Job’s Character and Wealth
Satan’s First Attack
Job Loses His Children and Possessions
Job Loses His Health
Job’s Three Friends
Job Laments His Birth
Eliphaz: The Innocent Prosper
Eliphaz Continues: God Blesses those Who Seek Him
Job Replies: My Complaint Is Just
Job Continues: Life Seems Futile
Bildad: Job Should Repent
Job: How Can I Contend with God?
Job’s Plea to God
Zophar Rebukes Job
Job Presents His Case
Job Prepares His Case
Job Laments the Finality of Death
Eliphaz: Job Does Not Fear God
Job Decries His Comforters
Job Prepares for Death
Bildad: God Punishes the Wicked
Job: My Redeemer Lives
Zophar: Destruction Awaits the Wicked
Job: God Will Punish the Wicked
Eliphaz: Can a Man Be of Use to God?
Job Longs for God
Job: Judgment for the Wicked
Bildad: Man Cannot Be Righteous
Job: Who Can Understand God’s Majesty?
Job Affirms His Integrity
The Wicked Man’s Portion
Where Can Wisdom Be Found?
Job’s Former Blessings
Job’s Honor Turned to Contempt
Job’s Prosperity Becomes Calamity
Job’s Final Appeal
Elihu Rebukes Job’s Friends
Elihu Rebukes Job
Elihu Confirms God’s Justice
Elihu Recalls God’s Justice
Elihu Describes God’s Power
Elihu Proclaims God’s Majesty
The LORD Challenges Job
The LORD Speaks of His Creation
Job Humbles Himself before the LORD
The LORD Challenges Job Again
The LORD’s Power Shown in Leviathan
Job Submits Himself to the LORD
The LORD Rebukes Job’s Friends
The LORD Blesses Job