2 Corinthians
Paul Greets the Corinthians
The God of All Comfort
Paul’s Change of Plans
Reaffirm Your Love
Triumph in Christ
Ministers of a New Covenant
The Glory of the New Covenant
The Light of the Gospel
Treasure in Jars of Clay
Our Eternal Dwelling
Ambassadors for Christ
Paul’s Hardships and God’s Grace
Do Not Be Unequally Yoked
Paul’s Joy in the Corinthians
Generosity Commended
Titus Commended
God Loves a Cheerful Giver
Paul’s Apostolic Authority
Paul and the False Apostles
Paul’s Suffering and Service
Paul’s Revelation
Paul’s Thorn and God’s Grace
Paul’s Concern for the Corinthians
Examine Yourselves
Benediction and Farewell