Nehemiah’s Prayer
Nehemiah Sent to Jerusalem
Nehemiah Inspects the Walls
The Builders of the Walls
The Work Ridiculed
Discouragement Overcome
Nehemiah Defends the Oppressed
Nehemiah’s Generosity
Sanballat’s Conspiracy
Completion of the Wall
Securing the City
The List of Returning Exiles
Offerings by the Exiles
Ezra Reads the Law
The Feast of Tabernacles
The People Confess Their Sins
Signers of the Covenant
The Vows of the Covenant
Jerusalem’s New Settlers
Residents Outside Jerusalem
The Priests and Levites Who Returned
The Dedication of the Wall
Provisions for Temple Worship
Foreigners Excluded
The Temple Cleansed
Tithes Restored
The Sabbath Restored
Intermarriage Forbidden