The Beginning of Knowledge
The Enticement of Sin
Wisdom Calls Aloud
The Benefits of Wisdom
Trust in the LORD with All Your Heart
The Blessings of Wisdom
A Father’s Instruction
Avoiding Immorality
Warnings against Foolishness
Warnings against Adultery
Warnings about the Adulteress
The Excellence of Wisdom
The Way of Wisdom
The Way of Folly
Solomon’s Proverbs: The Wise Son
Dishonest Scales
Loving Discipline and Knowledge
A Father’s Discipline
The Wise Woman
A Gentle Answer Turns Away Wrath
The Reply of the Tongue Is from the LORD
Better a Dry Morsel in Quietness
The Selfishness of the Unfriendly
The Man of Integrity
Wine Is a Mocker
The King’s Heart
A Good Name
Thirty Sayings of the Wise
Saying 1
Saying 2
Saying 3
Saying 4
Saying 5
Saying 6
True Riches
Saying 7
Saying 8
Saying 9
Saying 10
Saying 11
Saying 12
Saying 13
Saying 14
Saying 15
Saying 16
Saying 17
Saying 18
Saying 19
Do Not Envy
Saying 20
Saying 21
Saying 22
Saying 23
Saying 24
Saying 25
Saying 26
Saying 27
Saying 28
Saying 29
Saying 30
Further Sayings of the Wise
More Proverbs of Solomon
Similitudes and Instructions
Do Not Boast about Tomorrow
The Boldness of the Righteous
The Flourishing of the Righteous
The Words of Agur
The Sayings for King Lemuel
The Virtues of a Noble Woman