The Israelites Multiply in Egypt
Oppression by a New King
The Birth and Adoption of Moses
The Rejection and Flight of Moses
God Hears the Cry of the Israelites
Moses at the Burning Bush
Moses’ Staff
Moses’ Hand
The Appointment of Aaron
Moses Leaves for Egypt
The People Believe Moses and Aaron
Pharaoh’s First Refusal
Bricks and Straw
The Cry of the Israelites
God Promises Deliverance
Genealogies of Moses and Aaron
God Commands Moses and Aaron
Aaron’s Staff
The First Plague: Blood
The Second Plague: Frogs
The Third Plague: Gnats
The Fourth Plague: Flies
The Fifth Plague: Livestock
The Sixth Plague: Boils
The Seventh Plague: Hail
The Eighth Plague: Locusts
The Ninth Plague: Darkness
The Plague on the Firstborn Foretold
The First Passover
The Feast of Unleavened Bread
The Tenth Plague: Death of the Firstborn
The Exodus Begins
Instructions for the Passover
The Dedication of the Firstborn
The Pillars of Cloud and Fire
Pharaoh Pursues the Israelites
Parting the Red Sea
The Song at the Sea
The Waters of Marah
Manna and Quail from Heaven
The Sabbath Observed
The Jar of Manna
Water from the Rock
The Defeat of the Amalekites
The Visit of Jethro
Jethro Advises Moses
Israel at Mount Sinai
The LORD Visits Sinai
The Ten Commandments
Moses Comforts the People
Idolatry Forbidden
Hebrew Servants
Personal Injury Laws
Property Laws
Laws of Social Responsibility
Justice and Mercy
Sabbath Laws
The Three Feasts of Pilgrimage
God’s Angel to Lead
The Covenant Sealed
Moses on the Mountain
Offerings for the Tabernacle
The Ark of the Covenant
The Mercy Seat
The Table of Showbread
The Lampstand
The Ten Curtains for the Tabernacle
The Eleven Curtains of Goat Hair
The Frames and Bases
The Veil
The Curtain for the Entrance
The Bronze Altar
The Courtyard
The Oil for the Lamps
Garments for the Priests
The Ephod
The Breastpiece
Additional Priestly Garments
Consecration of the Priests
The Order of the Sacrifices
Food for the Priests
The Daily Offerings
God Will Dwell among the People
The Altar of Incense
The Census Offering
The Bronze Basin
The Anointing Oil
The Incense
Bezalel and Oholiab
The Sign of the Sabbath
Moses Receives the Tablets
The Golden Calf
The Command to Leave Sinai
The Tent of Meeting
The Promise of God’s Presence
New Stone Tablets
The LORD Renews the Covenant
The Sabbath
Offerings for the Tabernacle
The Skilled Craftsmen
The People Offer Gifts
Bezalel and Oholiab
The People Bring More than Enough
The Ten Curtains for the Tabernacle
The Eleven Curtains of Goat Hair
The Frames and Bases
The Veil
The Curtain for the Entrance
Constructing the Ark
The Mercy Seat
The Table of Showbread
The Lampstand
The Altar of Incense
The Bronze Altar
The Bronze Basin
The Courtyard
An Inventory of Materials
The Ephod
The Breastpiece
Additional Priestly Garments
Moses Approves the Work
Setting Up the Tabernacle
The Cloud and the Glory