is salty
About the lost sheep
About the lost coin
About the lost man
About a servant with a sharp mind
About three other words of Jesus
About the rich man and Lazarus
About tempting people to sin and forgiving other people
About us trusting in Jesus and working for him
About Jesus healing ten men
About God becoming ruler
About a widow woman and a judge
About the Pharisee and the tax collector
About people bringing children to Jesus
About a rich man who came to Jesus
Jesus speaking about his death again
About Jesus healing a blind man
About Jesus and Zacchaeus
About working well for God
About Jesus going to Jerusalem on a donkey
About Jesus crying for the people of Jerusalem
About Jesus arriving at the temple
Who told Jesus what to say?
About the men who looked after the grape vines
About Jewish people paying tax money to the Romans
About people coming alive after we die
About the Messiah
About Jesus warning people against the teachers
About a widow giving money to God
About people destroying the temple
Jesus warning the people about the last days
About people destroying Jerusalem
About Jesus coming back again
About watching ourselves carefully
About the leaders wanting to kill Jesus
About Judas agreeing to give Jesus to the leaders
About Jesus telling his two disciples to prepare food for the Passover meal
About the Lord Jesus and his apostles eating the Passover meal together
About being like servants
About Jesus telling Peter he would deny him
About money, things and swords
About Jesus praying on the Mount of Olives
About some men taking Jesus
About Peter denying Jesus
About the men laughing at Jesus and beating him
About taking Jesus to the leaders
About taking Jesus to Pilate
About Jesus being sent to Herod
About Pilate giving Jesus to the chief priests for them to kill him
About the soldiers killing Jesus on a cross
About Jesus dying
About putting Jesus' body in a cave
About the empty cave
About two of Jesus' disciples going to Emmaus
About Jesus appearing to his disciples
About Jesus going up to heaven to his Father