The First Census of Israel
The Leaders of the Tribes
The Number of Every Tribe
The Exemption of the Levites
The Order of the Camps
The Sons of Aaron
The Duties of the Levites
The Numbering of the Levites
The Gershonites
The Kohathites
The Merarites
Moses and Aaron
The Redemption of the Firstborn
The Duties of the Kohathites
The Duties of the Gershonites
The Duties of the Merarites
The Numbering of the Levite Clans
Cleansing the Camps
Restitution for Trespasses
The Adultery Test
The Nazirite Vow
Aaron’s Blessing
Offerings of Dedication
The Lampstand
Cleansing the Levites
Retirement for Levites
The Second Passover
The Cloud above the Tabernacle
The Two Silver Trumpets
From Sinai to Paran
The Complaints of the People
The Complaint of Moses
Seventy Elders Anointed
The Quail and the Plague
The Complaint of Miriam and Aaron
The Spies Explore Canaan
The Reports of the Spies
Israel’s Rebellion
Moses Intercedes for Israel
God’s Forgiveness and Judgment
The Plague on the Ten Spies
The Defeat at Hormah
Laws about Offerings
Offerings for Unintentional Sins
A Sabbath-Breaker Stoned
The Law of Tassels
Korah’s Rebellion
Moses Separates the People
The Earth Swallows Korah
The Censers Reserved for Holy Use
Murmuring and Plague
Aaron’s Staff Buds
Duties of Priests and Levites
Offerings for Priests and Levites
The Red Heifer
Purification of the Unclean
Water from the Rock
Edom Refuses Passage
The Death of Aaron
The Defeat of Arad
The Bronze Serpent
The Journey to Moab
The Defeat of Sihon
The Defeat of Og
Balak Summons Balaam
The Angel and Balaam’s Donkey
Balaam’s First Oracle
Balaam’s Second Oracle
Balaam’s Third Oracle
Balak Dismisses Balaam
Balaam’s Fourth Oracle
Balaam’s Final Three Oracles
Moab Seduces Israel
The Zeal of Phinehas
The Second Census of Israel
The Tribe of Reuben
The Tribe of Simeon
The Tribe of Gad
The Tribe of Judah
The Tribe of Issachar
The Tribe of Zebulun
The Tribe of Manasseh
The Tribe of Ephraim
The Tribe of Benjamin
The Tribe of Dan
The Tribe of Asher
The Tribe of Naphtali
Inheritance by Lot
The Levites Numbered
Only Caleb and Joshua Remain
The Daughters of Zelophehad
Moses Requests a Successor
Joshua to Succeed Moses
The Daily Offerings
The Sabbath Offerings
The Monthly Offerings
Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread
The Feast of Weeks
The Feast of Trumpets
The Day of Atonement
The Feast of Tabernacles
Laws about Vows
Vengeance on Midian
Division of the Spoils
The Voluntary Offering
The Tribes East of the Jordan
Forty-Two Journeys of the Israelites
Instructions for Occupying Canaan
The Boundaries of Canaan
Leaders to Divide the Land
Forty-Eight Cities for the Levites
Six Cities of Refuge
Zelophehad’s Daughters Marry