1 Kings
Abishag Cares for David
Adonijah Usurps the Kingdom
Nathan and Bathsheba before David
David Renews His Oath to Bathsheba
Solomon Anointed King
Adonijah Learns of Solomon’s Kingship
David Instructs Solomon
David’s Reign and Death
The Execution of Adonijah
The Execution of Joab
The Execution of Shimei
Solomon’s Prayer for Wisdom
Solomon Judges Wisely
Solomon’s Princes
Solomon’s Twelve Officers
Solomon’s Prosperity
Solomon’s Wisdom
Preparations for the Temple
Hiram’s Reply to Solomon
Solomon’s Labor Force
Temple Construction Begins
The Chambers
God’s Promise to Solomon
The Temple’s Interior
The Cherubim
The Doors
The Courtyard
Solomon’s Palace Complex
The Pillars and Capitals
The Molten Sea
The Ten Bronze Stands
The Ten Bronze Basins
Completion of the Bronze Works
Completion of the Gold Furnishings
The Ark Enters the Temple
Solomon Blesses the LORD
Solomon’s Prayer of Dedication
Solomon’s Benediction
Sacrifices of Dedication
The LORD’s Response to Solomon
Solomon’s Additional Achievements
The Queen of Sheba
Solomon’s Wealth and Splendor
Solomon’s Foreign Wives
God’s Anger against Solomon
Hadad’s Return
Rezon’s Hostility
Jeroboam’s Rebellion
The Death of Solomon
Rebellion against Rehoboam
The Kingdom Divided
Shemaiah’s Prophecy
Jeroboam’s Idolatry
Jeroboam’s Hand Withers
The Old Prophet and the Man of God
Ahijah’s Prophecy against Jeroboam
Nadab Succeeds Jeroboam
Rehoboam Reigns in Judah
Shishak Raids Jerusalem
Abijam Reigns in Judah
Asa Reigns in Judah
War between Asa and Baasha
Jehoshaphat Succeeds Asa
Nadab Reigns in Israel
Baasha Reigns in Israel
Jehu’s Prophecy against Baasha
Elah Reigns in Israel
Zimri Reigns in Israel
Omri Reigns in Israel
Ahab Reigns in Israel, Marries Jezebel
The Ravens Feed Elijah
The Widow of Zarephath
Elijah Raises the Widow’s Son
Elijah’s Message to Ahab
Elijah on Mount Carmel
Elijah’s Prayer
The LORD Sends Rain
Elijah Flees from Jezebel
The LORD Speaks to Elijah at Horeb
The Call of Elisha
Ben-hadad Attacks Samaria
Ahab Defeats Ben-hadad
Another War with Ben-hadad
Ahab Spares Ben-hadad
A Prophet Reproves Ahab
Naboth’s Vineyard
Jezebel’s Plot
Elijah Denounces Ahab and Jezebel
Ahab’s Repentance
Ahab and the False Prophets
Micaiah Prophesies against Ahab
Ahab’s Defeat and Death
Jehoshaphat Reigns in Judah
Ahaziah Reigns in Israel